
Finding A Weakness Part Three

"Incoming!" Alicia yelled out as a group of one hundred demonic plagues charged at Alicia and her group. 

This had been the scene for a few days now as they slowly, meter by meter, did their best to reclaim the land. The process was very slow due to the intricacies of the barrier itself. It took ten mages to form the barrier and each mage had to move a separate magic circle into place without the magic circle dispersing. This task was very delicate and very time consuming. On top of this, they had to fend off attacks from the demonic plagues. 

Alicia and her unit plus the knights were all doing their part in defending the mages as they worked and placed down the barrier magic circles. Unfortunately, such a task was not simple and many had already sustained injuries, Alicia's team included. 

"Just a little longer! We just need to hold them off a little longer and we can retreat back behind the barrier!" Alicia yelled. 

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