

Sartaj: How?

Gaitonde: First father Pandit. I didn't want to be like him. The second father Salim Kaka, whose eyes told me, "Gaitonde if you kill me you'll become immortal. You are Ashwathama."

Bombay 1984

Salim Kaka is taking Gaitonde and Mathu somewhere on a boat.


One member of Salim Kaka's gang pushes a man. He points a gun towards that man

Gang Member: Sit down. Dont utter a word.

Salim Kaka: I told you not to do it.

Gaitonde (background): Salim kaka was also known as the ball breaker. He squeezed the balls so hard that the brain would burst and the person would be dead in minutes. Salim kaka had done this 14 times. Mathu was petrified. So was I, but i had made up my mind.

Mathu: You want to be brave go ahead, I wont.

Gaitonde: You told me to be brave. This box has so much money, you'll never have to sell Mandrax again.

Mathu: Do you even know what being brave means?

Gaitonde: Those six assholes over there know what it means. But will they do it?

Mathu: You are out of your mind.

Salim kaka makes his gang carry boxes wrapped with plastic, they go to the other bank of the river, their clothes soaked with water. The enter the forest which was on the other side of the river.

Salim: Put the boxes down.

He then moves his neck ordering others to go hide except Gaitonde and Mathu.

The guys they are dealing with arrive. No one speaks a word, they exchange the boxes. The guys leave after the deal but Salim kaka orders Gaitonde and Mathu to not move.

Four gunshots in a distance are heard. The gang members return with the box.

The gang member hands over the gun to Mathu.

Gang Member: Its empty now, but it has killed two people. Keep it safe.

He then walks towards Salim kaka.

Gang Member: Its done.

Gaitonde (background): Salim Kaka may have been a smuggler but he was actually a demon. My conscience told me to free this fucker's soul. We had learned the tricks of smuggling gold. Now, Salim Kaka was of no use to us.

Salim Kaka successfully crossed the river. Gaitonde was walking towards the river bank when he out of nowhere throws the box inside the water.

Salim Kaka: You! Mother fucker!

He runs towards Gaitonde, slaps him. Starts squeezing his neck.

Salim: Why did you throw it, Motherfucker?

Gaitonde somehow picks up a rock from the river bed and attacks Salim Kaka with it. He successfully killed Salim Kaka. Mathu helped Gaitonde by holding Salim kaka from behind.

Mathu: Hit this Motherfucker!

Gaitonde: Motherfucker

Mathu: Enough.

Gaitonde removes his slippers and again starts hitting Salim kaka.

Mathu: Enough! He is already dead

Gaitonde (background): Everyone was scared. They looked at Salim Kaka's corpse with utter disbelief. No one said anything to me. No one shot me. No one praised me. Does this happen to you? When you kill someone, you visualise yourself as that person. I've seen myself in every person I have killed.

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