
Time to head back to UK!

Masaru was currently sitting in the lounge room after reading the reports about the village from Ulrika he knew that something was happening, although Ajuka managed to contact other mythology and faction powers to seal up any remaining gates that might unleash the old ones the witches in Greater Malling was simply too suspicious.

Because of the Magic Association, no one could thoroughly investigate the area to see if there is perhaps another gate there. Even the devil Ulrika sent to investigate had to leave when some Magicians came because they received a report that there was a devil, and the strangest thing was the fact it was reported by... a Witch.

"So you will be heading off to meet with the Pendragon Family in the UK?" Diana asked Masaru still feeling a bit conflicted but she could not stop Masaru who already replied that he would accept the invitation and head over.

"Yes, I will go over as a student and meet up with them since that old man calling me now after all these years since he gave me my sword it must be important" Masaru answered, he still remembered that old man who gave him his sword which became a part of his sacred gear.

Diana simply sighed so Masaru continued, "And for that, I will be going alone. While I am gone Akeno will be in charge of managing Kobe town and Ingvild will be in charge of managing everyone's schedules so you all can keep visiting your clients and do your devil work"

"But will you be fine alone?" Hearing their concerns Masaru smiled confidently, ever since the progress of his soul's recovery was going on. He felt he will be able to handle much tougher opponents.

"I will be fine, so far my hidden injuries are almost gone so my combat power has levelled up. Besides I will only be going to visit that family" They naturally knew of Masaru's mission but each of them also knows his capabilities so they did not further ask questions since they knew Masaru deciding to move meant he was confident so it was fine.

The farewell party that was held for Masaru was held at home since Masaru will be using teleportation magic to head straight to the UK without using an aeroplane, he was there already once so he already grasped the coordinates. It will be his first official mission solo since starting school and he intends to take it slow to make sure he eradicates any possibility of those witches opening another gate.


"Edward, Are you certain we can slip that Devil in this plan? We are sending him to Yorkshire on the L.E.A.F. (Liberty and Education Achieved through Fostering) Project which is for criminals who is underage to be reformed" One of the elders spoke, the elder who gave Masaru the sword who is called Edward nodded.

"He will be perfect, his knowledge in magic and sword not to mention his experience in facing the witches and the creatures behind them who else can we send to infiltrate the location? We already sent two young swordsmen but they both ended up dead! And we can't send an adult there without alerting the witches that will call the Magic Association to chase them away!" Edward muttered feeling just as frustrated at their losses.

It has been a while since the gate event took place and the Pendragon Family was high on guard against these witches especially when they received a report of no witches in Yorkshire nor Greater Malling from an anonymous person.

Naturally, they did not believe it at first so they sent two students to have a look around but the last message they have gotten from them before they found them dead was also the fact they could not sense any witches, this made them feel surprised but felt fear thinking those Witches could move around undetected so they began searching for an ideal candidate to infiltrate through this program since Yorkshire has signed up for this program.

"So we will have the boy infiltrate, he is strong and smart exactly what we need" Edward concluded, the surrounding elders did not raise any complaints about this since they did not want to send any more younger generations in to just get slaughtered.

Seeing that no one was raising objections Edward smiled "Since that is the case, we the Pendragons naturally need to at least prepare a suitable reward for him... We can't expect a helping hand for free"

"But you gave him Hrunting! It was a Demonic Dragon Slaying sword which we held on for so long in hopes to find a perfect wielder for it" Edward looked at the elder who raised an objection.

"That sword is demonic, it corrupts the mind... You want to tell everyone here you intent to sacrifice many of our younger generations for it!?" Hearing this the elder pulled back when some of the higher status elders glared at him.

Raising strong and competent younger generations were getting harder with each passing generation, not every young talent could be compared to their sole star. Their hope, Arthur Pendragon had left them for some reason without saying anything and disappeared.

Due to this incident, the family became incredibly strict in their teachings as well as being quite protective over their younger generation. There was even some suggestions to create a technique that could maintain absolute loyalty towards the Pendragons. As for that specific suggestion, it was forgotten whether it was being implemented or not. Who knows.

"Now then...?" Edward looked towards those who were sitting at the higher seats which were the higher status elders, they were speaking among themselves before nodding.

"Very well you may give it to him since those bloody churches stole our families heirloom we might as well prevent them from taking the last piece of it... But are you certain you can trust the boy with it?" The elder asked since he could not entirely accept this, so he wanted to ensure that Edward would take responsibility for it if the boy ever becomes a threat for the Pendragons.

Edward smiled as he knew what this old man wanted to do, he simply did not care and answered "I would not have sent a proposal if I did not trust my judgement, the fact the boy responded to my invitation was the first test I had given to him, I have several other tests for him to pass before I will allow him to have it. Because it is our family heirloom after all"

The higher up elders nodded, while the patriarch thought 'If only Arthur did not abandon our family we could still have the strength to protect it but some of those bastards in the church are pushing for it, they're incredibly shameless with their ways of spreading rumours how Excalibur was one of their saint's artefacts... From the rumours, they started to experiment in making Excalibur wielders... Those damned madmen'


Next morning Akeno and the girls were going to school, as usual, the boys were all a bit taken aback at the fact the demon king was not around but so far there was none who approached the girls at all as they all were aware it was futile.

