
Before And After

Exactly five minutes before the fight.

"Argh! What is taking your sister so long? Are you sure she didn't just leave? She most likely ditched us!" claims Iris's date, irritably tapping his foot.

"Ooh, if you are in such a hurry, you can just go without me, Reuben," Iris gently tries to calm his temper.

He argues, "but if I leave, then what about you?"

"Uhh…" Iris is speechless when Mabel stands beside her, "Noah will, right?" she turns to him with a frantic yet irritated smile.

He understands that smile and immediately agrees, "y-yes, I can drop her off. It's not a problem."

Reuben sarcastically smiles, "Ha! Iris is coming with me, right? We already have plans. Shit, if I knew this dinner would be a waste of time, I would've left earlier." He says arrogantly, distressing his black hair in annoyance.

But Iris somehow becomes weak when saying, "a-actually Reuben, I think it'd be best I go with them. I don't think Belen will take any longer, will she, umm Noah?" she turns to him with worried eyes.

Noah takes out his phone, "I'll try to get in contact with her," he steps away from them. "come on, Belen, answer…" he glanced back to see Reuben's continuous persistence.

"If I leave now, will you be home?" he suspiciously asks Iris, "right?! I better see you at home! Don't go anywhere else! Alright, Iris!" His voice crescendos making Iris feel a little embarrassed when she hurriedly replies, "okay, okay, just go!"

"IRIS! I"LL BE WAITING FOR YOU OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE ALRIGHT!!" he threatens, making Iris even more embarrassed.

But within a flash, Mabel angrily explodes, screaming at the top of her lungs, "LEAVE!!" she forcefully pushes him away from Iris, "GET THE FUCK OUT!! LEAVE HER ALONE!! GET OUT OF HERE!!"

In that instant, Noah drops his phone, rushing to their side as Iris's high pitch voice attracts spectators, "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU FOR REALS?!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!!!" Iris jumps in, trying to protect Mabel from throwing any punches.

When Noah swoops in trying to hold the two back, oddly enough, he realizes how strong the two are when Reuben marches, "SHE'S THE ONE WHO PUSHED ME FIRST!!"

And but Mabel kept barking like a wild dog, "YOU'RE NOT ABOUT TO THREATEN MY SISTER! GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!"

Noah was stuck in between the two. He saw something run behind Reuben. That bit of distraction let Mabel release herself from his grip and went on to push Reuben. But as he stumbled, a loud shriek and thud are heard.

They all silently look in the direction of the sound when they hear Everest's panicked voice shout, "BELEN!!!!"

They all froze upon seeing Belen on the floor of the stairs, Noah wanted to run, but as soon as he saw drops of blood on the ground trailing from her nose, she looked away, ignoring their glance.

Something within Noah suddenly sparked as his anger rose to a dangerous stage. While seeing Belen bleeding, he immediately started throwing punches at Reuben. His eyes shifted, his fist moving on their own. And all sound completely blocked from his ears. The only thing he can see is Reuben's face bleeding from his punches.

All hell broke loose as Mabel and Iris tried their best to stop the two from fighting. But Noah was like a completely different being. He looked like a mad man who lost all of their senses. Mabel tried snapping him out of the trance when she witnessed his faint smile as if he were enjoying it, making her back away in fright.

She gave up once the paparazzi arrived at the scene and pointed their cameras at them. Mabel felt blinded by the flashes. She wasn't the only one suffering from the multiple blinding flashes, but Everest, who was about to help Belen up, felt overwhelmed too, making him shiver.

He got paralyzed as soon as his eyes met the camera lenses. They widened, as the beat of his heart was the only thing ringing in his ears. He looked like a scared puppy surrounded by abusers, and their cameras are rods hitting him.

Just as he was about to drown in his fear, he randomly feels a warm hand embrace his shoulder, pulling him out of that trance. He nervously turns to the light warm weight of the thing hugging his shoulder, "B-Belen," he whispers, tilting his head to her.

She roughly whispers into his ear, "…help me, ignore them. Just look at me, okay" she confidently clasps her hands on his cheeks to match her eyes. He merely nods, falling into her enchanted brown eyes.

"Carry me," she breathlessly whispers into his ear, making him blush, "okay," he answers robotically, carrying her like a princess up the stairs when security manages to arrive on time to push the paparazzi out of the way.

