
The Old Times...

You know we were all kids once. We were happy we were sad. Many greats things might have happened. Well for me it was different. I did have a nice childhood at first. You know my parents were together before I was born. But after my birth they separated. It was all because of me. I know maybe I shouldn't blame myself. But I just can't help it. Right now well at least when I was 7 or 8 I always thought I wanted my family to be together all of us. No fights. No nothing. Just happiness. Yeah I know I said that they all think I'm an angel and don't do anything. They don't know anything about my work or anything inside my private life. I stopped talking about my feelings the moment I wasn't a kid anymore. Yeah I had many trauma's as a kid. My mom had many boyfriend's. She got left behind and she fell in love over and over again. Relationship after relationship. Nothing changed everytime I would cry more and more. They would fight scream at each other. My mom would get hurt. But what could I do? I was just a kid. Seeing that it made me angry, sad... It made me feel things I would normally not be feeling as a kid. There was times when the fights went really bad. I remember one time. Her boyfriend used to always check her neck and her whole body to look for any type of mark. That day she had a mark on her neck. I remember hearing loud voices from my room and then suddenly I heard a boom and the door opening my mom came out of the door running she grabbed me by the hand and took me downstairs. Her boyfriend following. My mom couldn't do anything she had no other choice but to get inside another room and lock the door. I was just shocked. I didn't understand what was happening. Now that I think about it. Those were some of the saddest and most frustrating moments of my life. As for my dad, well I haven't seen him. Many years have passed. You know me and him used to be close. I miss that.

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