
The Platinum Club's Standards

As Damien and Katherine headed towards the elevator, she held him by the arm and asked, "Do you want to check on your mom first? We can go up for a few minutes if you like?"

He softly nodded and smiled, sliding her hand to his as he led her inside the elevator car. "It's okay, I already called and we'll see them later. Markus, Felix, Styles, and the rest of the Alpha Team are already there. We don't have much time if we want to beat the traffic."

"Where is this man we're meeting?"

"He's on the outskirts of the city. I suggested we meet in my office earlier but he refused. He said he didn't want to risk any issues being raised if someone sees that I'm meeting a council member privately. For his and my sake."

"I see… They seem very strict."

"Mm." He looked at her, taking in that she had changed into casual jeans and plain white shirt under a leather jacket.

"You don't like what I'm wearing?"

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