
Urgent Hiring

Hogwarts window's glow brightly under the frosty night. Tiny, frosted snowflakes creep across the outside portion of the windows creating incredible frosted works of art. Past the gargoyle, the winding staircase, and the gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin is the headmaster's office.

The headmaster's office is a large, circular room full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames at the late hour. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat – the Sorting Hat.

Standing on a gold perch far too big is an adorable puffball, a tiny chick with bright red and gold plumage, Fawkes, the phoenix. Fawkes eyes are closed shut quietly snoozing on his perch. He lets out a soft little tinkling musical snuffle in his sleep. It was rather adorable to observe.

Albus Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkle solemnly from behind his half-moon spectacles as he pensively strokes his white long beard with one hand and reads the paperwork before him. Ever since Georgine Prince had sent in her letter of resignation only mere days ago, he had suddenly found himself bereft of a professor with still half of a year to go. Not that he could refuse her resignation considering Georgine Prince's public announcement of her son.

Though Albus had not been aware that had always been the case. Then again, the Prince's tended to keep their cards hidden closely to their chest. He would not be surprised that had been the case all along.

Still, he had been forced to send out many Hogwarts's owls to brave the harsh winter storms to deliver a message. Tragically, he did not have much hope knowing that most if not all his letters would be declined. And they had been all been considering the opened stacks of letters before him, and all which were polite refusals to his offer.

Albus sighed and tugged on his white beard before his eyes perk up at spotting one unopened letter amid the letters of rejection. With a hopeful gleam, he reaches over for a silver letter opener and opens the thick parchment envelope. He only paused to read the name of the addressee, before perking up in recognition, Bob Ogden. And then eyes growing dimmer as he recalled the circumstances of the former Auror.

The former Head of Law Enforcement, Bob Ogden had retired not too long ago and even moved down to Hogsmeade not too long ago with his wife to finally enjoy their retirement. He had rumors from Aberforth and others down in the village that Ogden was rather restless since his retirement. Apparently, he'd begun taking up strange hobbies according to his wife's friends to his wife's great distress. She right wanted something to keep her man busy to be kept out from under her feet!

"Professor Dumbledore,

It is with great pleasure that I received your letter. I would be delighted to fulfill the abrupt vacancy left behind by Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. My wife and I are not opposed to my teaching at Hogwarts during the day and returning home at the end of a long day. Still, I would request the use of personal quarters to stay overnight during blizzards or strong thunderstorms. I am told that an office on the third floor has such personal quarters connected and if it is still available, I would very much be pleased to acquire said office. If this is acceptable, I shall arrive at your office on January 3rd at 7 p.m. sharp to discuss lesson plans.


Bob Ogden."

Albus's eyes widen as he glances at the time and the date on the envelope. With the bad weather, the letter had just arrived mid-afternoon delivered by a half-frozen owl! However, most concerning is the fact that the date for their visit is this evening. He hastily reaches into his warm velvet robes and pulls out a golden pocket watch. The pocket watch snaps open revealing the time, three minutes until the hour.

Albus shoves his chair back with a loud screech. Poor Fawkes lets out a startled chirp nearly falling off his perch. The fluffy chick blinks sleepily at Albus in panic, before tucking his head under his wings and falling fast asleep again.

With a wave of his wand, the letters atop Albus's desk float up into the air and dive into an open drawer. The drawer snaps shut, and the room quickly becomes tidy. "Habbey!" He said.

A loud pop is heard revealing a tidy house elf in a gleaming uniform and rather pointed ears. "Habbey is here!" The house elf proudly said. "What can Habbey do for the Headmaster?"

"A pot of tea with two teacups and accompanied by a few tasty snacks," Albus cheerfully instructed. "I will leave the selection to you, Habbey."

"Habbey will not fail!" The house elf proudly puffed out their chest, before vanishing to the kitchens.

Certain that everything is tidy and in place, Albus sits back down behind his desk, when a loud knock is heard at the door. "Come in," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. He had almost given up on finding a professor to fill the seat with the school term about to commence again.

The door opens to reveal a short, plump man with enormous thick glasses. "Hello Professor Dumbledore," Bob Ogden called out to greet the Headmaster of Hogwarts. His glasses are a bit foggy and he removes them and cleans them with his sleeve, before sliding them up the bridge of his nose again.

"It looks like it will freeze tonight," Bob Ogden commented rubbing his hands together to warm up his hands.

"Thank you for joining me this evening," Albus said. "Please have a seat, Ogden," he gestured to the empty chairs before the grand desk.

"Mm," Ogden muttered taking a seat and glancing around the study. "There are a couple of new things since I was last here," he murmured noting the chalkboard and two desks in one corner of the room that had not been present before.

Bob Ogden will at least make a good D.A. Professor!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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