
Romulus Lupin

Sunday morning, a loud tapping at Gryffindor's tower window awakens James Potter with a wand in hand. The tall, thin figure of Remus Lupin freezes having been hexed before by James half-asleep. It takes James a few minutes to squint and half-asleep say, "Remus?"

"It's me, James," Remus said his russet hair sticking out at odd angles having just woken up too.

The crimson curtains of Peter Pettigrew's bed slide open to reveal a squinting Peter. "Whaz going on?" He yawned sleepily rubbing the sleep out of his chocolate-colored eyes.

"Well, I'm not sure," Remus said opening the tower window to permit a brown feathered owl with splotches of white, a tawny Scottish owl. The owl loudly hoots and holds out its leg.

Remus carefully removes the pouch and grabs a few coins from his pocket change, before carefully putting it in the small money pouch tied around the owl's leg. The owl loudly hoots, before setting out in the early morning sky. It would find a nice nook and cranny to rest in, before setting out again.

Closing the window firmly to keep the morning cold at bay, Remus opens the package to see a moving picture. In the picture, his mum looks rather tired, while his dad has a great big smile on his face holding a swaddled infant at St. Mungos. His hands shake as he tries to read the brief letter from his dad.

"My beloved son,

Your brother, Romulus Lupin was born April 4th at 1:20 a.m. weighing (2.73 kilograms), 6 lbs. 4 ounces! Your poor mum is exhausted, but she did great! We eagerly await the summer holidays to present to you, your little brother. And Remus take care, we love you no matter what you get on your O.W.L.'s.

Love Mum and Dad and Romulus."

"I'm a big brother," Remus said in disbelief before a wide grin spreads on his face. "I'm a big brother!"

"That's great, Remus!" Peter said before climbing out of his bed and slipping on bed slippers and his bed robe.

"That's really great, Remus," James wistfully said recalling his infant son.

"Thanks, Prongs," Remus said, "I can't lie, I'm rather nervous. He looks so small."

"You'll do just fine," James assured Remus. "You're probably the most patient one out of us."

"I know, but I always wanted a brother," Remus explained. "I thought I would never have one," he trailed off thinking about being bitten. "But here I am now," he said with a wide grin.

"Wake up, Padfoot!" Peter loudly shouted causing Remus and James to flinch as Sirius leaps out of the bed sprawling onto the floor.

"What was that for, Wormtail?" Sirius grumbled as he was helped to his feet by Peter.

"Remus's little brother born was born early this morning," Peter plainly said.

Sirius immediately perks flashing an attractive smile. "Well, you look at that Mooney! You're finally a big brother! Let me tell you, all little brothers are all a pain in the rear! The sooner you realize that the better off you will be!"

Peter raps Sirius on the head with his knuckles causing Sirius to wince. "Hey what was that for?"

Peter rolls his eyes and says, "Just because Regulus can outwit you doesn't mean Remus can't like his younger brother! Romulus is just a baby!"

"Exactly, stinky nappies," Sirius sniffed in disgust.

Peter, James, and Remus all stare at Sirius, who still doesn't get what he said was wrong. Peter shakes his head and heads off to the boy's showers, while Remus and James talk about babies. Sirius is left alone and bemused as to the situation.

Eventually, after getting dressed, they head down to the Great Hall for breakfast where Severus, Rowan, and Terry are already waiting for them at the Gryffindor table. Rowan and Severus are still not talking to each other as such Terry sits between the two of them. "So?" Terry impatiently asked as Remus sat down across from them.

"6 pounds and 4 ounces," Remus proudly said sliding the picture of the swaddled Romulus towards the three Slytherins.

"That's hardly small," Rowan drily remarked peeking at the tiny baby.

"Well, if the auburn fuzz anything to go by, he'll have your same hair color, Remus," Terry observed with a professional experienced eye. Then again, he had countless female cousins and nieces…

"Congratulations, Remus," Severus echoed.

"Thanks, Severus," Remus said with a wide smile.

The food begins to appear on the tables before them and they begin serving themselves as they chat. Slowly the subject changes to their career advice appointments. The Slytherins had already had their appointments with their Head of House, but Professor Babbling's would start today and go to mid-week. "

Well, I want to be a curse breaker!" Sirius proudly said. "Going off into the wilderness sounds like a grand adventure!"

"You didn't take Arithmancy!" Rowan rudely punctured Sirius's dream. "And I know for a fact that you can't do sums. At least not according to Regulus."

Sirius flushes in embarrassment before crossing his arms over his chest. Grumbling under his breath about 'annoying stinking little brothers.' "Well, in that case, I want to be an Auror!"

"You certainly have the talent and power for it," Rowan acknowledged. "However, your habit of recklessly rushing into battle would doubtlessly get you or your partner killed, Sirius. If you don't fix that habit of yours, there will come a day you will learn that the hard way."

Sirius doesn't even hear the rest of Rowan's words as his gray eyes light up in delight at being told he could be an Auror. "I knew you cared, Rowan!"

Rowan's face darkens as her hand clutches her fork and knife a little tighter. Terry tactfully pretends he doesn't know Sirius. Before Rowan does something like tossing food at Sirius's face (or a pointy silverware) Severus intervenes. "And what of the rest of you?"

"I'd like to become a Quidditch professional," Peter solemnly said. "I'm good at teamwork and strategy. And I may not be the best flier, but I'm definitely the best chaser since I can make the most connections and passes in a quidditch match. I've even got a couple of tentative offers from prospective teams."

"Well good for you, Pete!" Sirius happily said pounding Peter on the back. "I knew you would make Gryffindor proud!"

Peter flashes Sirius an annoyed look while Terry drily says, "And why aren't you going on to play Quidditch, Sirius?"

Sirius proudly puffed his chest out. "I would without a doubt go on to become the greatest Quidditch player of all time!" He paused. "But well mum and dad wouldn't like that idea (especially now that his mother was on the Hogwarts Board). However, they said being an Auror was fine as it was still within the political sphere." He grimaced as if physically ill. "And I want to make Tiffany proud," he added with a lopsided lovesick grin.

Terry shudders as if he is going to wrench at the disgusting sloppy expression. Sirius ignores Terry and happily chats about he is going to become the greatest Auror of all time. Terry hurriedly begins to eat wanting to leave while Severus patiently listens to Sirius. Then again, Sirius listened to Severus when he spoke about Lily. It was a fair exchange.

Ah, yes, future careers... It never ends really.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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