
Chapter 92 - Mahora Festival Final Arc 7

Sorry for another flash back!

A little flashback before Shirou came to the changing room to meet Ako. At the Feeris Wheel, Rin offers Chisame a pactio. Which obviously made Shirou and Chachamaru feel shocked.

"Uh, can you tell me what pactio is?" Asked Chisame who was confused by Rin offer.

Pactio is a special ritual performed by a mage to make the pactio partner of the mage get an artifact with special power," Rin replied. "And a people who became a pactio partner with a mage will become a support that will help a mage in battle."

"Tohsaka-san," said Chisame."You want me to became partner who will helps Shirou-kun in a battle?"

"Yup, that's right," said Rin. "You will become one of Shirou pactio partner!"

"Wait a minute," said Chisame. "What do you mean by one of Shirou-kun pactio partner! Are Shirou-kun already has a pactio partner before me?"

"Well yeah of course his partner is me, Asuna, Konoka, Sakura, Arturia, and Setsuna," said Rin. "So far only 6 partners!"

"Do you want to make a harem for Shirou-kun?" Chisame asked with an angry look.

"Nah that was not my intention at first, but Shirou had a lot of admires that I think have a potential to help him," Rin replied." So I think, so what if Shirou have a harem? As long Shirou will always choose me as his main wife."

"Rin, I don't want to add another Pactio partner," said Shirou. "If you add another pactio partner for me, it will only make a trouble for me!"

"Shut up Shirou!" Shouted Rin. "This is all for you sake!"

"For my sake my ass!" Shirou said. "All you want is the money that will you have if you make another pactio partner for me!"

"I-I said shut up!" Rin said. "A-all that money is needed for your sake too!"

'Tohsaka Rin is a mercenary girl, huh,' Chsame said to herself.

"Then Tohsaka can you tell me what kind abilities that Shirou-kun pactio partner have?" Asked Chisame.

"First me as Shirou number one Pactio's partner, has a strong magical ability in 5 element, you can also call as Shirou magic teacher. And Asuna, Shirou number 2 paction partner, she will be a natural enemy to all magicians with her magic cancel. And Konoka have enormous amount of magical energy plus her natural talent as a healer will be very useful in the battle.

My twin sister's Sakura has a magic talent equal to mine, her magical energy even surpasses mine.

Setsuna is Konoka's personal bodyguard, her sword skills come from an ancient sword style that specialized for eradicating youkai.

And lastly Arturia, her ability in swords art is more powerful than Setsuna, Moreover, she is are the member of the Yukihiro family who have the power equal to as Konoe family both in the ordinary world and the magical world! I wont pick a pactio partner for Shirou carelessly! All of Shirou's partner partners have something useful and beneficial for Shirou. That includes you Chisame! "

"I'm just a cosplayer!" Chisame said. "I don't have any abilities that will be useful for Shirou-kun!"

"You're wrong Chisame!" Rin said. "You have an ability that is very useful to Shirou, your hacking ability is on par with Satomi Hakase and Chao Ling Shen."

"H-how do you know I was a hacker Tohsaka-san!" Chisame said. "I-I never told that to anyone! Even when I was do a hacking, I do it very carefully. So I didn't leave any traces!"

"I have my own source for that info, Chisame-san," Rin said. "A very useful source of information!"

On the library island, Nodoka who was forced by Rin to investigate classified information about Chisame using Diarium Edjus sneezing so loud and the voice of her sneezing sound troughout the library island.

"Uuh ​​you really are a pushover Tohsaka-san," said Chisame. "Even if I do a pactio with Shirou-kun, what benefits will I get? If I don't get any benefits I don't want to do a pactio with Shirou-kun!"

"Isn't kissing a handsome man like Shirou when do a pactio is also a benefit?" Rin said.

"Ki-kissing Shirou-kun!" Chisame said. "I have to kiss Shirou-kun to do a pactio! Wh-why do I have to do such an embarrassing thing when doing pactio!"

"But kissing is the only way to do a pactio," said Rin.

"I don't want to do an embarrassing ritual like that! I don't wanna!" Chisame said. "Our conversation is over here!"

"Our conversation isn't over Chisame-chan," said Rin. "You already know about the existence of magic, and that means you already on the radar of all the mage in this school. And they will do something to you if slip out the existence about magic with your mouth!"

"Do something to me!? I don't plan to tell anyone about magic," said Chisame who felt a little afraid of Rin's word.

"What the mage will do to you is just erased your memory about magic," said Shirou.

"If they only want to erase my memory about magic I don't mind," said Chisame. "In fact, it's a good thing for me because I don't want to get involved in strange and mysterious things."

"Shirou you screw up all my plan!" Rin said. "Just a little more and I can make Chisame do a pactio with you!"

"I don't like your idea, Rin," said Shirou. "Chisame-san wants a normal life! Don't force her to join our life that full of dangerous!"

