
Litmus Test (Part 3)

Royal Stables, Chandragarh

Chiranjeev and Abhirath hadn't managed to catch their breaths ever since Prithvi first sought them this morning. The 'old woman' whom they had fetched, walked at an even faster pace than they did. They had figured out that the lady was in disguise but they dare not ask her about it.

Without getting into any pleasantries, she started speaking as they reached the same place where Prithvi had first given them instructions, "Each of you will be given a mission. Treat this as a matter of national security and give it more than your best. Time is of essence here. So let's get down to work. I will be speaking to you individually so that neither of you is aware of the other's mission."

With that, she took Abhirath aside first and spoke to him in undertones. Chiranjeev observed them from the corner of his eyes. Whether it was the trick of the light or something was wrong with his eyes, but he felt that when Mriga would grow old, she would look exactly like this.

On the other side of the garden

While the contestants jostled amongst their respective groups, the queen had started to feel queasy. Normally seen with an expressionless face, she was visibly uncomfortable at this moment. Clutching her chest, she looked at Indrani who looked away for a moment, biting her lower lip.

Then, collecting herself, Indrani summoned a group of attendants to help the queen go back. She also sent a message to the royal physician before whispering something to the event coordinator and hurriedly following the queen's palanquin.

A lot of eyes were on the flurry of movements but before any of them could react, the coordinator spoke up, "Attention everyone! Rani Samyukta has retired for the day but the event will continue without interruption. Requesting the ministers and dignitaries to be ready with their questions for the contestants. Thank you."


Shaurya was in the military camp when he received the letter. Reading the scroll, he frowned but nodded his head to the messenger. Half hour later, he suddenly fell down on the ground and fainted. The men training with him were taken aback and he was carried to the barrack where he was staying these days.

The physician was called and since this guy shared close proximity to the Himprayag royalty, a message was sent to General Gayatri as well. By the time, she entered his chamber, Shaurya was looking pale and was trying to stand up. Seeing her, he staggered up to her and put his hand on her shoulder to take support.

Gayatri felt disgusted with him in such close proximity and was about to push him away but he tightened his grip and whispered in her ear, "Talk to me as you would under normal circumstances but pay attention to what I write on the ground."

Saying so, he fell onto the ground and heard her say in an emotionless voice, "Are you pretending to be sick right now?"

He groaned and said, "No, I have been diagnosed with acute food poisoning. Maybe I ate something which didn't suit my constitution."

While he spoke, his fingers worked fast on the soft muddy surface. Gayatri's face blanched as she read the message but she continued speaking in an even tone, "Then, take rest. We wouldn't want Chandragarh to feel wronged and can't afford to have something to happen to you."

She left from the room in unhurried steps and walked to the military camp, telling them about Shaurya's condition. It was only when she reached her room that she bolted the door and slid down on the chair, noiselessly.

The guy's words were still visible in front of her eyes, "Mortal danger. Tell Princess to meet where we met first, at dusk. Come in disguise."

Who was in danger? The princess? From whom? How did he know?

Gayatri didn't like the guy, no… she hated the guy but she couldn't think of a reason for him to pull such tricks. Had he wished for the princess's presence, he would have gotten it much earlier and through an easier method which implied this elaborate charade was not woven for Ahilya. Standing up, she removed any and every expression from her face before walking out of the door in her calm, unhurried manner.

Somewhere on the road

Abhirath was cursing under his breath right now. Stuffed in a carriage full of old men and women, he was squashed in a corner. If looking at rotting teeth wasn't enough, the smell of post breakfast on everyone's breath was surely going to make him throw up soon. As per the old lady's order, he had found himself an inconspicuous carriage which was headed towards Himprayag.

Wearing the clothes of a labourer, he had the queen's stamped agreement stuck inside his clothes. He was on his way to meet Shauryaveer there. There were a million questions in his head but the thought of this being his first official mission, Abhirath felt as if he had tasted heaven already. His only regret was not being able to see Mriga before leaving but then he would be back soon.

"Maybe I will have to address her as 'royal highness' or something when I come back. That will surely give her the biggest kick," he snorted, imagining the scene.

Suddenly, someone let out a large burp, informing the entire carriage about his onion laden greasy meal. That's it! Abhirath decided to poke his face out of the window. It was better to let his nose freeze in the cold air than let it die due to asphyxiation caused by poisonous smell.

Since the people in the carriage belonged to the lower economy range, the carriage puller let loose the horses to go at a break-neck speed, throwing the passengers' safety to the wind. After all, shorter time taken meant an opportunity to turn around faster. Holding onto the window for his dear life, Abhirath focussed his thoughts upon the next part of the task.

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