
The Almighty Voyage

It opens five years after the events in episode 1

        The kingdom of Obadiah is in it's final stages of reconstruction. We see the new setting of the Kingdom of Obadiah for the first time. It then cuts to King Orion, he's roaming  the Halls of his Castle. When we see him head into a circle room with many windows and huge bean bag style counshins with incense filling the air. Inside are 7 old men wearing maroon robes and golden yellow sashes; they are known as the Council. The council are advisors that work close alongside the King in overseeing the Kingdom and its Citizens. They work behind the scenes in most cases by collecting taxes or making changes to the Sovereign State.

        My Dear Councilmen, the king starts out. I've called this meeting today because I wanted to inform y'all  that I have decided to take on the legend and travel to where man is Forbidden. I plan on traveling to the mythocial divinely garden to consume the legendary herb, and be bestowed with Divinely powers. the councilmen stay silent, then one Councilmen breaks the silence.  My Lord, for what reason have you decided to make this very risky extrusion? He asks. Well as yall know, my Father, King  Obadiah was a strong magician and died 5 years ago defending the Kingdom: orion tells them. And when he died, he took his knowledge of the magikal arts with him to the grave, before teaching me. So  that's when i started thinking  of a way of attaining Magikal power, and that's when I choose to take on the Legend of the garden .Not only will i be granted magik but word of my voyage will spread throughout the lands. Every man, woman and child will know the name ORION and the Kingdom of Obadiah is still strong and well. this  renown  will bring new citizens to the kingdom with the intentions of becoming residents therefore expanding my Father's empire.  The King says.

       A Councilmen speaks up. my Lord, he says the kingdom  of Obadiah just can't sit back and allow our King make such a dangerous Voyage. For it's only been 5 years since we lost our King, and  although the kingdom has come along way, the fact is that the kingdom has not finished reconstruction either. This may be true, but the king does have a point as well, he will need mystical powers to be king. Let us finish listening to what he gotta say. " a Councilmen says. Now angry the Councilmen sits backs and crosses his arms and stares at Orion. So.. my King, how many members were you planning on taking on this venture with?" the Councilmen  asks. " i wanted to take the entire Army." Orion says.

       At that moment the Angry Councilmen makes an outburst. "The ENTIRE ROYAL ARMY?!! He yells. This shows you how young and naive our King is, for him to say such words, why its  ludicrous and shows that he has not entirely thought this decision thru. He needs to stay here and allow us to watch over him so the Kingdom can get back to what it once was. Now angry Orion Lashes Back, Young and naive? You will watch your wicked tongue when you speak about the King of this Land Councilmen. Let me remind you that I was on the Battlefield that day 5 years ago, I witnessed the fall of the first Royale Army. And let me remind you.  Not too many others survived that day not even my Father. and Look at what I have accomplished! With the help of masons, just look at the reconstruction of Obadiah! Its looks marvelous. My father would be proud. the king yells. The 2 then stare down each other.

Calm down, Calm down, another member of the Council says. My king, the Councilmen does have a point He says. Both of mens faces change. What! Orion says. here me out my lord. For taking the Entire army is a bit much dont you believe? You dont know how long this Voyage will be do you? Well no Orion says.  Exactly,  what if the kingdom becomes under attack? The Councilmen concludes. I didn't think of that the young king says. Right, the Councilmen says.  Sh how about you take twelve Royale knights with you. That's a good number the Councilmen deducts. Orion smiles I can do that." The Angry Councilmen speaks up, " I can't believe this yall are really allowing this BOY to travel to this land of MYTH? What if he doesn't come back?" "That won't happen" Orion says. O really, how can you be so sure about that, it happen to the Previous KIng and you re not even  half of what he was." ENOUGH!!!!!! A Councilmen yells and stretches out his arms as he stands up. "This meeting has come to an end. King Orion, the Council/senate grants THEE, THOU"S permission to travel to the Forbidden Garden. It then shows Orion leaving the room.

       It then cuts to Orion in the war room of the castle. Inside sits a circular centered out table with all 12 members of the Royale knight army. King Orion then  walks in. Sorry to have held you guys, but the convincing the Councilmen took longer than expected. Joan 4th captain of the royale knight at the round table speaks up. No worries my lord, you know better than anyone how stubborn those old men can be a she says. 

