
Clandestine meeting at the Lake

The moon is nearly full of days to go before becoming a full moon. The silvery light lightens the evening as the stars twinkle brightly overhead. Their reflection brightens the surface of the inky waters of the lake on the Hogwarts grounds. There is a faint breeze that barely stirs the robes of the Hogwarts Board that had arrived on foot and gathered at the edge of the shores.

At the helm is the perfectly dressed, Chairman Lucius Malfoy with nary a stray pale, long blond hair out of place. Despite the urgency and the reason for the presence at the shores of a muddy bank, his clothing is stylish as ever as his elegant opera cloak flutters stylishly behind him. He impatiently leans on his walking stick and thumps it even once or twice against the grass.

"Professor Dumbledore is late," Lucius Malfoy drawled in displeasure.

"I am certain that there are far more pressing matters for the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot to attend to at this time," drily said, Francesca De Leon. The beautiful, olive-skinned, curved Spanish witch's full lips turn into a smirk, and for a brief moment playfully batts her gorgeous almond-like eyes at Lucius.

Lucius loudly lets out a snort of disdain followed by a pointed cough from his in-law, Walburga Black reminding him of his manners. Lucius unhappily turns away as the stern, dark-haired pure blood witch gray eyes remain stern in a warning. Satisfied at being obeyed to Walburga Black's sharp features remain unusually solemn.

How could Walburga not be worried? Sirius was finally acting as heir and now this! At present, Sirius is at St. Mungo's being treated for his injury along with her future daughter-in-law, Bethanie betrothed to her youngest, Regulus. Naturally, Sirius's betrothed Tiffany Topsy is present as well. At least, she can rest easy knowing that her husband, Orion is accompanying their children.

The dark-eyed Secundus Wilkes stares outward at the lake. His salt-peppered hair flutters slightly in the breeze. Secundus Wilkes is lost in the past recalling his childhood, and his deceased son, S.R. Wilkes. If only he had pried his eldest son from the influence of his younger brother, Primus. If only…

At Wilkes's side stands the solemn Izuki Sato, whose almond eyes are half closed in meditation. His long sleek hair is pulled back in a simple knot with matching simple oriental-styled robes. The two wizards are quiet as other Hogwarts Board members quietly chat together or ignore each other such as in the case of Frederic Livingstone and Earl Porter.

There is a soft whispered conversation regarding the death of Professor Horace Slughorn. Thankfully Professor Mortimer had already been selected to replace Slughorn as Head of Slytherin and resident Potion's Professor as Professor Slughorn had intended to retire at the end of the school year. Small mercies indeed.

A piercing bird cry is heard as a crimson and golden blaze flashes brightly toward them. The entire Board reaches for their wands as the light lands in front of them momentarily blinding them. "My apologizes for my tardiness," the familiar voice of Albus Dumbledore said in a warm tone of voice.

As the bright lights fade away, the Board of Hogwarts sees Professor Dumbledore in simple dark robes with the tip of his buckled, high-heeled boots peeking out. His long silver hair and beard are neatly tucked into his belt. His child-like blue eyes sparkle behind half-moon spectacles that hang on a long, crooked nose. And a red, golden phoenix that is settled on his shoulder, Fawkes letting out a musical cry or rather a welcoming croon.

Yet this is not what startles the Hogwarts Board rather the fact that Professor Dumbledore did not look quite as old as before. The lines on his face are thinner and some simply are gone. If one did not know, one would swear that the Professor had shed twenty years!

"Ah, yes, I do look a tad younger," Albus admitted unable to keep a twinkle out of his eyes. "It was a most fortuitous encounter and for which I am eternally grateful. I digress, let us return to the reason why I have summoned the board this late in the evening."

"Your message Professor Dumbledore said it was most urgent," Lucius Malfoy pointedly retorted.

"Yes, I am coming to that, my dear boy," Albus said causing Lucius Malfoy's face to sour at being called a mere boy.

"It would seem that I am no longer fit to be Headmaster of Hogwarts and have been swiftly and most assuredly removed," Albus frankly admitted to the shocked murmurs of the whispering Hogwarts Board.

"Professor Dumbledore, what is the meaning of this!" Sputtered, Garrick Arnold. His stern, proud features are outraged (along with his haughty couture). "The Headmaster of Hogwarts does not simply leave his post without proper notification to the Hogwarts Board. This is simply an outrage! A DISGRACE!"

"Calm yourself, Arnold," Maxwell Zheng muttered, a dark-haired wizard with almond-shaped eyes, dark hair, and thin lips. (And a descendant of a certain famous ancient Asian explorer).

Garrick Arnold sneers at Maxwell Zheng, but Leif Amundsen pointedly stares back at Garrick Arnold. Leif Amundsen is by no means a small wizard. Tall and buff with clear eyes and wiry, but neatly trimmed hair. Leif Amundsen possesses a strong gaze, a firm cleft chin, and a mean punch much like his ancient Norwegian (explorer) ancestor.

Knowing that he could not put up a physical fight, Garrick Arnold turns away with a loud huff. Physical activity is for muggles and squibs. It is beneath him to engage with such barbaric louts.

"Hmm," Fredrick Livingstone loudly said drawing their attention to an older wizard with bushy untrimmed brows, a square face, and puffy, wild hair that sticks in all directions. "Professor Dumbledore said he was removed from his post. Whoever if we did not remove Professor Dumbledore from his position as Headmaster then who would have the authority to do so?"

"The Ministry of Magic," drily murmured Leif Amundsen under his breath followed by a suppressed chortle quickly turned cough by Maxwell Zheng.

"What rubbish!" Phillip Relec rudely disrupted, an older pureblood with a heavy-set jaw and a pug-like nose. "Only the Hogwarts Board or the Ministry of Magic can remove the Headmaster of Hogwarts from their post! Why I-."

A loud splash interrupts the rant of Phillip Relec, who turns towards the lake as do the rest. Gliding towards them is a great glistening albino serpent. The serpent is thicker than a man's thigh and over 19 feet long (and still growing). The serpent has sapphire-colored eyes that twinkle like the brightest of jewels. There is a matching gem embedded in the forehead of the serpent that emits a mystical glow. The serpent is a young juvenile as there are small stubs on the sides of the serpent's head forming small horns.

The mouth of several board members flopped as even Lucius Malfoy appears to be quite startled by the appearance of the floating serpent. It was not a common sight even in the known magical world. In fact, very few had ever been privy to such an occasion.

Heh, surprise indeed.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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