

I continued to live in that apartment. I find it weird but I try to ignore it.

The ones I hear crackling in the other room, often crackling at night. I try to let that happen, so maybe they can just clean at night. Also, I always hear something as if it were carrying something or pulling something. And by 3:30 am, I was always wake up. I feel like I'm with someone. I feel like someone is watching me. At dawn I've always wake up because of the cold weather around.

My shoulder and neck are starting to hurt. Maybe that's because of my job. Or maybe fatigue or body aches. I wasn't even able to go to the clinic to get checked out.

I need to save money as well. Maybe if I checked up, I might spend.

At the end of this month I have to pay rent. So I need to save money.

About this place. I often feel strange here in this apartment, but Im still here in silence. Im not too brave to tell them what I feel here, and I'm too coward to ask what kind of people are here.

Its 8:30 pm. I lay on my bed to rest early then suddenly my head hurts again! Sh*t



We're singing together. Laughing together while holding each other's hands

Then daddy appeared " Aw. Seeing you two happy makes me more happy"

"Daddyyy! Where have you been?" I asked daddy

"Why? Did you miss me sweetie?"

"Yes Daddy"

"We're singing, Chloe will be the most happy angel when you sing with us!"

"Is it true, sweetie?"

I was about to respond

When suddenly the flashback ends.

Sh*t. For the second time! The reflection of that girl still there. I still see us together.

Im still thinking when suddenly something popped up in my head.

What if.. what if we're sisters?

But if we're sisters, why Daddy didn't tell me that?

and if she's my sister, where is she?

I suddenly murmured when I felt my shoulder and nape hurts again. Uhh, it hurts often.

I have nothing to do but to sleep.

Again, its 3:31 am and here I am, I'm too sleepy but I've said! I've always wake up.

Its still there, the feeling of being here, the feeling like Im not alone here now

The feeling of someone's watching me.

The light is off, all I sees is black. My heart beats so fast.

And then suddenly my nape started to hurt again! Uhhh!

Whats wrong with this nape?!

I was about to stand to turn on the light when I heard something crackled but its not from the other room!!

This time, I t-think its from under my bed!

There crackled again.

Im f*cking nervous. I want to cry. I want to shout. I want to ask for help. But sh*t I have no strength. I'm scared

What should I do?!

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