       No kidding, the king says, sometimes I wonder why my father had them as his advisers. But that's not the matter, Orion says to his men. For the Councilmen has approved my request to set venture and search for the Divinely garden of legend Orion states to the men. So, the old geezers granted approval huh. Micheal says, 2nd captain of the Royale knights. Ahhhh I haven't been out to sail in a while he says stretching his arms, this may turn out to be be fun I'm in. Legend says that surrounding the garden are some of the most terrifying sea beast known to man John says 5th captain of the Royale knights. Sounds to me like your scared, Drake 3rd captain of the Royale says to John. There's sea beast scattered all thought the sea. Why should the ones that surround the garden be any different Drake says. John sternly looks at him. What's with the look John,  Drake asks, got something you wanna you wanna get off ya chest? I thought you never ask john says as the two captains get up.   

       The king then sighs, alright you 2 that's enough he says as he claps his hands. the right hand man Adam 1st captain of the Royale knights speaks up. my Lord, must you really go on such a voyage? For what if something goes bad and your quest turns into an odyssey? He ask his king. "Well as yall know, my Father, King Obadiah was a strong magician and died 5 years ago defending the Kingdom: he took his knowledge of the magikal arts with him to the grave when he died as well before teaching me. Orion briefly pauses; I need magik, so I can be a strong king he says as he briefly pauses, like my father was. Besides I will be taking 7 of you guys along to accompany me he says to him. What only seven knights Thomas 10th captain of the Royale knights asks the king. Yeah, haha sorry the king says scratching the back of his head. It's the only number the Councilmen gave me. So my lord, says Beverly, 7th captain  of the Royale knights who are you taking with you? Beverly asks Orion.

       It was a hard decision, but the knights I've decided that will accompany me along this Voyage are; 2nd capt. Michael, 1st capt. Adam, 4th Capt. Joan, 7th capt. Beverly, 5 capt. John, 8th capt. Daisy, and lastly capt. 10thThomas. The king says to them. for the ones that stay behind, Your job will be the most important. To watch over and protect the Queen and the Kingdom in my absence. the Kingdom will be under her command." this duty falls upon you five 6th captain of the Royale knights Agnes, 11th captain of the Royale knights Reina, 9th captain of the Royale knights Godwin, Jeffery 12 captain of the Royale knights and 3rd in command Drake. "My King I'm honored that you choose me to stay behind and protect the Queen, but excuse myself my Lord, but wouldn't I be more useful to you on the Venture?" Drake speaks up. The King then tells him. "you are right you are by far one of my strongest Knights and because of that I need you here to protect my most irreplaceable treasure, my Father's legacy and my love" I understand my king Drake says with a lowered head.

       It then cuts to early evening in the kingdom. We see the kingdom set up for a huge party! There's fireworks, musicians, food, liquor, ale and various forms of smoke like cannabis, opium and tobacco. The residents flood the kingdom grounds and are happily enjoying the party.

        It then cuts to entire Royale army and this is the first time we see them together. The force is about 30 strong. Many of the Royale knights have apprentices called Squire's, and there is no limit to the amount of squires a knight can have. 

       So captain John, will you be taking any of your apprentices squire asks. Nay, John says not this time around, it's not personal,  it's just that this is an extremely dangerous Voyage John says to his squire as he drinks a mug full of beer. Our lives are expendable,  but the kings is not. There are currently no new heirs to the throne and if anything was to happen to the king, then there would be no more Kingdom of Obadiah no more homes for the residence that call Kingdom of Obadiah their home, everything would fall. I see the squire says to his captain, I hereby do solemnly swear to get stronger, I will defend  the kingdom of Obadiah from any threats, and protect all people who dwell inside its walls. and I will prove myself to you when you return. Haha that's the spirit boy John says as he hits his squire on the back. What about you captain Beverly a squire asks, to be honest, I was considering it she says to her squire.

       A Councilmen then takes the stage. We called fourth this celebration today to honor our king; the crowd then lets out a cheer. for tomorrow the Councilmen continues on 7 knights from  the Royale army and a few of their squires will travel to the mysterious Divinely Garden of Legend with the Hopes of attaining supernatural powers and returning back here to us, The Councilmen tells the residents.lets now hear a few words from our lord the Councilmen says as the crowd begins to cheer. King Orion then begins to head towards the center. My fellow people the king says, I come to you know as a king with not much to offer you and for that I'm sorry; but when I return from my Voyage I plan on returning much wiser as well as stronger. I plan on returning not just embodied with Divinely powers, but with blueprints  designed by masons for the next reconstruction of the kingdom. People from all over will know of the kingdom of Obadiah! The crowd then cheers. Let us wish our lord successful on his Voyage The councilmen says just then fireworks go off. 

