
Presentation Ball Ⅳ

Before James can formulate any further suspicions, David interjects, "Oh how rude of me! Please allow me to introduce my betrothed, Layla LaFoix."

The pretty young witch answers in her crisp English native voice, "It is an honor to meet you, Miss Prince. My betrothed has told me much about you."

"Oh?" Rowan blinked with a bit of surprise and curiously glances at David.

"What?" David innocently shrugged. "I may have exaggerated the virtues of your intellect and the merits of having you as a stimulating conversation partner, Rowan."

Rowan shakes her head at David, before turning towards his betrothed. "Miss LaFoix, I am unfamiliar with you. Might I presume that you in fact attend Durmstrang or Beauxbatons is that correct?"

"Durmstrang," Layla LaFoix truthfully replied. "My mother is from the old continent and though we reside on the Isles, mother truly wished for at least one of her children to attend her dear old alma mater. Father did not relent with my brothers until with me, so hence, I attend Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts."

"Yes, I heard that there will be massive changes after the start of the new year when classes resume once more," Rowan commented. "Durmstrang is to have a new Headmistress if I am not mistaken."

"That is indeed the case," Layla candidly explained. "We are all quite excited as new courses of teaching will be added including wizarding etiquette for the muggleborn and muggle studies for the first and second years. It has been such a successful course at Hogwarts that the Board of Durmstrang also wishes to implement the same course. Rumor has it that Beauxbatons may be considering the same thing."

"Well, I wish Durmstrang and Beauxbatons good fortune then," Rowan sincerely said, "however, we have tarried long enough, and there are still many guests left to greet."

"We will not take any further of your time. Until Hogwarts, Rowan, and Potter," David said with a nod of his head, before departing arm and arm with his betrothed.

Rowan stares silently at David Goldstein's retreating figure. He was a distant cousin of Newt Scamander's wife, Tina Goldstein. The Goldstein's by all accounts had a Jewish wizard heritage. And she had at times seen a hint or two that might suggest that David Goldstein's family still practiced Judaism.

It would certainly explain why David Goldstein already had a fiancé. And it was rather curious how Layla LaFoix referred to the old continent as the old country. With the Nazi regime rampant in Europe, it would not have been surprising to see that even Jewish wizards would have fled abroad such as the UK. And would certainly explain why Layla's mother had requested to at least have one of her children return and attend her old alma mater.

Nor it was out of the question to believe that wizards could practice religion. There was a very good reason why the Weasley's were called blood traitors even prior to Voldemort. There are more than ample clues to suggest that the Weasley's sided with Christianity in ages past especially the fact that they celebrated Christmas and modern muggleborn traditions rather than Yule and wizarding traditions despite being purebloods. And it would certainly explain the main reason why the Malfoy's hated the Weasley's in ages past.

James stares inquisitively at the retreating form of the Ravenclaw Perfect and that of Rowan, who remains gazing after David Goldstein's back. "Do you like David Goldstein?" He quietly asked in a low tone of voice only sufficient for Rowan to hear and not be overheard by anyone else in the ballroom.

"Define like," Rowan murmured plainly raising her own eyes to meet James's own. "Yes, I like his character and I rather enjoy his company. I even think he is rather dashing, but I am not attracted to him if that is what you are inquiring." She paused and smiled a bit sadly.

"Unfortunately, I could never be with someone like him," Rowan lamely admitted out loud. For they could never understand her nor her them. He would expect things of her that she was simply not capable of giving nor granting.

James is startled by the response and eyes Rowan but does not further probe for information. Ironically, he understood only far too well what Rowan meant with her words. No matter how the current Lily resembled HIS Lily, they were two very different women. This Lily was a mere child, but HIS Lily had understood and shared his burdens and concerns. This Lily was still naive, yet HIS Lily was a woman. It hurt to admit it, but even if he had not stepped aside for Severus and Lily to be happy, he could not have made this Lily happy, nor she could have made him happy. In the end, he would have failed both Lily's.

James shook his head to rouse himself from his thoughts to fulfill his duties as a primary escort. They continued to greet guests until finally in exasperation he says, "How about we waltz once or twice. That ought to dissuade some of your would-be suitors off."

"That is an excellent suggestion, James," Rowan tiredly croaked as her voice was starting to grow hoarse from all the greetings and pleasantries that had been spoken.

The crowd parts for them allow them to easily cross through the crowd and arrive at the dancing square filled with dancers. With care, James takes Rowan's hand, it's a bit cool as if she is uncertain. He pretends not to notice as his other hand goes to her waist and her other hand comes to rest on his shoulder. It was a strange sensation for both, but neither felt uncomfortable.

Glancing at the tempo, James's half turns, before smoothly entering the crowd of dancers. They are silent as James gains the crowd bearing, before twirling Rowan around according to the orchestral music. Rowan's hand tightens for a moment on his shoulder as if with adrenaline, before relaxing again.

"Rash Gryffindor," Rowan grumbled under her breath with no real irritation.

"Cautious Slytherin," James retorted in equal jest.

The two of them share a quiet smile before James makes a face as if remembering something. "This might be an inopportune moment to ask, but did we "kiss" in our third year?"

Rowan almost stumbles, but James pulls her closer to cover her surprise. Eying James warily, she drily replies, "I take it that you been reading that ridiculous diary that you've kept since our first year at Hogwarts."

"Writing in a diary is not ridiculous!" James defensively protested.

"Mm, yes, it is such a wise idea to leave all your personal thoughts out in the open for just anyone to come and read," Rowan sarcastically replied.

James opens and closes his mouth for a moment, before reluctantly grumbling, "Fine, that may be true, but it is an excellent source of record-keeping."

"Fair enough," Rowan shrugged, before sighing at seeing James stubbornly still staring at her expecting a response. "If you must know it was an accident which we swore never to speak of AGAIN," she pointedly emphasized the last part.

"Kissing someone on the lips can hardly be considered an accident," James retorted arching his brow in disbelief.

"Typically, no," Rowan said, "but you had been planning to thank me for helping to convince Severus to brew the animagus potion. You had been aiming for my cheek in your overexcitement, but I turned, and you rushed ahead...Well, the rest you can figure out," she shuddered as if recalling the strange feeling.

"Mm, it would have been rather gross back then," James admitted upon considering their ages and friendship. Yet his lips flickered for a moment to Rowan's lips, before flushing in embarrassment and glancing away. It was awkward to think of and he would much rather not find out. Although a tiny part of his treacherous brain whispered that they technically had already shared a kiss under the mistletoe even if it had been just from touching fingers to lips.

Happy Thanksgiving! Please give thanks to all our medical staff who are still at it! Please enjoy yourselves and eat wisely! As such two more chapters will go out later today!

P.s. Wizards and witches practicing religion would not be surprising as trying to fit in. Halloween and Christmas are muggle holidays, but also one of these is a religious-based holiday.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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