
Vol. 13 - Chapter 10: Melissa Lucifugus

Part 1 – Ministry of San Juan

Carolina and Fabiola stand in front of Melissa, Melissa who has an evil glare begins to ask:

"Well Carolina, you were very quick to react to my attack, I guess sleeping for three months did not make you lose your edge."

"No Melissa, true strength lies within that is what I thought you however; I appreciate if you do not cast a spell on me again." Carolina replies with a sarcastic tone, Melissa continues to speak:

"Now I understand, maybe it was when I was fighting the Headless Horseman that my spell weakened permitting Griselda´s prayer to reach you. That spell was supposed to cause you sleep forever. Well I guess it wasn't perfect."

Carolina takes a few steps forward and chants; "Ven y protegeme de todo mal; Lanza Divina de San Marcos." (Come and protect m from all evil; Divine lance of Saint Marcos.)

Carolina summons her lance; her lance is white with a silver blade in the tipoff the lance. Melissa smiles; she makes her lance appear and takes a stance:

"Sister Carolina, it´s a shame but I am afraid I must kill you."

"STOP MELISSA, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, YOU ARE NOT LIKE THAT?" Fabiola screams with tears in her eyes, Melissa looks at Fabiola, changes her expression to a serious one, and begins to ask:

"Let me ask you this, have you ever been in the verge of death? Have you felt that God has abandoned you? You who are sisters of faith, have you ever lost your faith?"

Carolina and Fabiola look at Melissa confused, Melissa begins to cry:

"Well I have, I´ve seen how God abandoned me, I died once, but Aleister brought me back to life, and for that I will follow him for the rest of my life."


Melissa begins to release manna causing a purple pillar to rise to the sky, Melissa begins to remember her past.

Part 2 – During the Attack of the Chupacabras

Melissa is an orphan founded by Griselda 16 years ago in front of a church. She was raised in the Ministry of San Juan. She became a nun and was under the care of Carolina. During those years, the Ministry was a large place filled with many nuns and priests. During the attack of the Chupacabras, many of her sisters disappeared or abducted by the Chupacabras. On the night before the attack, Melissa had a strange encounter:

"Good night Melissa" The three sisters say good-bye to Melissa and Carolina who are washing the dishes. Melissa looks Carolina with a worried expression, and begins to speak:

"Sister, we must have faith, I know that the situation is hard right now. I pray every night that a savior will come to stop that man."

"I pray too, but don't worry; the Order will send people to help us. She was my mentor meaning that she is strong. Just have faith okay"

"Faith is the only thing I have." Melissa and Carolina chuckle, Carolina goes to the table to pick up the dishes, Melissa is finishing washing the ones in the sink, suddenly, Melissa begins to shiver, and she looks at the window and sees her reflection. At first, the reflection looks normal; however, it begins to fog. The left part of her face turns into a demonic being, with horns and blue eyes.


Melissa lets go of plate causing it break, she steps back, and Carolina touches her shoulder asking; "Are you okay?" Melissa comes to her senses and looks at the mirror once more. The mirror is back to normal, she answers with a low tone; "Yes, I´m fine, I´m just a little tire, sorry I must go to bed." Melissa leaves the room leaving Carolina worried.

Melissa walks in the corridor thinking what just happened; she notices water running down in the floor. She hears a demonic voice saying:


Melissa looks up and sees a demonic figure; the figure has wings and blue eyes. Melissa gets scare and turns around, however the demon was behind her. The demon turns into a serpent and bites her causing her to faint. Carolina who just finished washing the plates looks at Melissa lying on the ground, she runs towards her screaming:

"Melissa, what happened to you, are you okay, Answer me!"

"Where am I?" Melissa asks herself as she slowly opens her eyes, she looks around and there is water everywhere. "Am I floating, I this dream?"

Suddenly, a giant serpent figure passes next to her causing her move away drastically, "GYYYAHHHH" She stops and her eyes, the serpent is in front of her, the serpent begins to laugh:

"Young girl, you have been chosen to be my next vessel."

"W-W-Who are you?" Melissa asks with a frightened tone, the serpent laughs and replies:

"You will know when the time comes."

"W-W-WAIT!" Melissa wakes up and sees Fabiola looking at her; she smiles and says:

"You´re awake, thank God."

"Melissa what happened to you?" Carolina asks with a preoccupied face, Melissa decides to not say anything as she smiles:

"I just felt sick that´s all, I´m sorry if I made you worry."

Carolina looks with suspicion however, she decides not to ask further. "Could let me speak with Carolina alone please, Fabiola?"

Fabiola leaves the room, Melissa looks at Carolina and with a depressing tone, she says:

"It appears I am the next sacrifice. Carolina please help me…."

Carolina looks at her with shock and ask; "How do you know that?"

"I know because I had the feeling since yesterday, please help me I don´t want o die." Melissa begins to cry, Carolina hugs her saying:

"I promise that I will protect you."

During the last night, Melissa decides to speak to Fabiola one last time:

"Listen Fabiola, I will have to leave you guys for a long time, I want you to protect your sisters." Melissa says to Fabiola while she hugs her. Fabiola replies:

"But do you have to leave, the other sisters haven't return yet, please don't go!"

"I must in order to protect you." Melissa replies as she stands up from the bed and walks to the door.

"Whatever you do, stay alive okay!" Melissa says as she leaves with tears on her eyes.

An hour later Fabiola was sleeping when she hears a strange sound. She goes to the window and sees Melissa walking to the outside of the ministry. Fabiola tries to get her attention by knocking on the window but she doesn't respond. She sees Sister Carolina run as fast as she can to stop her when suddenly the winged monster descends and takes Melissa without putting any fight.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Fabiola screams as she breaks the window in order to save Melissa. She sees Carolina throw her Lance of San Marcos at the beast but fails. Fabiola tries to go after Melissa, but Sister Carolina saying stops her: "There is nothing we can do my little one she is gone now for the sake of us."

