


I barely accumulated a mixture of black and white energy and used it to strengthen my body. I don't know how to describe this condition completely. The state in which he finds himself while strengthening the body with this mixture can be safely compared to the "God Mode" in games. With all due respect to God. It's just such a turn. I don't exalt myself and nothing, although if someone felt what I felt then. It will get a "God complex" is almost guaranteed. But not me.

When I'm .... Let's call it different [Author: Write ideas in the comments. , In future I make a chapter about MC powers so far and I need a name idea. ] Mhmmm .. I don't have inspiration yet. But coming back. This boost gives me unbelievable speed, I think even Flash wouldn't have a chance. Strength also increases, I do not know how much because I did not have the opportunity to check. But I think it can be described this way.

-It's like Superman absorbed more suns because it draws its power in sun.

-As if Superman was taking steroids or something similar.

It is important that I am strong as hell.In short, all aspects will be raised to an unimaginable level. Strength, endurance, dexterity and so on. However, I am starting to feel the effects of abusing it.

Handshake in which I hold a line to which three passengers are bound. Slightly numb, I also feel dizzy and the flight is not quite equal as usual. Fortunately, thanks to the speed turned up, it took less than a minute to reach the hideout. I would be faster but I have passengers and my condition is not very cheerful.

When I reached the hideout, my eyes saw an old dusty den. Or an old abandoned hotel floor from some cheap horror movie. There was nothing in the room except an old couch, table, broken wardrobe and mirror. In addition to them, a large empty space. The windows were broken and in some places, there were no walls and it would be easy to fall out.In summary.Welcome to Bat Cave means DarkStar cave.

After finishing watching the room, I threw the bound three against a nearby wall.There was a short sizzle and they were lying related at the wall. I see that despite everything that has happened so far they do not run away. This aroused my respect. However, after a moment when I approached them I saw that they are not running because they can't. The legs of all three are broken, and gagged lips block them from screaming. But they are still conscious, so good.

I walked slowly towards them. My legs were burning like I was poured with boiling water, a terrible feeling.

Three villains, seeing me approaching, pray for a miracle. And they look at me as if they are personifications of fear. And let them be afraid, they have good reasons.

In my head I only want to throw myself on that sofa and go to sleep. However, after that I will do it, I will arrange a short interrogation. Rather, he will simply use his power of sight sin. I have no strength now or a desire to call it. I will pawn it for later, I will sleep and then we will think. [Author: I also ask for this name this skill.]

I'm really exhausted so let's get started. I went to the first on the left, it was one of the bodyguards of the boss of that group. I used the skill to look him in the eye. But I found nothing, he was just a mindless minion. They told him to kill someone, he did it without questioning. What they didn't tell him to do it. Similarly with the second bodyguard who was tied next to him, mindless killers, without conscience. When I saw that they were nothing but mindless shit to get rid of. I created fireballs in my hand and started burning the first one alive. I didn't use the black flame because I feel that using the black flame again may result in unconsciousness or worse. So it took me about six minutes to burn the first one because I wanted but ash to leave behind. Because I'm going to sleep here yet.

The eyes of the other two were even more terrified, especially of the second bodyguard who knew that it would be his turn. And his face when I approached him was terrifying. But I don't care. HE does not deserve my pity, I saw how many people he killed, I saw that he did not regret the blood he shed. So I also burnt his. With sadistic smile.

The last person left alive was the head of that group. Who now looked at me and expected death. I turned slowly to him and left my eyes red for him. As I have during a skill that allows me to see a person's past. Which additionally frightened the guy, I shouldn't do that, however, I always have an emergency plan. And I couldn't resist intimidating him. But seeing that the guy after seeing my horned face with red eyes falls into a panic fear and his heart pounds like crazy and that maybe the moment advice explodes. So I controlled myself and brought my eyes back to normal.

The guy calmed down a bit, but not much. He was still looking at me in horror and waiting for the end.