But as soon as they reached the top, Belen couldn't help but turn to the chaotic sound of Mabel and Iris's yells.

"Come on, Noah! STOP IT!"

"HE"S GOING TO DIE IF YOU CONTINUE!!" Mabel shouts, terrified because even security is not enough to stop him. When Belen sees this chaos, her brows turn into a knot, "NOAH ALVARES!!!" she shouts aloud, making everyone freeze at the sound of her cold tone.

But the only one who responds to her cold voice is Noah, searching for the voice when looking at Belen, a gentle smile forms on his face, "Madam…"

Belen authoritatively demands, "Stop what you're doing," she hesitates, saying in a low tone, "I'm so disappointed in you," she says, wearing a disgusted expression.

She turned her head back, relaxing it on Everest's chest as security escorted them.

The sound of sirens wakes Noah from his trance. When glancing around the hall, he notices no one but Mabel because Iris left following behind Everest.

Noah numbly looks down, shocked, repulsed to see Reuben bruised, bloodied face, barely conscious, and breathing.

He hurriedly crawls away from his body, frightened but immediately starts feeling the pain in his knuckles, "t-their r-red," he says stammering, looking at his trembling hands.

Mabel gently squats, "are you okay?" she asks worriedly, reaching for his hands when he moves them to his chest, "p-please, don't touch me," he says in a hoarse, cracked voice while hiding his face in his knees.

Instead of saying or doing anything, Mabel sat a hand away from him to keep him company so he won't feel alone. She patiently sat near him, wearing a soft motherly smile while hearing his quiet sobs.

Mabel wonders, "this is it. The answer I've been looking for," she warmly smiles at Noah, "I was a little confused. I didn't know if I liked you or just felt grateful. Mm, to think I thought I liked you more than a friend, but now I know. I see you as a child, a child who has yet to grow. Noah, you're adorable, but something tells me that you have yet to discover who you really are. And right now, you're lost. I don't think I can help you, but I can give you my support."

"It hurts! It HURTS! IT HURTS!!!" Noah internally screams, clenching his chest while quietly sobbing, "i-it's just like that time when I hurt those boys! I didn't know what I was doing…why!" he shivers, feeling the exact pain from his fist as the time he beat up the boys in elementary school. "it's the same! I'm the same!! The same stupid orphan!" he cries.


It didn't take long that night for the news to spread like wildfire catching the whole world's attention. Many began trending the fight on all social media platforms, making it almost impossible for anyone who does not own a phone or own a tv, not know.

But one person, in particular, couldn't keep his phone from ringing and his rage from exploding. "IRIS!!" thump thump! thump!! "IRIS! OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!!" Edy angrily demands while angrily hitting her door down.

"I'm not coming out! I don't know anything!" Iris innocently retaliates.

"TO HELL WITH THAT FARCE!! DON'T PLAY INNOCENT WITH ME, IRIS! What the hell is that all about, Mabel?!! When did she appear?! IRIS!!" he continuously shouts, feeling a bit tired when his wife, Leah, props her arm to help him.

"Sweety, don't be so hard on yourself. It's only been a day. Give Iris some time."

Edy coughs, trying to lower his anger a few notches, "she betrayed me! Just like her mother!!"


After the incident, Noah was not seen at A Star that week because he was secretly dealing with the aftermath of the fight. He had to either pay or apologize to Reuben, or else he'd take this incident to the court. But fortunately, Iris revealed his abusive behavior towards her, and instead, Reuben was left off. Everything settled smoothly as Noah kindly paid for Reuben's medical bills.

But afterward, for fear of her father, Iris begged, to stay at Mabel's apartment for the meantime. Mabel was mentally preparing to face her father with the help of her mother, Ernestina.

Luckily the day Noah was able to return to A Star was the day of the grand meetings to discuss A Star in New York and its architecture. He was fully prepared for the presentation, though, as he welcomed the directors and investors, they couldn't keep their eyes and snarky remarks to themselves.

The directors didn't miss the chance to gossip about Noah's face, mainly because he was involved in a fight. It seems his face didn't suffer any injury, or at least he didn't look like he was in any pain. It annoyed them to see his cold poker face because there was no way of getting a reaction out of him.

Though as soon as Belen entered, Noah obediently bowed to her as she took her seat, even he felt her cold shoulder, making him gulp.