Fabiola picks up a cross that Melissa always had and begins to cry calling her name as the monster and Melissa disappeared at the distance. Aleister notices something weird and decides to investigate; he opens a portal and heads towards the Chupacabras.

In the cave located near the hills, the Chupacabras is sucking Melissa´s blood. A conscious Melissa begins to cry as she thinks:

"Somebody, help me, God why did you leave me? Carolina, why didn´t you protect me?"

The Chupacabras is about to kill her, suddenly a portal opens and Aleister dressed as El Muerto appears and says:

"That´s enough, get away from her."

The Chupacabras flies away, Melissa looks at El Muerto, he takes off his mask and begins to speak:

"Poor girl, I don't know why, but I feel that you are special. Tell me do you want to live?"

Melissa begins to lift her arm replying; "Please help me…" Aleister smiles and says:

"Very well, I will give you this pill called manna light, you are going to be reborn as my servant, you will dedicate you life to me…" Aleister puts the pill in her mouth; Melissa begins to eat as she thinks:

"God has abandoned me, he deceived me…"

"That´s right, he deceived you, that´s why you poor soul will be reborn as my vessel." A giant appears in front of her, the serpent turns into a woman, and the woman has dark blue hair and yellow eyes resembling a serpent. Melissa looks with fear and asks:

"Who are you? Why am I your vessel?"

"I am one of the four kings of hell, you can call me Leviathan" The woman reply to Melissa, Melissa looks frightened but Leviathan touches her face saying:

"Don´t be scared, I am here to help you find your revenge. You see I need you as well, we are one."

"We are one?" Melissa asks with doubt, "That´s right, I have been with you all you life, now it´s time for you to awaken and have my power. Melissa you and I are going to take revenge on this world."

Melissa´s eyes begin to change as she makes a sinister smile saying; "That's right, we are going to take revenge on this world." Leviathan hugs Melissa causing both of them to shine. –BBBBBBBOOOOMMMM- Manna flows out of her body, her appearance changed with silver hair and yellow eyes. Aleister with a surprised face smiles and asks:

"How are you feeling, may I ask you name?"

Melissa looks at Aleister and replies; "Melissa, Melissa", she stops emitting manna, looks at her appearance, Aleister chuckles, and says:

"I see I made a great decision, you are special, having one of the four kings of the Hell, within you, how ironic that you are nun. Now then, what do you say about joining me?"

Melissa walks towards him, she puts her arms around his neck and replies; " Sure, I have nowhere to go and I want more power." Aleister nods and comments:

"Excellent, from this day forth you will have my surname; Melissa Lucifugus"

"Melissa Lucifugus, I love it…" Melissa smiles and kisses Aleister in the mouth, Aleister separates from her and says; "Welcome to the family." They continue to kiss passionately as the cave crumbles.

In order to control her power, she was put into a sleeping spell for a few months until the night Darius decided to wake her up, where she confronted Carolina.

Part 3 - Ministry of San Juan

"You don´t know how scare I was, the pain I felt when the Chupacabras took me and sucked my blood away. I literally died that night. But Aleister brought me back, and thanks to my new power I found a new purpose." Melissa begins to change her appearance; her hair changes into a silver color, and her eyes change into a yellow mustard color similar to a serpent. Black wings grow from her back, she begins to float slowly as she laughs:

"Carolina, Fabiola; This is my power, the power of on of the four kings of Hell; Leviathan"

"Did you say Leviathan?" Carolina with a fearful expression looks at Melissa, Melissa nods in agreement, Carolina begins to cry asking:

"Why, why did you make a pact with a demon, you were a soldier of God.."

"That´s right, and God didn´t protect me, he only observed me getting killed. Leviathan gave me power and Aleister gave me a purpose to live. I serve him under the name of Melissa Lucifugus." Melissa makes her lance appear, the lance changes color into black with a red blade at the tip. Carolina looks down and begins to apologize:

"I´m sorry I was weak, I couldn't protect you that night. But I swear that I will save you tonight!"

Fabiola only looks at Melissa with fear, Carolina tells Fabiola to step back. Fabiola with tears in her eyes only asks; "Sister Melissa, you weren't like that, why?"

"MELISSA I WILL STOP YOU!" Carolina throws her lance towards Melissa, Melissa blocks it , Carolina jumps and grabs it again, Melissa with great speed kicks Carolina sending her to the ground.


Carolina stands up, Melissa flies towards her trying to stab her multiple times, Carolina blocks the attack, charges manna in the lance and creates water, and Carolina begins to chant:

"Agua Bendita, Dardos" (Holy Water; Darts)

Carolina swings the lance making drops of water that charge with great speed to Melissa, Melissa spins her lance and blocks the attacks. Carolina jumps back thinking:

"There is only a way to stop her, I´m sorry Melissa."

Carolina stops and puts her lance in front holding it with her two hands. She begins to gather manna as she chants:

"En el nombre de mi señor te libero: ¡FORMA DIVINA-MARCOS!" (In the name of our Lord, I release you; DIVINE FORM MARCOS"

The cross in the spear begins to shine, suddenly Carolina shines as well, her hair changes into a golden color along with her eyes that glow a golden color as well. Her dress changes from black to white with a yellow belt in her hips. Wings begin to grow in her back and a golden circular crown like an angel glows behind her.

Melissa looks with excitement, water begins to form surrounding Carolina, Carolina flies charging towards Melissa. With her water, Carolina swings her lance Melissa releases her manna and charges as well.


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