
Haggling the Hag

I look inside and I see Chiyo with the 3rd Kazekage sitting in chairs with their hands on the desk that they have their with a map of the all 5 nations.

Then the we look at them and we sit in our chairs. Hokage in the middle Sakumo inthe right and I in the left.

The the kazekage looks at me with cold eyes and says.

Kazekage:" So you are the brat that was able to take out our ichibi. You sure don't look like much."

I see what he is trying to do. I just smile and say.

Me:" Hahahahah thanks Kazekage -sama. That was what Chiyo thought before I cut her arm of."

Then I make a vile smile and continue saying.

Me:" That is also what your jinchuriki thought before I took him out. Of course some other Sand jounin had the same idea as them, but of curse they had it... how should I say it ...more critical."

The kazekage looks angrily at me and releasees his chakra with killing intent towards me but then the hokage releases his before it gets to me and says.

Hiruzen:" You know Kazekage attempting to attack a ninja of a Village you are trying to make peace with doesn't send the message of peace quite clearly."

Chiyo looks at the Kazekage with dissappointed eyes becouse he just got angry and led on by a kid.

Sakumo looks at Kazekage and frowns.

I just look at them with my usual smile like I didn't notice anything.

They already were in a lower position than us by being the weaker village they had to wait for us so that puts them lower and with what I did right now they got even lower the only people in the room who get this are Chiyo and Hokage the others aren't quite experienced in politics. Even I am not quite like them in political knowledge.

But the Hokage has a weakness he wants peace so bad, and the others know. Because they know this, that puts us in a kind of stalemate with them for now. Then the hokage tries to diffuse the situatio.

Hiruzen:" C'mon now we are going to be allies soon no need to bicker amongst each other."

The Kazekage sees this and follows.

Kazekage:" Ok but for us to singn this treaty I need the puppet that the kid took from Chiyo and the Jinchuriki."

Hiruzen:" I can give you the Jinchuriki for 500 mill ryo after all this is cheap the 1st Hokage sold the one tail for 1 billion ryo per tail for tailed beasts."

Then they started negotiating for it with the end price 100 mil ryo.

Wow the hokage really is a bad negotiator that is where his wish for peace weakened him and lowered the price exponentially. They also signed a 5 year piece treaty if they want to continue it they will meet again in 5 years. They can't exactly break this contract because it was signed by the two Daimyo.

Then Chiyo looks at me and says.

Chiyo:" Ok kid now that we are allies

return the puppet you took from me."

Yeah right you old hag as if I will do that. I know that I can't keep it becouse these puppets are precious to Suna but there is no way I am giving those for free. I then smile and say.

Me:" Sorry Chiyo -san but I can't exactly turn it in for free I am studying it.

You can come take it after the war is over."

She looks at me frowns her eyebrows and says.

Chiyo:" Well I will give you 1 mill ryo for


Me:" I will accept of you give me 20 million."

Chiyo:" Are you crazy kid I can make 2 of those with that amount of money."

Me:" Yeah but the ingredients aren't quite easy to come by, especially in a war time."

And I know that those puppets were made by the first puppeteer from the anime if they were so easy to make suna would have more of them.

Chiyo:" I will give you 5 mill for it."

Me:" Since we are allies I will give it to you for 17 million."

Chiyo:" Kid don't joke with me 7 mill is the final price."

Me:" Then you will have to pay me when the war is over."

Chiyo is sweating a bit and the says.

Chiyo:" 9 MILLION...."

I act like I am fed up with this and say.

Me:" Ok, Ok no need to beg for it I will give it to you for 9,500,000."

Chiyo looks at me angry and then says with grinding teeth and a vein in her forehead.

Chiyo:" Y -YOU *sigh*.

She then calms down and says.


The others in the room had surprised faces after all seeing a 8 year old kid negotiating with a veteran and coming out on top is surprising.

Then after some more planing by the Hokage and Kazekage on how to put some more pressure on

Iwahakure(Rock Village) then we leave the tent. Then the hokage tells Sakumo.

Hiruzen:" Sakumo you have to go to the Lightning coutry borders, I am coming also we have to slow down the 3rd Raikage. From the information from Root they are in the land of hot water they are almost in our borders so we will slow them down."

Then we go in our meeting tent there are only me, Sakumo and the Hokage.

Sakumo seems kind of nervous and says.

Sakumo:" It's going to be hard to stop him even with us together.

The 3rd Raikage is known as the Almighty A."

Hokage:" Don't worry too much Danzo will have Root disguised as Mist ninja and attack the Village Hidden in the Clouds directly. If the plan works we will only have to only hold him for a bit."

Hiruzen then looks at me and says.

Hirizen:" What about you Yami will you join us."

Sorry about the late chapter.

My cousin had her birthday so I went to the party.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts
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