

2 Days Later

Upstairs in Elias' room, both Stiles and Elias could be seen with playstation 3 controllers in their hands.

"Max Ammo," A voice from the Tv somehow managed to make both Elias and Stiles sigh in relief. Zombies chased after their characters in the small but dangerous map called Nacht der Untoten.

Stiles shot at the zombies as Elias boarded up the windows behind them, unfortunately, they had made a big mistake. The door leading to the box was opened and zombies filtered through it with unstoppable numbers. Stiles was the first to go down and as Elias did his best to stay up it just wasn't meant to be. A zombie spawned from the window effectively cutting off his route and ending their longest round yet.

"It's funny we both have increased reaction speed and yet we can't survive past round 10," Elias said with a sigh.

"Yeah my head just isn't in it," Stiles said, placing the controller on the floor next to him.

"Same," Elias had only bought the PlayStation and the cod black ops because he wanted to take his mind off of Marin. Stiles was here for the exact same reason, Lydia was still downstairs, unconscious. Elias had made a tough call, it was better for Lydia to remain here in case she woke up a werewolf. He had given her a bit of his blood so that if she didn't make it she would at least live if you could call being a vampire living.

Using compulsion of Mrs.Martin would have been the next stop if Allison hadn't called her and explained that Lydia was going to be staying at her house for the next few days.


"Did you hear that?" Elias asked Stiles who frowned in response.

"Is it your dad or uncle?" Stiles asked.

"No, My dad won't be back for a while and if it was my uncle we would know," Standing up Elias frowned.

"Lydia," Stiles stood up bumping into the side of the door hinge as he ran down the stairs. Elias followed wondering if Lydia had finally woken up.

The bed they had moved downstairs was empty. Lydia nowhere to be found, the front door? Wide-open with the wind blowing the screen into the side of the house. The sound of rain and thunder could be heard from where they stood. Elias looked at Stiles who seemed stuck between worried and happy.

"Did someone take her or did she leave by herself?" Stiles turned around looking at Elias.

"What do you smell?" Elias said in return.

Stiles took a second allowing his senses to overwhelm him before a smile appeared on her face. "She's alright."

"Except the first thing she did after waking up was run," Elias said with a frown on his face. Lydia had left by herself, why? Elias had no idea but this meant she wasn't going to die and judging by her scent she wasn't leaving very fast. Unfortunately with the rain tracking her just became a lot harder.

"Time to call in the cavalry," Pulling out his phone Elias tapped Derek's name. While Elias did that Stiles called Scott.

"No answer from Derek," Elias already guessed that he wouldn't pick up. He had become in alpha and while he was still on the beck and call of Elias right now was a very sensitive time. From what Derek had told him the next week or so would be nothing but pain, Derek's body would be constantly changing. Becoming the best version of himself not only in body but in mind, if he failed in controlling himself he would become a monster like Peter.

Putting his phone in his pocket he looked at Stiles, he was currently explaining the situation to Scott. If Marin had still been in town he could have called her and asked Deaton for help, but right now they were both out of town. Deaton would likely return in a couple of days but if Elias wanted to see Marin he would have to visit her.

"Alright Scott is gonna call Allison and get her help," Elias nodded looking outside at the rain he wondered if going by foot was the best choice.

"I'll grab a couple of blankets, you start up the jeep," Lydia was likely in the surrounding forest. It would be better to park the car along the road so once they did find her they could immediately get out of the rain.

Running towards the back of the manor Elias opened a closet pulling out a couple of blankets, reaching higher up he grabbed a duffle bag. Throwing the blankets inside he jogged back towards the front door. The lights from the jeep flashed as Stiles could already be seen in the front seat.

Closing the door behind him Elias vamp sped through the rain immediately appearing inside the passenger seat of the jeep.

"Drive," Stiles didn't need to be told twice, immediately reversing the car before putting it in drive and pulling off towards the forest. They drove for a while, Elias used his super hearing hoping to hear Lydia walking through the forest. If she was a werewolf right now she might be running which would only make it harder. The rain didn't help, in fact, it was messing with Elias' senses.

Smelling Lydia was impossible and her tracks were being erased as she made them. Ignoring the sound of the rain was even more of a problem.

Stiles raised his hands up before slamming them on the wheel, Elias could feel the anger wafting off of him.

"We'll find her," He said trying to console his friend.

"How, we've been searching for an hour already and have no idea where she is?"

Elias didn't know how to respond, the forest was just too large and stretched in every direction making it hard to pick which way to focus on.


Lydia walked through the forest drowsy with no idea where she currently was. The feeling of the rain hitting her skin was nonexistent. Her wet hair covered the front of her face as the heavy soaked clothes slowed her down.


The sound of a branch breaking drew her attention as she looked in the direction of the branch her eyes went wide. A scream so horrifyingly loud was released from her mouth, as whatever it was that had broken the branch seemed to vanish.

Stiles pulled the jeep to the side of the road as his eyes went wide at the sound of the scream he was sure every supernatural in beacon hills had heard. "Lydia." The sound had come from behind them, turning the jeep around he sped in her direction.

Elias frowned, Lydia's voice was filled with power. Power that reminded him of magic, he had a feeling she wasn't a werewolf.

Pulling the car over Stiles hopped out of his jeep with Elias following. "It came from this direction," Stiles picked up his speed running past the trees. From his right eye in his peripheral vision, he saw a shadow, stopping in his tracks a smile appeared on his face.

"Lydia!" He yelled out causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Stiles?" She asked as a smile appeared on her face. Running over to her Stiles pulled her into a hug ignoring the wetness of her clothes. If they stayed in the rain any longer his clothes would surely be just as wet. Silence filled the forest as Lydia and Stiles hugged it out it was safe to say it was over.

Peter was dead and even Lydia who he had bitten had survived. Jackson was another problem but one Elias was sure they could easily solve. It was over, beacon hills could now return to a peaceful town without psycho murdering werewolves to cause havoc.

Clearing his throat Elias waved at both Lydia and Stiles, "I understand the emotions and all but it's still raining."

Stiles smiled hearing his friend before looking back down at Lydia. "Let's get you out of the rain." Lydia nodded as Stiles wrapped his arm around her shoulder, almost sheltering her from the rain.

That night they celebrated. Lydia was okay, Peter was gone and they had a break from school. Everyone showed but Derek which they all understood, they were high schoolers anyway so they didn't expect Derek to be at every gathering. Scott and Allison were the first to leave, after them, it was Stiles driving Lydia home leaving Elias alone in the Mikaelson Manor.

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