I decided to try to talk to him, although it's just my whim. Because I can just use skills and get it over with.I took the gag out of his mouth and he coughed first and then said.

(???) - Leave me, monster, you won't get me. - Then he took out a pill hidden in his mouth and chewed it. - Hahaha You won't get me ... - Then he fell dead.

I ran up to him and quickly dug his hand into his head. Why. And that's because I recently discovered that when I kill a person, he doesn't go to the afterlife like the rest. He only appears above the body as a semi-transparent ghost. And if I'm not the person I kill, I don't see anything, I don't know why. Maybe because I'm not a ghost whisperer like on the show. And that's even good because it would be more weird than what I'm doing right now. Fortunately, the poison tablet he took first attacks the heart and then the brain. So it counts as a half of my merit. But still good.

Because a moment a white fog begins to appear over the body and then a translucent silhouette of the head of the group emerges. [Author: Link to the appearance, leave in the comments.] Which panicked can not say a word.

(Krius) - You won't run away from me - And I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him into the air.

I hold it a few centimeters above the ground and open the portal with my free hand. And there you can see the familiar landscape of hell. His eyes are staring at the abyss and I just laughed briefly and said.

(Krius) - He'll send you there peacefully, but first ... - Then I bring his head closer to mine. And I look into his eyes. And I see:

,,His name was Clint Barton, he was a humble clerk living in Gotham. He had a wife, two children, and poetry. But as it happens, everything good ends quickly. While working, he made a mistake that cost the company where he worked a lot of money. As a result, he was released and a fine of half a million dollars was imposed on him. The amount was so large that Clint could not pay it back. He was forced to sell the house basically almost everything except clothes. Clint and his family lived with their in-laws, which was not very pleasant. He was looking for a job but nobody wanted to hire him. His would-be employer made sure of it. As Clint stood on the verge of collapse, he received a helping hand from a stranger. This person was none other than the "Penguin" himself. Who in exchange for his services, will help him. Clint with nothing to lose, agrees and started working for him. At first he was to only deal with his hotel, but with time he had to perform additional tasks for him, such as organizing places for some special guests where they could perform "suspicious activities". Which Clint witnessed but accepted it over time. Because money became more important to him than morality. Over time, Clint performed increasingly darker tasks that began when he began to give orders to Penguin's right hand. Not like Ignatius Ogilvy, a strange gray-skinned man. He began to give him increasingly difficult and illegal tasks. Which over time spoiled his character even more. Before Krius attacked his Hotel. Clint talked to Ignatius Ogilvy about his new task. That he had done, he was to ask one of his subordinates to track down the locations of Poison Ivy. Because she is sabotaging work on building a secret Penguin center. In the woods around Gotham. What the Penguin doesn't like. Clint, thanks to his contacts acquired over several years of work for Penguin, learned that in about two weeks Poison Ive is about to attack a forest transporting endangered species of plants that are to be sold on the black market. Which was obviously faked by Penguin, Clint's confirmation that Ive been interested in this and that he is going to get these plants. Giving Ignatius Ogilvy a chance to get her."

[Author: MC sees more than is presented by me. He sees the past of the person as if he was watching a movie. For MC this is a longer moment and in reality it does not last a whole minute.]

After reviewing Clint's past, I dropped him and dropped into the portal. And as in other cases when falling into the abyss of hell. In flight, a beautiful demonic winged woman caught him and carried him to his eternal punishment.

From the information Clint provided to me, I learned that the right hand of Penguin. No Ignatius Ogilvy is to attack Poison Ivy in two weeks. So the best way to get information about Penguin's location is to get his right hand. And besides, I'm curious what kind of person is a woman called Poison Ivy. The media portray her as super villains with the power to control Plants. They don't write much about her, but he feels he can be an interesting person. I'd love to meet her.

But for now it's time to rest. I went to the couch and lay down and fell asleep after a while.

I am asking for help in the name for MC skills.

If you have any ideas, I invite you to comment.

Thank you for reading, I look forward to your comments.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts
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