
My dream, my aspirations...

After wishing her, Gauri made a move to excuse herself from there.

"Where are you going? Join us for breakfast, if you haven't eaten yet," Vindhya invited her, generously.

Gauri fought a hard internal battle. She had two choice - spend some cosy time with her crush, looking like a sleepy monster clad in her ragged pyjamas OR run away from there right now and save her face but deprive herself of his precious company.

Eventually, she drew in a deep breath and said, "Uh, that is… I have an important errand to run right now. I will see you in the evening at the party."

With that she bid them farewell and walked away muttering, "Better to not scare him off with my unwashed teeth and wild, uncombed hair. Otherwise, he would never give me another chance to come within fifty meters of his presence."

"Vindhya, I came looking for you so early in the morning because I wanted to speak with you about something serious. Are you aware that your marriage is being planned with the son of the Southern zilla's chief?" Vindyut asked her the minute they sat down for breakfast at a famous eatery close to the Gurukul.

"Yes, I do know. They had spoken with me about it the last time I went home," she told him, matter of factly.

Vidyut travelled extensively to different zillas and to other countries as well, collecting knowledge and medicinal herbs from various sources. He had only returned home a few days ago and was recently informed about his sister's impending engagement which was more a political alliance.

"Don't you think that you are too young to think of marriage right now? Even if they don't get you hitched right away, you do realize that you won't be able to date another guy in future once you get engaged to this one. Why do you want to shackle yourself so early? There are so many interesting people in the world to meet," he implored.

Vindhya was shaking her head even before he finished speaking.

"Haha, you want me to stay single like you, is it? Between you and me, you are well aware of my future aspirations. I have no desire to be chased by or pursue many guys. Keeping in mind my end goal, he seems to be the ideal fit under the circumstances," she explained with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Vindhya! I know that it has been your dream to sit on the most coveted throne in the country and I have full confidence in your abilities. But there is more to life than becoming the Queen. What will happen if you don't end up being selected? Don't let your career aspirations decide the rest of your life," he argued passionately.

Vindhya gave him a superior look and replied with confidence, "Do you think that I haven't scoped out the potential girls who can be my rivals in the competition? I have assessed them all and without trying to sound immodest, I can assure you that none of them come even close to fulfilling the basic criteria of becoming the Queen."

Vidyut sighed in frustration. She was just not ready to see the big picture.

Judging his reaction, she changed her tone and spoke in a placating manner, "Look, he is attending my birthday party today. Why don't you assess him yourself and give me your honest opinion? Let's have this discussion after you have met him, hmm? Now, can we not argue and enjoy the scrumptious spread?"

As was always the case, he gave into his sister's demands and shook his head in agreement. After a hearty fill, they went to the lodge where their parents were staying.

Vasudev, the chief of Western zilla and his wife, Rukmani were just getting ready to greet the long line of people who had gathered to meet them. As a power couple, they were known for their deep connects not only in their own zilla, but also in the capital city. Vasudev had been the chief of Western zilla for five years now and every alternate generation from his family had been qualifying for the position. Politics was all that the family knew.

Luckily for Vidhyut, since he couldn't apply for any administrative position due to the rule of skipping a generation, he was free to pursue his choice of career in medicine. For them, this was the first time that they had a girl in the family who had the potential and the opportunity to become the next Queen. Understandably, the whole family including the extended relations had huge expectations out of Vindhya and it seemed that she was going to fulfil them all.

"Happy birthday, my princess. You are almost a lady now. God bless you!" Rukmani exclaimed in delight as she saw her daughter walking upto her after greeting her father.

"It is so good to see you, Maa," she smiled and hugged her mother.

Surveying her critically, her mother remarked, "You are looking good, as usual. But we should still put the turmeric-sandalwood mask on you. I had them infuse it with rose water in it. Ah, and your bath has been prepared with Jasmine flowers' extracts. Make sure to soak in it for at least twenty minutes."

Though the wastage of water was prohibited by the government, but few lodge owners had come together and petitioned for building their properties around a natural spring or a waterfall which could be used as a private bathing area by the guests of these lodges. The maintenance and cleanliness of these water bodies was the responsibility of the owners and they happily extracted huge sums of money from the rich clients for the same. Most upper-class travellers liked to stay in such places and didn't mind the heavy tariffs.

Vasudev's family was staying at one such place. Though the lodge was located slightly far from the main city, they were willing to commute everyday just to enjoy the luxuries of the place. Vindhya's birthday party had also been organised in the expansive garden of this lodge.

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