
Bonus Lesson: A New Hero?

Hi guys, my name is Trace Hoshikawa, I´m uploading to my channel because I´m going to be the protagonist of the next series, I´m a super cool dude that all the chicks want to be with.

Yeah right loser! Nobody wants to be with a weird short pervert with no talent, Hahaha

Oh shut up, stay out of the camera! Pay no attention to the one who said that, she is blonde girl with super huge boobies; I know she likes me but denies it. Anyway, I will have the chance to show off my talent as the number one esper suit user.

Hahaha, stop lying man, you´re the worst in controlling your esper suit, and you suck at your grades along with your whole class.

Shut up, you, man why do they keep popping out in my filming area, once again pay no attention to that guy, he might be one of the top students that controls his esper suit perfectly, and yes he might be in Class 2-A but my class totally rocks, we´re Class 2-D and we rock!

Well we just lost our home room teacher but that because she couldn't withstand our awesomeness. Anyway our Director which by the way is a beauty, she has orange hair, cute glasses and a body that´s out of this world said that we would be getting a new homeroom teacher. Man I hope she´s a babe, with huge boobies like the Principal. Man, Sakura High school rocks! You get to see hot girls in short skirts, and see them in any shape and sizes. We have lolis, big breasted ones, tsunedere and yandere, man this is the best thing ever! Join my quest to become the number one member of Yggdrasil even though I suck right now, but I promise I will be the number one someday, what I need is a cool master, maybe a hot chick or a MILF!


OOps, somebody has arrived to the classroom, I hope it's my new Substitute Homeroom teacher. My time is up but don't forget to follow my adventures in, wait…my homeroom teacher is guy! Aww man, a blue hair dude with green eyes and he is getting the attention of all the girls, well that sucks, hehehe, anyway please read the next series:


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