

Sartaj recorded everything what Gaitonde just said, he sends it to Katekar.

The same time at the RAW Headquarters

A woman wearing headphones is listening to some man on the computer screen

Man: Greeting, I am speaking from Baluchistan. Theres word that a faction of of ISI has gone rogue and is smuggling fake currency into India. They are planning something disastrous against India with Hizbuddin's support. I am asking you to send help.

The woman is taking notes while taking notes somebody calls her. The caller is saved by the name Breaking News.

In the other part of Mumbai, Sartaj enters the court of records.

Watchman: Sir we're closed.

Sartaj: I told you that I spoke to Mr. Parulkar

Watchman: Come back in the morning. I need to enter it in the register.

Sartaj: It is an unusual situation. You'll get a letter from the DCP's office tomorrow.

Sartaj picks up the call.

Sartaj: Did you hear that

Katekar: He mentioned Kailashpada Police Station

Sartaj: He's been missing for 17 years.

Katekar: He hasn't been in India for 23 years. It can't be him.

Sartaj: He has 158 murder cases against him. He fucked both RAW and ISI before disappearing.

Sartaj (To the watchman): where are the classified files.

Watchman: In that corner. Row number 30.

Katekar: He must be crazy if he came back

Katekar's wife: Where are you going?

Katekar: I'm going to hell.

Katekar leaves the house.

The woman at Raw headquarters enters a room, The room has dim light and all the people inside the room have a computer screen infront of their eyes.

She walks to the guy who called her.

Woman: Is he still talking?

Sartaj opens a cupboard and starts checking the files. After searching for a few minutes he finds the file number

215578. He is nervous while opening the file. After finding the true identity of the caller Sartaj is stunned. The claaer was Ganesh Eknath Gaitonde.

He receives a call from Gaitonde.

Gaitonde: Are you frightened now? What will you do now Mr. Sartaj?

Sartaj: Why did you call me?

Gaitonde: How can I tell you if you won't listen?

Sartaj: Where have you been for the past 15 years? Singapore? Malaysia?

Gaitonde: Right here in Zone 13.

Sartaj starts driving the car.

Katekar: Sir it's a trap. Call for backup.

Sartaj: How will that help me? I'll be back to doing my same old shit.

Katekar: Parulkar and Majid will be pissed.

Sartaj: Fuck Majid

He unmutes his call with Gaitonde

Gaitonde: How far is it from there?

Sartaj: Twenty minutes.

Gaitonde: That's some speed. Are you in love with Bombay now?

At the RAW Headquarters they are listening to the conversation of Sartaj and Gaitonde.

Sartaj: We live like cockroaches. What is there to love?

Gaitonde: Try going out at night. If I didn't love this city so much..... I wouldn't have build my empire here in the garbage dumps.

Sartaj: This is what mumbai is now. An empire amongst garbage dumps.

Gaitonde: That's the beauty of this city, sir. Anything is possible.

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