As he straightened his back, his eyes widen to see Everest boldly stand right next to Belen. Noah felt a strange pinch in his heart. It felt like the tip of a knife poking at his chest.

His eyes only seemed to ask, "why? Why? WHY BELEN?" he sadly stares at the back of her head for answers.

"Let's begin today's meeting!" she announces coldly, making everyone in the room gulp.

Though as coldly as the meeting begin, fortunately for Everest's warm personality, he was able to brighten the room with his presentations for A Star, leaving little to no room for questions because everything he presented sounded concrete and complete.

Surprisingly the investors immediately got on board with his ideas, so did the directors who came to shock Noah evermore. When it came to Noah's presentation, the room quickly turned cold and thick when the investors simply turned in their forms to Belen ignoring Noah's presence entirely.

After the meeting ended, Noah stayed behind to clean up when he couldn't help but overhear the high praises for Everest coming from the directors and investors as they walked by him.

Noah felt inferior to Everest, which led him to wonder, "why is HE getting all the praise? Over such a stupid idea?!" He bites his lower lip, "just last meeting, they were all making fun of him, and now they quickly switched to liking him?! Delusional bastards!" his eyes full of hatred until he hears the door close. He quickly looks up, "B-Belen?" he amazingly utters.

"I forgot something," she says calmly, passing by him to her seat, picking up the forms. But as she was about to leave, Noah gently pulls her hand, making her stop to look back at him bewildered, "what is it?" she asks coldly with sharp eyes.

To his surprise, Noah, too, did not know how to answer that. He questions his actions, "I-umm, s-sorry…" he says lowly.

Belen violently pulls away from his hand, "what are you apologizing for?"

"I, I…did…something bad," he timidly replies, looking down, ignoring her interrogating gaze.

She irritably sighs, "you're not a dog. Look me in the eye."

He cautiously meets her intense stare, but the more he looked into her eyes, the more he was able to see that they were sad, making him question why.

Belen finally says, "I am very disappointed in you, Noah. There is no need to apologize to me since you didn't do anything wrong. But." She pauses to gather her thoughts, "this incident only made you look inadequate to others. First and foremost, you are my secretary, I care about how others perceive you. I…expected better from you," she profoundly sighs.

He wishes to say something, anything but again as he opened his mouth, no words escaped them.

"What made you lose control?" she genuinely asks, "huh?" she cocks her head sideways.

But Noah embarrassingly turns away from her eyes when replying, "I-I didn't like seeing you in pain…"

She arrogantly scoffs, "that didn't hurt as much. You know better than anyone how easily I bleed from my nose." As a matter of fact, the reason why Belen rushed to the bathroom was that she felt a nosebleed coming. Everest unknowingly followed after her but was taken aback to see her rush to the bathroom and thought she probably really had to go.

"I thought it was broken…"

"my nose?" she asks, almost chuckling.

"n-no! I meant your nose and, umm, knees. You were bleeding a lot," he quietly answers.

This makes her laugh hysterically, "you're funny. Why don't you get off early today and rest? Everest can handle things here."

Once she said that, Noah's eyes glowed with hatred, "does she already not want me anymore?" he thinks to himself, feeling his stomach tighten.

"Y-Yes…" he soullessly replies.


That afternoon Iris snakingly enters her house when Edy catches her by the door, "IRIS!" he yells, making her flinch, "h-hey daddy~."

"where were you these past days?" he asks with his arms crossed, looking intimidating.

"Ooh! I was with my mom!" she answers successfully.

"I need to talk with her too! Is she coming in?" he asks suspiciously with a grumpy face.

"D-Daddy~ I thought my mom was not allowed to enter the house with Leah here! What would she think?"

"OH, stop pretending to care! Leah is not here right now! I'm going to call Ernestina right now to make sure you were out with her or not!" he pulls out his phone when someone walks in through the front door, "you won't have to anymore, Edy, I'm right here," says Ernestina boldly walking into his house for the first time.

Edy and Ernestina don't feel awkward around one another, but they are mindful of their partners, so they take precautions not to enter one another's place. But Ernestina took the initiative to speak with Edy boldly. He, too, was ready to welcome her into his house, especially while gaining the permission of his current wife, Leah.

Edy's grumpily furrowing his face while Ernestina is boldly facing each other, "what is this about, Mabel? Did you know this Missis?"

