

Dawn is some hours away as the tree leaves rustle under the October night chilly winds. The city is dead asleep as even the lone lights of cabs are far and in between. A single cloaked figure wearing trench boats makes his way through the outskirts of London and into a winding pathway of closely built flats. Finally, the figure comes to a halt at the end of an alleyway with stairs descending to a thick wooden door.

Removing his wand hidden in his sleeve, Alastor Moody traces a rune onto the door, and whispers, "Octo," before the sound of the door unlocking is heard, and the door creeps open just a smidgeon all on its own. Without having dropped his guard, the middle-aged wizard steps inside with his wand high ready for an attack.

Instantly three wands are trained the two red-headed figures of the Prewett Brother's, and that of the thinner, and solemn-faced Percius Clements. "Tell me, Alastor Moody, what choice of topic did we first discuss following Gideon having been released from St. Mungo's?"

Alastor snorted and says, "By Helga Hufflepuff's rear, which one of us was the new secret keeper. And it was neither of us and nor was it the child."

Convinced Percius slowly lowers his wand and rubs his chin tiredly. "Take a seat," Percius gestured to the sole empty chair. Alastor stomps over to the chair as the Prewett brothers slump down in their own seat tiredly. They'd all had been assigned patrol duty that evening and had yet to sleep.

The handsome figure of Gideon wrinkles his nose at the cold and pulls his cloak tighter around him, while the larger nosed Fabian stifles a loud yawn. Restless and overtired, Gideon grumpily asks, "Just for curiosity sake's, who's brilliant idea was to arrange a secret meeting right after a full shift of patrol duty?"

"Capricorn," Percius calmly explained with an arched brow, which quickly quelled Gideon into silence for the moment, (but it never lasted).

There is a lapse of silence until Alastor rubs his scarred face unconsciously tracing his many scars. There is the scar that starts from underneath his eye and curves through his cheek and what seems into the air. The faint scar over his eyebrow connects to the scar found underneath this eye. A thin scar across the bridge of his nose as if someone had tried to saw it away. And last, but not least the scar running down his chin and almost to his throat by the caster having tried to sever his neck arteries and ultimately failed.

"Well, by Merlin's beard just who is Capricorn?" Gideon snapped having gotten his second wind.

Fabian slaps the back of his brother's head earning him a fierce scowl from Gideon as he rubs his aching head. Rolling his eyes, Fabian grumbles, "It's our mysterious secret keeper."

"Oh," Gideon lamely asked. "So, are we finally meeting him tonight?"

"No," Percius murmured, "and we are never to meet him. He has his own role to play as does Alphard's Crow."

"Crow?" Gideon blinked in bewilderment, before narrowing his eyes. "Is that our spy? We have a spy, don't we?"

"Naturally, Gideon," Alastor barked. "I am surprised you had to even think to ask boy. The child's farseer vision is limited unlike that of a true seer."

"I am not a complete fool, Alastor," Gideon sharply retorted. "And even I understand the need for secrecy as we can't play our roles to perfection if we don't know who it is. However, my chief concern is how will we keep our spy from being captured or killed?"

All three Auror's turn to stare at Percius, who tiredly shrugs in reply. "I asked, Capricorn that same question, but he said that Crow was anything but weak. If anything, Crow would probably outlive us all."

"Right," Gideon drily muttered. "Forgive me, Percius, but that statement does not sound very convincing nor reassuring."

"I never said that my answer would be," Percius gravelly replied.

"And just how are you keeping in touch with this so-called Capricorn?" Fabian asked through narrowed eyes. "Via letter's?"

"Mostly, but they are sparse and far in between," Percius admitted. "And even the child has written little as of late. According to Capricorn, they are both being watched."

"By whom?" Alastor sharply inquired.

"Now that is indeed an excellent question, Alastor," Percius replied as he stared at a small ticking clock in the corner that revealed the hour hand just past three. "And that also a sore topic that troubles me."

Alastor's rugged face twitches as he furrows his brows. "Then ignoring our mysterious secret keeper, Percius, why were you informed about our mystery spy by the name of Crow?"

Percius makes a sad face as he softly replies, "Alphard said that he trusted me to protect Crow should the need arise. Not that any of you would not, but you are all prone to firing first, before asking questions."

"And why tell us now?" Fabian asked with an arched brow. "What need is there?"

"I have been contacted by a friend of sorts," Percius admitted. "He has offered to become bait against Riddle as Riddle wishes him dead. The location of his home will be leaked, and a trap will be set."

"Are you mad?" Alastor roared. "And do not try to deny it, Percius, you are going to do this alone without Dawlish. And you know that will likely get yourself killed!"

"It is a risk that I am more than willing to take," Percius steadily proclaimed as his face hardened. "That is also why we have all conveyed on this night. Crow has informed Capricorn that Riddle will soon return to Britain, and he has dark plans. He is tired of sulking in the shadows and means to start a war."

"War?" All three wizards gasped, despite having known that it was coming. And it was not that they were truly surprised, but they had desperately hoped to stop the war, before it ever occurred. But somethings are set in stone and cannot be changed.

Capricorn, well, yes, it's a play on words considering Aberforth's patronus is a goat.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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