
A Guardian Arises

That night, Chang Mi woke up sweating, feeling oppression in his chest. Again he had the dream of crows. It wasn't much after one in the morning, but he grabbed a yogurt and went up onto the rooftop, after putting on a coat. It was best to make sure that the strange stalker 'with blurred lights' would not come tonight to peep on the noonas. Since the mysterious car had started to pass down the street at about this early in the morning, he had not seen the stalker. But he had strange feelings about tonight.

Upon arriving on the rooftop, however, Chang Mi saw that someone else was there.

The male silhouette watched the building from the front. Chang Mi believed that he hadn't yet been noticed. Then he clenched his fists and began to walk cautiously towards the man in the overcoat with his back to him.

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