School went on as normal but Sona along with Tsubaki came to visit the Disciplinary Committee to get some answers as she was worried something happened to cause Masaru request sick leave for a month which was simply too long and completely unnatural, normally it would only be a few days.

But when she came to the reception she saw Ichika talking with the students who came to report another pervert peeping on them, when Ichika saw Sona she gestured for her to go in so long. Ichika simply could not finish the talking with the girls anytime soon just yet.

"Afternoon Ingvild, is everything going alright?" Ingvild saw Sona entered the office and when Ingvild gestured for her to take a seat did she and Tsubaki take a seat.

"Everything is fine, Sona Kaichou why have you come today? I am quite sure there is no longer need to inspect us" Ingvild asked since she was quite curious why Sona would come personally.

Sona sighed feeling a bit conflicted why Ingvild would ask this but then again every time they came it was under the pretext of inspection to hide it when there are students nearby. "I want to ask if something happened to Masaru? Why would he suddenly request school leave?"

"Oh that, well I can't divulge the nature of his work but Masaru-sama has gone off to complete a mission" Ingvild answered without revealing anything about the work.

This was because his work was sensitive and any information could cause trouble if used wrongly. Since that was the case, Masaru made sure to tell his girls that sharing this information will only become troublesome for them and that who would be too ignorant of the situation will try to get involved especially these two heiresses at school.

Sona sighed once more, she felt somewhat down when she realized that she will not be able to play chess with Masaru for a while. However, since she came to visit. She still chatted a bit with Ingvild like when he would come back and such.

"Akeno neesama, here is the client feedback forms!" Stephani was helping Akeno actively under Masaru's orders since Yui was supporting Ingvild.

Akeno was reading through the reviews till she saw a review that made her pause, the name is written on it was Azazel but she never heard of this instance before so she read the report and realized the date Masaru received mysteriously his first summon request turned out to be him.

From the looks of the report, it appears Azazel enjoyed his company especially in their gaming sessions giving him a high score, naturally Akeno slipped this report in the hidden compartment of Masaru's desk for him to read it later since the name was a sensitive subject.

Everest was currently creating snacks while Yui was brewing tea for everyone, normally Ichika would make the tea but since the number of peepers discovered in the school in one day when Masaru was not here was quite shocking. Guess the boys had pent up energy from suffering Masaru's experiments at their favourite spots to peep.

"EH!? So Masaru really is not here?" Rias also came to visit Akeno whom she enjoys chatting with to check if Masaru really was not at school today, but it turned out to be true.

"Welcome Rias, you coming to visit?" Akeno greeted Rias who came over chatting with her. Thus was the daily lives of the girls back in school.


"Welcome boy, it has been a while" Edward greets Masaru with a broad grin seeing this boy was actually still fine, he was surprised to sense the swordsman aura around Masaru did not stagnate but progressed tremendously compared to when he first met the boy.

"It sure has been old man, thanks for the sword between" Masaru extended his hand to which the old man gripped it firmly and gave it a shake, when Edward heard this he was again surprised at how accurate he was that this boy would be able to subdue that sword.

"Congratulations, most people normally lose their minds when contracting that sword though"

Drago who heard this screamed but no one heard him.

[It's because you bastards sealed me up! I could not see the outside world. Since you all wanted to prevent me from going out, naturally I will have to take revenge on you and your descendants!!]

Masaru naturally did not say anything to or about what Drago said and only followed Edward, he was quite surprised to see this old man managed to improve his abilities despite being at an advanced age.

"You have already gotten the general idea of the mission, we only need you to see if there is any proof of a gate existing near Greater Malling as well as see if you can find out where the Witches went since I honestly can't believe they simply went up and gone like the wind" Masaru nodded, thanks to Ulrika's speculations and information he was more or less prepared for this mission.

Edward nodded feeling satisfied at how serious Masaru was taking this mission, he continued, "We already created a false identity for you, this naturally includes someone who will assist in changing your looks with the new technology the MI5 which we arranged for you. Lucky for you there will be no meeting, no check-ups you will only sleep one night in a white room and your foster parent will arrive"

"What should I do if I find the witches and gate?" Masaru asked, although he personally would prefer to destroy everything immediately. However, since this was a mission from the Pendragons, he had to follow according to their plans unless by luck something happens and he can move accordingly to his desire.

Edward looked sternly as he answered, "Report immediately, don't play a hero as you did in Kyoto boy, we need to contain the situation so something like that will not happen in this land otherwise that girl from the shadow land might leave and that will be terrifying"

Masaru was quite curious about the girl Edward just mentioned, but when he noticed this old man was slightly shivering from mentioning that girl he could guess this girl must be insanely powerful. However, he agreed that such a mission should be dealt with as a team, such a big situation could not be handled solo unless one had power to overturn this unreasonable world.

