
No less than a five-star hotel.

"let's sit and start talking about business," Mr. Rathor said.

Chahat sits and keeps the project file on top of the table in front, she says "this file contains all the details".

Before reading this file I want to talk to you as I already told you. She explains it.

I want you to include your ancestral mansion in this hotel project.

If we join the Panders Palace and Rathore ancestral mansion in this Project, it will be "No less than a five-star hotel".

And the bungalows nearby, we are including them in the hotel project.

We can keep those Banglos as a resort with the hotels, the guests who want a resort-style environment will get it. as it surrounding forest four side we can develop it as cave theme as it is easy to do that.

well on the surface your words create wonders,

If we go for your plan it will be difficult to execute don't you think forest lovers will object to our project. first we have to consider will people give forest place first we have to consider it. said

well objections are welcomed. we cannot just stop as jut for an objection. as for forest place you can go through project she gesture towards the file kept on table.

as old man skimps through file.

chahat continued. "Pander Palace and Rathor's ancestral house will give the feel of the time when the King Maharaja lived there for the guests, if we keep intact, the paintings that we have in both the palaces we can achieve the results.

Sr. Rathore shows hesitation in his face, and says all is well, there is much more to be done to give the feal of King Maharajas to the guests who stay there.

As chahat listens she gives voice to her words, It seems from your words that you are ready to join in this project.

To be sure from our side, yes but there is an objection from our side too, according to you, if everything is done, then we will not stop being equal participants of this project, but we Rathor's will be just as the caretaker which is not acceptable to us.

"So to be fair in business there is some advice from our side for this project as well. Do you want to hear it.... old mam sees her by raising his one eyebrow".

chahat: "Sure, I want to hear".

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