
Ver 2: Off the pan and into the fire

Have you ever had a godforsaken thought on something that you just can't decide how to go along with any choice popping out of your dummy dum dum noodles? Well this is one of it albeit a little different, why? Nothing too serious actually.

"I just can't decide wether I'd blow up the double sided mirror or break the barrier around this place~"

I placed my fingers to my chin and burrowed my eyebrows to fit the aesthetic of thinking deeply. Some people might decide to just pick one and go on with your life but that's wrong very, very much wrong. I can blow up the windows by slightly disassembling the napalm on papa terminator and get some sort of bomb out of it or I can also very much just break the barrier as it's made out of psion energy or in cruder terms psychic brain juice turned micro chip which just needs a fine amount of happity zappity to get some overload on the poor man's brain chip juice whatever. Sounds good right? Well not really since there's a chance that if the potato heads on the other side of the pillow are smart then I'd be smithereens by the next Blood Saint's Day and likewise with barrier it might be rigged to counter attack against unknown energy and poppy toppy my skulled noodles.

"A famous two-timer once said that if one does not work then just go for the both of them"

I walked towards the napalm and pulled some on the spot gizmo buzz, well to be honest I just pulled a hidden cartridge and pushed a button to un-mount that napalm. After a few minutes I pointed at the barrier and the drones went towards it and charged their buzzy sparky and as for me I pointed the napalm towards the window.

"Ugh, this is heavy how can people lift this thing? I seriously think that human muscles aren't enough to pick this up and- Boom"

I stopped my sentence midway and fired the napalm as the drones behind me also fired their sparksies showing a very cool image of one side blowing up while the other is... well sparky with blue electricity.



I was laughing louder and louder over the chaos that's happening within the room as within just a few minutes of arriving all hell just broke lose and my judgement was correct, apparently too correct that I might've jinxed it, want to know why? Well in a manner of seconds just after blowing up the window several armed men came out of it and charged at me, yes I could've done something but the psion barrier was as I feared rigged go counter attack and so I had was very much screwed as a massive headache slammed into my head rendering me paralysed and armed men pointing plasma guns at me.

"Experiment #576-666S deemed as defective and applying necessary force...clearer instructions capture with force"

I grinned and laughed like an unstable mental patient as each and everyone of them switched guns and used tranquilizer darts on me, each poke made me feel ecstatic my eyes shifted upward as different colors erupted from my vision and then...black.


A scientist wearing a particular disturbing lab coat with what can only be judged as blood and pus all over it. He was walking on hallway with fast steps as if in a hurry or he is in a hurry, as soon as he got to a big thick door he pulled his card out and swiped it in the swiping lock and placed his eyes in front of it to be scanned.

"You're saying my latest idea was used by a test subject that we got off a slave market? I'd naturally think you are a donut if... I'm not seeing it in front of me"

The scientist touched the drone like flying machines and examined them, he had a stoic face the entire time and after a bit he signalled the assistant scientist to go out. After a bit he dropped on his ass with a particularly disturbing face.

"Either that kid is smarter than I am or this is a unexplained occurrence that can... only~ be~ attributed~ to~ TIME TRAVEL!"

After touching himself in the face erotically and drooling he picked himself up and walked towards a green cylinder with an incapacitated white haired child floating in liquid with a oxygen mask and some tubes on his body.

"Your...going to be in a entirely new world of fun~ soon dear Subject #576-666S or should I say Dynamo?"


It was black, as if I was in a blackhole in which may I remind you is a very unproven matter. Since you nobody really knows how it feels to be in one, not that anybody would want to. Back to the blackness around me it was peaceful and quiet I couldn't talk and hear but relaxing like how it feels to be in womb probably, if I ever remembered how that felt. I was just floating and floating and floating and floating when all of the sudden a sharp pain said Hi to me and slammed my peaceful sanity to kingdom come, welcome back to reality insanity.


I shouted, loudly like a fierce lion that got his George of the jungle cut off by a rusty machete. One minute it was peaceful and black but now it was hectic and white as I can barely recognize where I was if not for the fact that I've been here, this was the experiment room a very displaced name for bloody torture chamber.

"Oh, it seems Dynamo is already awake~"

A eery and annoying voice resound and mutilated my ears, no my ears were actually cut off I don't know why but it's their fault.

"No, I'd like it for you to shoot me back to sleep. I've grown fond of the black hole womb"

I smiled for all it's worth or actually it's near me smirking and unintentionally looking extra cool. I think, anyway.

"Oh? I'd like to so you won't really shout like a dog but alas pain wakes even the dead~ now go along I'll still have to do a lot more"

He grinned as he took the knife to my eyes and I couldn't stop my self and I just laughed as he pulled my eyes out. It was disturbing, sloosh and squishy mushy reverberated around my ears and I laughed along with it, maniacally and with a tint of shouting from pain that I believe would out scale damage from excessive deep throats. It continued for several hours and the dude just looked at my parts like they're some Lego blocks, my throat was so damaged that breathing was excessively hard as each wisp of air felt like sand paper was scrubbing on my throat but I was still laughing it was only source of sanity left not that I was ever sane to begin with.

"Hm... unfortunately there's nothing strange on your optical parts neither does your ears"

He threw a bottle and it broke on contact spilling green juice on me that stinged as much as getting noodle fried by psion energy which is... a lot.

"That's a healing potion, I need you alive you know~ now back to the cylinder and your... what was it? black hole womb?"

I stared at the scientist in front of me as he injected me with tranquilizers and I felt sleepy and so it was black... or so he thought

"Sike~ AHAHAHA!~"

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