
Rachel Grimond Ⅱ

Putting the chairs back, Rowan shoos the last of the first years out with Rachel Grimond happily following the two Slytherin first-year boys to the Great Hall. The instant they are gone, Severus asks, "So what happened?"

"She was getting bullied by three second-year Gryffindor girls," Rowan replied with a frown. "I'm worried that there might be other transfer students in the same position. It's difficult to know with so many first-year students this year, and I think we're mostly okay on that front as we daily check-up on them. But I'm worried if this problem will escalate into the higher years."

Severus tiredly rubs the back of his neck and says, "Well, Slughorn isn't the best candidate to go to."

"No, he's not," Rowan said with a sigh. "But I'll be having a word with Professor Babbling this evening regarding the three girls' detentions. And then, I'll see what I can come up with."

Severus glances at his twin sister and pointedly says, "Just don't take too much on your plate, Rowan. We're already dealing with enough as it is."

"I know, I know," Rowan sighed. "I'm not planning to resolve the problem on my own as it is feasibly impossible to do so, I would have to-."

Rowan paused as suddenly the epiphany hit her. She couldn't be in multiple places at a time, but what if each transfer student had a Prefect of their own. She hurriedly thinks things through, before hurrying away from the classroom without a single word leaving Severus glaring after her.

Hurrying to the dungeons, Rowan knocks on the closed door to Professor Slughorn's quarters. The door opens some moments later to reveal the pudgy bulk of Professor Slughorn wearing his usual tweed suits. Slughorn's gooseberry-colored eyes glimmer with surprise, as he says, "Prefect Prince, what can I do for you this evening?"

"I was wondering if I could have a private word with you, Professor," Rowan calmly said.

"Of course!" Slughorn said. "I always have time to hear to one of my best pupils."

Rowan's face stiffens, before making sure her polite mask is back in place. Once inside, Slughorn takes a seat at his desk where his vast collection of photographs behind him are in the middle of chatting or moving. Lowering his large bulk into his thick velvet armchair he rests his feet on the small velvet pouffe peeking out from under his desk.

"What can I help you with, Prefect Prince?" Slughorn self-importantly asked.

"I would like to receive permission to gather all of the 5th, 6th, and 7th years this evening for a private meeting," Rowan instantly replied.

"For what?" Slughorn shrewdly asked. "I doubt it can be for a study session, Miss Prince, it is not that time of the year yet."

"No, sir," Rowan replied as her face almost twitched at what she was about to say. "It's just I've become recently inspired by my post as Prefect that I thought that the mentoring system can be applied to the transfer students this year. The fifth years can partner up with a second year, the sixth years with a third year, and the seventh years with the fifth years. Naturally, it will be same-gender pairings to prevent any issues." Unless they swung that way, but at least the same sex couldn't impregnate the other even magic couldn't cause that miracle to occur.

Professor Slughorn's eyes gleam at scenting a valuable opportunity to take credit for himself. "No need to trouble yourself any further Prefect Prince," Slughorn pompously boasted. "I'll take care of this nasty bit of business and ensure that the older years understand the reason for our doing so. Please upon your return to the common room let them know that there is a nine o'clock meeting."

"And sir?" Rowan hesitantly interjected as she briefly contemplated if she wanted to pursue this particular course of action. Still, despite the risk, it was worth it if it gained Slytherin in actual Head of House.

"Yes, Prefect Prince?" Professor Slughorn impatiently replied tugging on his still strawberry-colored mustache very cartoon villain-like. He had many things to do and his time was precious!

"With the addition of Professor Mortimer on staff with the position of the assistant Potions Professor perchance it would not be a terrible idea for Professor Mortimer to also aid with the daily management house as the Slytherin Assistant Head of House. I have read in Hogwarts History that in ages past there used to be Assistant Head of House to ease the responsibilities and burdens on the Head of House," Rowan persuasively said, before pausing to carefully compose her face.

"I am certain that would permit a man of your many talents, Professor Slughorn more time to deal with much more savory endeavors such a social activity," Rowan drily suggested with a poker expression.

Professor Slughorn's beady eyes gleam at the very idea. With so many detentions and transfer students, he had been unable to properly devote time to his club. In fact, his social calendar had been severely affected to the point where he was forced to cancel such incredibly important events! No matter, how many detentions he assigned they simply did not seem to be going down! He was tired of ordering students around and dearly deserved a much-needed break!

No, this was a very suitable proposal! He would not have to deal with the tedious everyday events of his house nor deal with the full brunt of detention. Yes, indeed that pleasure would shortly belong to Professor Mortimer.

Still, there was a part of him that was uneasy about the whole subject. Professor Mortimer was a fierce witch. Professor Slughorn shivered with dread remembering the crocodile-like smile of Professor Mortimer. But what of his social calendar things simply could not continue as they were! The risk was worth it! He would have to be careful and sneaky, but he would convince his terrifying under-professor to accept the position.

"Yes, yes, I shall carefully ponder your words, Prefect Prince," Professor Slughorn finally said as he impatiently motioned for Rowan to depart. He had many plans to bring to fruition!

"Yes, sir," Rowan muttered, before striding out of his office and heading to dinner. She'd catch Professor Babbling afterward and have a word with her. That and she didn't want Professor Mortimer to know that she was the reason for her sudden change in position. That was assuming that Professor Slughorn had been successful, and still lived!

Professor Mortimer was twice as scary as Terry. Besides she didn't have a death wish, and Professor Mortimer was a potions master…. No, she would rather that Professor Mortimer never know!

Still, at least, Professor Slughorn had fallen into the trap she had cleverly sprung. There was no way on earth that the older years would listen to her and much less not earn their wrath and hatred. Coming from Professor Slughorn, they wouldn't be able to protest and would actually do a good job. Slytherin's were rather prideful, and competitive. There is no doubt in her mind that the older years would even end up competing against each other to prove that their protégé was the best.

Slytherin would likely have the highest number of bullied children, but also have the highest number of pureblood bullies. It would not have helped the situation as likely those who became bulliers were to protect themselves. It was a very unhealthy, vicious cycle. Secondly, Slytherin needs a good Head of House! So many things could have been prevented if there had been a Slytherin Head of House, who paid attention to Slytherin! Remember Slughorn was the Head of House during Riddle's time and we all know how well that ended.

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