Ernestina looks to the door when Edy yells at Iris, "CLOSE THE DOOR, OR ELSE THE NEIGHBORS WILL LISTEN IN ON OUR CONVERSATION!"

But as Iris reached for the door, she swung the door open, as Mabel timidly walked through the door, stepping foot into her father's home, "H-Hi, papa bear," she greets him sweetly with a gentle longing smile that shows how much she's missed him.

Edy's body starts shaking as tears unknowingly stream down his face, "Mabelita?!" he gasps, wiping his eyes to break from the illusion if it is, in fact, one.

Mabel couldn't keep her tears from falling when nearing him, but he quickly backs away, "no…Mabel, no…"

Hearing this only breaks her heart when she pulls her arms away to her side, "I'm back, dad."

Ernestina breaks up the awkward tension in the air by saying, "why don't we sit down first. Edy, listen to Mabel before saying anything," she says sternly.

Edy sat across from the three when Iris got up to serve them water and sat back down beside Mabel. It sure was a sight to see, the three women in his life who've betrayed him, and luckily Belen was not part of them. But then again, if Mabel appeared with Belen in public, doesn't that mean she also betrayed his trust?

Somehow Edy couldn't put Belen in the same line with the three in front of him. In denial, he thinks, "no, I'm sure Belen was told to keep this from me."

"D-Dad," Mabel softly utters, raising her dad's attention, "I-I'm sorry!" she sincerely apologizes, "I left because"

"We can talk about that some other time, for now, Mabel," he strictly emphasizes her name, "what are you doing showing yourself in public for the first time in after a decade? Why couldn't you tell me first? Now I'm the one who looks like the fool."

"She didn't mean to hide it from you either, daddy~" claims Iris protecting Mabel when at the same time Ernestina speaks out, "Edy, that's not what's important right now! I swear! After all these years, you're still the same?"

"What else am I supposed to think after all these years? She's suddenly here in front of my eyes?! I'm so angry I don't know whether to drive her out of my house or hug her! Fuck!" he cusses, shocking the three.

Mabel musters the courage to say, "I won't bother you any further, dad," she hesitates, "because I'm married."

"What?!" he trembles, "Y-You're m-married?! How?! When?! Where?!" he sighs, feeling a tingly pain creeping on his forehead.

"And I have a daughter," she bravely explains the rest of her story into details that not even Ernestina and Iris knew before. The conversation ended with tears, except for Edy, who was often said to be emotionless.

Mabel was never the type to show her emotions, but she felt that facing her dad was for the best because of her desperation for Emma's recovery. She could've stayed hidden for another couple of years if she wanted to, but deep down, she felt the need to correct her relationship with her father.

"So, what is your plan?" Edy asks in a low dry, rough voice.

"I-I'm going to file for a divorce," Mabel says, fidgeting between her fingers nervously.

Edy can see her unsure expression, irritating him even more, "you're not going to do it," he says bluntly.

As Mabel met his cold eyes, it only reminded her of Belen's, "the same, you've ruined her, dad," she thinks to herself.

Ernestina scowls, "Edy! How can you say that?! No matter how much you've severed ties with Mabel, don't forget she is still your daughter!"

Edy angrily yells, "because I know how it feels to be cheated on!!" he pauses, trying to calm his composure, "Mabel." He says gently, "I know during these times are the most difficult for you. It's your life. But one thing is certain, deep down, you still carry a bit of hope for your husband…" his gaze shifts to Ernestina, "right Mabel?"

Iris asks, "how would you know, daddy? She's not like you!"

"Because," Edy arrogantly scoffs, shifting his gaze to Ernestina, "that's exactly how I felt with your mother, right Missis," he smirks savagely.

This claim flusters Ernestina to look away, "you know that isn't the whole truth, Edilberto!"

Edy proudly relaxes his shoulder against the sofa like a king, wearing a smug grin on his face, "you know what this is, Mabel?"

She raises her face wearing clear, untainted eyes as if begging for his advice.

But on the contrary, Edy couldn't bring himself, to say the least, "this is God's punishment," though as soon as these dignified words left his mouth, Ernestina shouted, "EDILBERTO!" as to assert her dominance.

But he continued, "punishment for helping your mother cheat on me!"

