

The shocking news that a mysterious accident had made it possible for Musician Lee, a confessed murderer of a grave digger and suspect of Kim Ji Hyeon's kidnapping, made headlines and social media hashtags even before the middle of the day.

Ye Rim followed her boyfriend's tense reaction without even being able to believe that something so surreal could have happened. Also, Ji Jae Wook had been injured and spent much of the day in the hospital, while the other two policemen died shortly after being rescued due to severe injuries.

Only when Jun Hyeon had to meet with his mother and the lawyers, Ye Rim still left his side, feeling stunned by the strange revelations about how Musician Lee really came into Jun Hyeon's life, and obsessively coming closer to anything important to him. 

She had no idea what could happen in that sick mind. Her major concern now was that, with Dae Won on the run, the chances of finding Ji Hyeon alive could decrease dramatically.

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