       It then cuts to Drake at a table drinking with his squires. My captain one of his squires speaks up, what's the matter he asks him after finishing up his mug. There's still beer in your mug he says as he points. What's the matter you sick or something. Layoff why dontcha, cayt you tell he's mad another squire says. Suddenly Drake pounds his fist on the table and both squires jump up. It should've been me! Drake says in a pissed tone. A once in a lifetime opportunity and he doesn't pick me! Its ludicrous. He said it himself, I'm one of his best knights.  But Instead I'm stuck behind babysitting. Yeah, that sucks the drunken squire says as he downs another mug and burns, drake sternly looks at him. But look at the bright side he says as he bites into a roasted pig. With the king being gonna,who's gonna be in charge. After all you side it yourself captain, the king said you were one of his strongest knights. Drake then looks at his drunken squire. You know drake says as he picks up his mug your right. He says as he starts chugging his mug. That's more like it captain the drunken squire says as he picks up another mug and begins to chug it to. The other squire is just sitting there puzzled. 

        It then cuts to the docks the following  day, and we see squires loading up the boat with Barrels of liquor, wine, ale, weed, dried fruits and meats. Why do we gotta load up the boat a squire asks another,  it's not like we're going on the Voyage as he rolls a barrel up on a ramp onto the ship. Careful with that one of the Royale knights taking inventory cries out. My apologies sir the squire hollers back. I know right, the other squire answers back, this would be a great time to really  put out training to the test and prove ourselves worthy to be called Royale knights, he says as he tries up barrel to the mask of the ship. A Royale knight over the squire conversation and butts in. They're there will always be time for you to prove yourselves as Royal night but in the meantime he says as he puts his arms around both the Squire's it's your duty to learn everything that you can so that way you can be ready when your time of Passage comes the Royal Knight says to the young Squire's. Just take a look at me he says to them standing up; I'm one of the royal Knights that wasn't picked to go on the voyage, but just look I'm here doing my part to ensure that our Lord and my fellow brothers return from their voyage safely. being a royale knight  means more than just strength, bravery and courage the Royal Knight tells the Squire's. being a knight is about protecting people and helping people safely to their destinations that's what being a knight is all about. the two Squire's then look at the Royal Knight. Don't look at me the Royal Knight says as he laughs it's work to be done now get to it! He says to the squires sir yes sir The Squires say as they get moving.

       It then cuts to king Orion,  he has just approached Adam, his right hand man. Are we all set for Voyage yet? Almost my lord, just one last thing, it then adam says. It then shows four squires carrying a long box with poles on the sides. Inside the box is Some of King Orion's Gold. Make way, make way the squires yell as they walk up the ramp on to the ship. Put it in the cabin room Adam yells. Sir yes sir the squire reply as they head to the cabin. Now we are ready Adam says to king Orion. So exactly how much gold did you pack Orion asks him. Exactly 22 tons just like you requested my lord Adam's says. Great, I think it's time to set sail, make the announcement he tells him as he boards the ship. 

       Ok listen up Adam says we are about to set sail all of those who are going on the voyage head towards the ship to board, everyone else; please back away. At that moment all 7 royale knights and 4 Squires that begin to make their way to the boat. The boat is a long and wide viking ship, with a huge cabin towards the back for sleeping. The ship is wooden but is covered with gold plated accents. At the top of the boat is a head of a stallion. The eyes of the stead are yellow. The ship has purple and white sails, with hints of red. Is this it the king asks yes these are everybody who will be going on the voyage Adam tells Orion. all right let's set sail it then cuts to King Orion. 

       People of Obadiah He announces for I do not know when I will be returning but just know I will return in the meantime I leave my queen in charge and I leave five Royal nights behind in my absence to protect you fear not people of Obadiah for new age is coming and it will be the next chapter for the kingdom of Obadiah Orion says as he walks off and the crowd cheers. The boat then begins to sail away all the residents gather around to wave goodbye to their king.

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