What a low blow, Ernestina thought, gritting her teeth when she turned to check on Mabel, but tears trailed down her cheeks too unknowingly. Seeing this made Ernestina's heartache like a thorn pressing hard against it to pop out of guilt that she didn't want to face. Ernestina glared at Edy's arrogant behavior, thinking to herself how powerless she really is against him, "I can't change anything…" she whispers underneath her breath.


The sound of glasses clanging in the distance is heard from within Belen's mansion. Along with background classical music, Everest and Belen sit at the kitchen table stools with an open bottle of wine.

"Congratulations, Everest Fox, on accomplishing the Halloween theme ideas for A Star!" she raises her glass to clang with Everest's "thanks!" he cheerfully smiles.

As she put her glass down, Belen comments, "but I've got to say, even I was not on board with your idea, in the beginning, it sounded distorted."

"but that's the point of it all! Can't you imagine it? A Star dressed in themes, decorations, and fun competitions!"

"Hmmm," Belen says aloud, "It sounds like a fair, like the Santa Monica Pier."

Everest's mood suddenly drops, "Aah, mm, not entirely," he faintly smiles.

"Well, whatever," Belen changes the topic, "you'll be in charge of everything, and we'll be holding general meetings for the leaders of the departments, OH!" she excitedly claps, "we're going to have to modify the employee's uniforms! But we can't lose the original sense of A Star!"

"Don't worry about those minor details. I know someone who can help me in that area," he says reassuringly.


"Umm, speaking of which. I know it's been a while, but why isn't Noah here? Did you two, perhaps umm, get into a fight?" he asks cautiously.

Her eyes soften while looking at her glass, "I don't know. He should be resting right now."

"At the house?" Everest asks, perplexed, "but he wasn't there when I left to come here," he questions himself in confusion, "or was he?"

She simply sighs, "well, it doesn't matter, starting tomorrow morning, you two will go back to working together."

Everest releases a deep sigh, "I can bet he'll hate to see me as much as I do," he says, relaxing his chin on his palm.

"I expect no problems coming out of the two of you for the time being," she demands strictly. The reason for saying this was because lately, Belen's been feeling a bit bothered by their problems. First, it was Everest's scandal and now with Noah's fighting video.

It gave her a migraine just thinking about it, mostly since none of them were her doing. But she quickly remembers the deal she made with the rat, mentally putting a check on Mabel and Iris's name for her imaginary list.

What made her unconsciously groan was the name below it: Ernestina's, "…my mom," she unknowingly says aloud, shocking herself when Everest asks, "your mom?"

"I-It's nothing," she says unwillingly, "just some nonsense."

Everest suddenly brings up, "I've realized you're a lot different from your sisters."

"You don't say," she says sarcastically, sipping wine from her glass, "not the first time I've heard that."

"Your eldest sister, Mabel, seems very shy but easy to talk to. Iris, well, it's not my first time meeting her, but I didn't think anything of it when I first met her. But after that day, she seems fun," he says with a smile, "her facial expressions were hilarious," he laughs, recalling the two.

"But you're very rare," he continues, "you're complex and a bit bland."

She scoffs, "hmph! I can say the same about you. You have the energy of a golden retriever but no personality," she playfully sticks out her tongue.

He teasingly gasps as if offended, "says the lone wolf!" they giggle in the kitchen, enjoying one another's company. After spending time with Everest, Belen has unknowingly gotten used to his honest curiosity. Everest has a better understanding of Belen's personality and knows how to deal with her blunt, sometimes harsh criticism. He's finally realized that Belen is different from a woman her age for a reason because she became the youngest CEO of A Star. He recognized her mature air is because of the harsh life she's lived through, and he had no idea. He's in no rush to ask about it because he has all the time he can have with her now that Noah is out of the picture.


Within a dark, hallow room where the only light source is the tv, a tall, yellow-pale man is sitting on the edge of his seat while glancing at the TV news. In the background, the scruffy young-looking man wearing a black long beard and hair, caveman-like, turns on the volume to the tv showing playback of videos to pictures of Belen Astares with Everest Fox, Iris and her date Reuben but most importantly, Mabel walking arm in arm with Noah.

The man suspiciously grins like a mad-man while pausing the tv. He rushes to the tv screen with crazy eyes lost in a daze, "I…found…you~ Mabel!!" he says maliciously with an evil grin.

If you have any ideas, reviews, and comments about the story or the characters, feel free to let me know in the comments.

Have a blessed day!

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