"The detective who is responsible for introducing your foster parent is Fred Thompson, he is a good cop from our family who also is helping us getting you into this L.E.A.F project the government has started so if there are any questions you will be able to ask him"

Just as Edward said when Masaru was delivered to the police department he was led into a room that was almost completely white if it was not for the metal bed base, chair and table in the room with a water-filled jug and glass.

Shortly some people entered the room with some hair dyes, a strange mask material that was not yet carved which is probably what they would use to change his facial features. It was a few hours of hard work before Masaru could take a look at finding how he transformed from having looks similar to his father to look like a delinquent.

His hair was dyed blonde, his facial features became more average that could be found almost everywhere across this land. If there was something that set him apart from common boys, it would be the single scar running over his eye which is part of his "Identity" where his father strikes him with a kitchen knife because of his crime he committed.

When the people left there was nothing else for him to do so Masaru ate some food in his bracelet before whisking himself to sleep so the next day arrives faster.

The next day Masaru was led into a small room that looks quite similar to those Interrogation rooms of the FBI series he sometimes watches back in Kuoh Town, but luckily he was not here as a criminal. No his record says he is a criminal.

Sitting in front of Masaru was Fred with a rugged face, his unshaven beard and weary eyes, his body appears to be quite skinny probably from overworking while wearing formal clothes although slightly unkempt way. "So your Steve Patrick, age 14, from Folkestone, crime: You robbed an old lady!?"

Masaru said nothing as Fred was sharing his background story with him in a form of him reading his history to him.

'Robbing an old woman... Who the hell came up with such an absurd idea!?' Masaru thought feeling his finger twitching to beat that said person up.

Soon the door opens up as a female Officer allows an old lady appears to be in her 40's, her hands wrinkled due to her old age however strangely her face was without any wrinkles such contradictions.

Her grey hair was tied in a bun hiding under the cover of her hat, the clothes she wore were quite old and appear to have been made long ago. This indicates that the lady or someone she knew, knitted her clothes for her personally.

Her name was Jessy Campbells and was the chosen foster parent for Masaru's period of time he will be staying together with her. From the information given to Masaru, it seems that he will be living in their farm located near the Greater Malling for a period of time. Masaru could not help but applaud the Pendragons who managed to make use of a Government program to slip him inside the enemies territory undetected.

"Good Morning Detective Fred, Good Morning Dear" Jessy greeted the detective politely but she appeared to be even more kind towards Masaru who despite having a stoic face as per his background story felt cringe at the old lady's behaviour.

It was not that he hated the lady, however, the manner she was acting towards him made him incredibly uncomfortable. He was quite curious to know if people from Greater Malling would all act so overly familiar towards strangers as she does.

There was another thing that bothered him, he was not certain if this woman was a witch. he knew from the information that Witches could not be sensed. Nor could he use magic to test several sensing magic as that would give him away, thus he could only proceed while taking the possibility this woman was a witch.

What Masaru did not realize was that his decision saved him this time, as this woman was indeed a witch and she came in-person to inspect of Masaru was a spy sent to infiltrate their homes. With the aid of the spellbook, Masaru could cover up his Demonic Energy and superior Ki from being sensed by the witches without alerting them. As far as he knew, they would perceive him as an average teenager they can find anywhere.

"Morning Ms Jessy Campbells, I am quite surprised to see you came here earlier than scheduled" Fred spoke without feeling bothered about the difference in treatment.

Jessy smiled warmly yet the smile was oddly not that friendly as she explained "Naturally I came early, the amount of buses one can take to reach where we live is too few! And most of them are only early morning or very late at night!"

Fred did not bother reacting to this old lady's nagging, the documents were completed quite fast since most of it was already arranged by the Pendragon family.

Masaru naturally did not have a bag with him since he had his bracelet that was upgraded with a camouflage function to prevent it from being detected, Jessy took hold of his hand as the two of them left the building. "Steve, I have not investigated your past nor am I interested in it... I only want to give you a second chance to turn over a new leaf and live as a respectable human should"

Jessy began her lecture to which Masaru was not entirely listening because he had been feeling his entire body been having an itchy feeling surfacing over it like he was near something dangerous, trusting his instincts he knew this woman was not simple so he kept mum and stoic while walking with her to appear like he was listening to her.

Jessy, however, misunderstood Masaru and even began to fawn over him feeling so sorry for this child who was probably not brought up the correct way by his parents. Due to that he rebelled and did something stupid to earn their attention. "Such a poor boy, don't worry Grandma Jessy will look after you very well"

Masaru who heard this almost fell face-first on the ground, he gritted his teeth while ensuring that Jessy did not pick up a change of expression from his face 'Whoever it is... must hate me very much... for making me go through this... torture'

11/08/2020 - changes made

About 4,000 years ago:

God: The earth is covered with nothing but sins! I shall create a great plague and every living thing on Earth will die!

Fish: *Winks at God and slips him a $20 note*

God: Correction, I shall create a great flood!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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