
Don't abort the baby

"What solution, hun?" Sonya doesn't believe there's a way out aside from abortion right now.

Her mind was still full with Gregory and Clara's issues and then sleeping with a stranger and now a baby crowned it?

What would she tell the child when he or she asked who the dad was?

Would she tell him/her that it was a one night stand?

That would be the prime reason for bullying in school as the child grow.

She didn't want something like that to happen. It might be something both of them would be having sad moments on, in the future.

"Clara, I think aborting it would be a good choice. I shouldn't be soft. It hasn't taken a human form, so I'm guessing it's okay, right? Oh god! I don't think I can do this." She ranted and Clara hugged her tightly.

"Let's talk about this later. For now, I think you need to rest." Clara said, not knowing what else to say and wanted to call Leo.

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