
A Reject

"Ahem! Hello gentlemen, I am Reuben Fox, the co-founder of what is now A STAR mall." Reuben greets the twenty unknown faces of men seated at a circle table who have been eagerly waiting for his arrival.

"Shall we get this conference started?" Reuben maliciously hid his evil grin as he sat down.

"So we all agree that taking down that brat, Belen Astares is the first step to overtaking A STAR!" claims an old man.

"HAHAHA! That little girl receives all the glory and never thinks to share it with us."

"If it weren't for our guidance, that girl wouldn't be where she is now!"

"Her father just had to up and leave at the most crucial time! And what did he do? Leave A STAR to his youngest!"

"It's a matter of obtaining A STAR along with all of its investors at hand!"

"I heard from a close, reliable source of mine that the investors are tied into A STAR."

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