"Hmmph!" Rin said sulking.

"Chisame-san, maybe I will look a little bit pushy in front of you," Chachamaru. "But what if you ask for you wish to be granted by Shirou-Sama or Rin-san with their magic as long it's possible in exchange you will do a pactio with Shirou-Sama."

"Hmm, your offer is much better than Tohsaka-san Chachamaru," said Chisame.

"You are cruel Chisame, I talked alot until my mouth is dry but you don't want to accept my offer!" Rin said. "But Chachamaru only spoke a little but you immediately accepted her words!"

"That's because Chachamaru's offer is more reasonable and profitable than yours, Tohsaka-san," said Chisame. "Whereas your offer is only profitable for one party! Do you think I'm a fool who can be taken advantage of!? Sorry if I let you down Tohsaka-san, I'm not a stupid girl that can be conned!"

"Uggggh!" Said Rin who looked very annoyed.

"Rin, I've already told you, stop your hobby using other people just for your own benefit, without giving anything back," said Shirou.

"Shirou-sama's words are one hundred percent true Rin-san," said Chachamaru.

"Yeah, yeah, I know my mistake and I'm also sorry for the bad thing I did," Rin said. "So please don't lecture me anymore! Chisame-san quickly say what you want, Shirou and I will grant it to you, as long as your request is reasonable and not a bad thing! "

"Hmmm," said Chisame, wondering what she would ask for. "When I was little a girl I really want to do cosplay but I couldn't do it because I was feel so embarrassed, can you guys make me a little girl again? By using some illusion magic or anything?"

"If your wish is only something like that, I think I can grant it," said Shirou. "And your body will turn into a real little girl not just some shitty illusion."

"I-is that true?" Asked Chisame.

"I'm not lying to you, Chisame-san," replied Shirou. "I can make you a little girl again!"

"Hey Shirou," Rin said. "Your specialty is a projection magic right? are you know some transformation spell. Don't tell me you will use 'his' power?"

"I don't need to use 'his' Rin's power," said Shirou. "Thanks to Chamo, I found a good magic item on the magic net which is suitable for Chisame-san's wish."

"What item did you mean Shirou-sama?" Chachamaru asked.

"The name of the item is: 'Permanent age changing pill without any side effects that will allow you to have the ability to change your age between 4 years to 70 years freely after swallow only one pill!" Shirou said as he took out a glass jar with the age- changing pills inside of it from UBW. "There is some alert for this pill the age will change randomly depending on the mental state of the person that swallow the pill."

"That pill name is really supicious!" Rin said. "And again why did you buy a stupid item like that?"

"Just for fun nothing more," said Shirou. "Now, Chisame-san, do you want to try it?"

"Who wants to try some supicious pill like that!" Shouted Chisame.

"Don't be like that, Chisame-san," said Chachamaru as she took one of the pill from the glass jar that Shirou was holding. "These pills are safe!"

Chachamaru threw the pill that she was holding into Chisame's mouth, and Chisame who did not expect that Chachamaru would throw the pill into her mouth automatically eat the pill.

And in an instant Chisame body into a 7-8 years old little girl.

"Wow you look so cute!" Chachamaru said.

"What are you doing you stupid robot!" Shouted Chisame while hitting Chachamaru's stomach.

"It turns out that the pill Chisame swallowed was really an age-changing pill," Rin said. "I thought Shirou just bought fake things from Magic Net."

"I already told you! That these age-changing pills are real deal!" Shirou then took one of those age-changing pills and did a thing right like Chachamaru by throwing the pills into Rin's mouth. "You try it too!"

Rin, who didn't expect Shirou to throw the pill into her mouth, swallowed the age-changing pill directly with a gulp.

Rin turns into a 5 year old kid, and her favorite red turtle neck shirt suddenly gets too big for her.

"Shirou baka!" Shouted Rin. "Why did you make me swallow that weird pill!"

"Hehehehe, I'm sorry, Rin," said Shirou feel happy in his heart. "I just wanted to see what you looked like when you were a kid!"

"Hmmph! Shirou baka!" Rin said.

"Ahahahaha," said Chisame. "You look so cute ahahahaha!"

"You're noisy Chisame!" said Rin. "Your current condition is no different from mine!"

"At least I look older than you!" Chisame said. "And I doesn't look like a kindergarten kid like you are now Tohsaka-san!"

"They are now fighting like a little kid," said Chachamaru. "Very cute!"

"Their mentality has changed according to their age," said Shirou. "This age-changing pill is indeed a dubious item."

"Then why did you buy it Shirou-sama?" Chachamaru asked.

"I told you earlier, didn't I," replied Shirou with a grin. "Nothing more just for fun!"

The truth is he want to prank Taiga with the pill, but Taiga awarness is to high. So he can make Taiga to swallow the pill at all.

Author Note: Next dating chapter begins!

Read advanced chapter at Pa.treon.com/Raylight25

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