

Ye Rim really needed to go to the bathroom, but as expected, the two friends seemed to have a weird vibe between them, and she was curious.

The singer checked down the empty corridor, making sure she wouldn't be be caught batlantly eavesdropping. She took two cautious, silent steps backward, stopping beside the door, preventing the studio door from closing, with her shoe heel.

This technique had been very useful in the past, when she was being bullied by her dorm roommates at her time as trainee. Ye Rim listened, trying to hear what the two men were saying, for she was sure they would speak of her.

"You're not together, are you?" Lee Dae Won asked his friend. Ye Rim even put her hand over her mouth in anxiety. 'What a direct questioning!'

"Ah hyung, where are your manners? Are you asking me this just because I took her here?" She heard, but something suddenly got very strange.

Ye Rim looked back, and had the feeling that one of them was coming for the door. She slid away from her position and glued to the wall, hiding but taking her foot off the door in the process. With that, unfortunately, the door shut closed.

She straightened up, imagining they would leave. So she would pretend to be coming back from the bathroom.

No one left, however. "Damn it!" She muttered to herself. 'What conversation is this? They are talking about me and I can't even hear it?! This is even fair?!'


Inside the studio, Jun Hyeon, who went to the door trying to catch Ye Rim in the act of spying, ended up choosing to end the conversation rather than go for another controversy with the weird singer. He turned back to Dae Won, after making sure the door was really closed:

"Isn't she listening anymore?" he wished to be extra sure.

"This studio has good soundproofing insulation. If she hears something from outside, she's an alien." The musician clarified." Now if you have nothing to do with this girl, why are you acting like this?"

"Ha. That's funny, hyung. I'm only here because she asked me for a ride."

"Be careful not to mess things up, Jun Hyeon. You should have learned the lesson I learned as well. She just asked for a ride, not that you spoke for her."

Jun Hyeon was shocked, and tried to understand why his hyung said that. "Why, I just said you should at least have asked her first."

"I figured you thought she didn't need black knights to defend her or speak up in her behalf, but you came here to do that. I was almost offended, but I think I understand why." The older man said, and winked at Jun Hyeon in the end.

"I just think I understand her. Your intrusion bothers and shames her. It's not your fault she feels that way. She just doesn't want to try and fail anymore." He expounded his point of view after all he saw and heard.

"Ha. Now everything's clear."

The doctor was a little annoyed, and with the impression that the sarcasm in Dae Won's voice had hidden layers. He always admired his hyung's intelligence and wit, but being on the other side of his sword was not comfortable at all. He really didn't want to argue over Ye Rim, who, as they both knew, was nothing but a recent acquaintance.

"Come on, hyung." He scratched the back of his neck. "I don't want to be on your way. But I think this is not the right method."

"Do you all think I want to help because I'm into her?"

Kim's attention was momentarily drawn by a brief appearance from the top of Ye Rim's head, trying to peek at them through the studio doors window.

"What's up?" Dae Won, who had his back to the door, asked, but didn't turn to check.

"She. Trying to spy on us."

"Does this girl really exist?"

"Sometimes I wonder that, too."Jun Hyeon said. "But since we started it, let's finish this conversation. I've seen you big time into a girl before, and you're the same way for this girl right now."

The hyung's response was a shrug, and the question, "And are you going to keep me from doing my best to help her career just because you believe that?"

"Don't you see, hyung? She already said no. She doesn't want to be into a reality show or anything your friend can get her into right now. Let alone not making it live on TV nationwide. Let alone live on TV for her little hometown." He felt himself a bit over the edge as he said that, then changed his tone, asking: "Leave her alone, hyung."

"Jun Hyeon. You have only listened to her words. Listen to more than that. She calls for recognition. She begs for recognition. She is a great artist. And she's withering away, singing who-knows-where; she's dying. She is wearing away from the spotlight. Pay attention to her eyes. Pay attention every time she says, 'Hey, look at me, I have talent! I'm pretty! Look how unlucky I am. ' She says instead: 'Why is no one choosing me ?! Why? What's wrong with me?!' Can't you listen what is not spoken?"

Dae Won impressed his words with intensity, and Jun Hyeon couldn't help but fully understand the analogies his friend was imprinting in his speech. His eyes filled with tears against his will, he huffed trying to dismiss this sad feeling.

But Dae Won wasn't over. He took two steps forward, getting close to Kim, who was uncomfortable with his proximity as he felt emotional and weakened by the memories and reflections this conversation were causing:

"Jun Hyeon, maybe you're losing your way. Now, when an apparently healthy person comes to you, you tell them that maybe they don't really want what they say they want. They come to you and have to convince you that they really want to. Ye Rim won't do that. She thinks no one will listen to her."

Jun Hyeon sighed, shaken, rubbed the back of his neck, and said," Okay. I got what you're saying. You're cruel, hyung."

"I'll help her." Dae Won didn't apologize, nor did Kim think that would happen.

"Right. Do it, hyung. "

They looked at each other, and by mutual agreement, strikingly went to the exit, and Kim Jun Hyeon opened the door, speaking loudly: "You should call my mom, she misses you."

"I'll do it." Dae Won followed the prank, and they both came across Ye Rim, feigning they didn't know anything about her eavesdropping.

She was gracefully ready to touch the doorknob. She put her hand to her chest, 'scaredly' exclaiming: "Oh!"

'She's batshit crazy!' Kim concluded.

Dae Won smiled, "You' okay?"

"Oh, you were already leaving!"

"Yes. I have an appointment in a moment. But I hope to see you soon. And so to you, Jun Hyeon." Dae Won said goodbye, and Kim got the impression that the appointment part was a lie, but thanked his hyung mentally for not setting up a date for three again. As much as he admired his hyung, seeing him reminded Kim of Ji Hyeon, and it always hurt.

While Dae Won walked down the hallway, he turned to the girl, who suddenly seemed busy reading something on her cell phone:

"Shall we? Has something happened?"

She shook her head, and looked up at him, putting her cell phone away.

"Oh no. Just my unnie who said she took to Pearl a specific dress for me to wear tonight. I just thought it was a bit off."

"Isn't that common?" He asked, a little curious.

"Well, sometimes she gets excited about something she just created, and wants me to try it immediately... Only it's not the case... Sometimes I wonder what goes inside that little head of hers..." she looked intrigued, and Kim thought he'd like to figure out what's inside her little head as well.

But soon the singer switched her thoughtful mood, and exclaimed, walking forward with a bold pose:

"Over coffee!"

So... Thoughts, anyone?


Do you know my other novel, "The Mischievous Maiden and the Sleeping Prince"?

This historical fantasy takes place in a fictional European Kingdom, during the early Renaissance. The mysterious MC, Alexa, arrives to meet the dangerous First Prince Magnus and the Sleeping Prince, his younger brother. I really hope you like this ghost tale full of adventure, horror, love and a bit of comedy, too.

If you have the time please give it a check!

Lots of love!

MizAcreators' thoughts
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