
Prefect Duties Ⅱ

Glancing down the row of first years, Rowan and Severus slowly walked over and helped fix crooked collars and straighten out robes. Very swiftly and efficiently the first years returned flushed, but full of relief. Nodding at them, Rowan says, "Good, now if you would please look at your maps."

The first years all glance down at the maps that they were given and see seven-colored paths. "As you can see by the map key each colored line is the route on how to get to each of your classes starting from the Slytherin quarters. Should you ever get lost this is a simplified map of Hogwarts using physical objects as point markers such as the restroom or a very visible statue or painting. So, if you can find said any one of the said objects, you'll be able to reorient yourselves."

The first years instantly perk up at the thought of not having to get lost. Severus gestures for the first years to put away their class schedule and maps. The first years neatly do so as Severus says, "Are there any questions as of yet?"

The first year's glance at each other until a pale light-haired boy slowly raises his hand and says, "Um, what are the Professor like?"

Remembering how Wilkes spoke to them during their first year, Severus attempts to be less stern than usual. "All of the Professors tend to be fair. My aunt is teaching DADA, so I am not sure how that will go, but she will for sure be requiring practical and theoretical work. And that is if any of you have decided to enroll in Gobbledegook. The language course itself is difficult, but though we have no idea what the new Professor Snipe is like as well as the other Professors, but they will be fair."

The first years look visibly relieved at that as Rowan can clearly see Severus has said all that he is going to say. Sighing to herself, Rowan calmly says, "Now, during breakfast and dinner, all students must sit at their house tables. But during lunch, you may sit at other house tables with your friends. So, there's no worry that you won't be able to keep the friends you made on the Hogwarts Express." More than a few first years perk up at that thought.

"Severus and I have friends from each of the houses including Gryffindor," Rowan firmly said. "There's nothing wrong with school rivalry, but please attempt to be civil. And if you are going to attempt a prank, please remember that we are Slytherins, and therefore are cunning, and mustn't be caught."

The first years wisely nod their heads in immediate understanding as one first-year girl slowly raises her hand. Severus points at her as the first-year girl says, "Um, are the two of you really the last descendants of the founders?"

The first years all turn to stare at Rowan and Severus with obvious interest. They transfer students had all been sternly told by their parents that they were to be courteous to the Prince twins. They were not only the descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself but that of Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff. And as for those belonging to the wealthier purebloods or any pureblood families, their parents had read the papers and expected them to be polite.

"Through the Prince line, we are the descendants of Merlin and Salazar Slytherin," Severus tried to patiently explain. "And through our father, a squib, we are the last descendants of Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff."

The first year's nod in satisfaction and seem to be deeply pleased about that fact. Not wanting to answer any more personal questions, Rowan says, "All right, now follow neatly after Severus, while I remain in the back."

Severus leads in the front with Rowan at the back making sure they do not lose any first years. They did not but still, it was the first day and it was better to be cautious than to suddenly find that one of the first years is missing. They were clearly stared at in obvious surprise as the first year Slytherins all neatly arrived together. The Slytherins already at the house table preened with pride as the first years sat down to eat.

Rowan firmly chimed at them to not pour more than two spoonsful of sugar or butter onto their toast or oatmeal. She was trying to restrict some of their sugar intake within reason. The first years quickly obeyed as they served themselves brunch.

The Slytherin first year's eyes were bright and shiny as they glanced around more subtly than the other first-year students. They gawked just as much as the other house first years only they did not show it quite so visibly. They peeked at the sunny enchanted ceiling and those brighter students whispered just like the Ravenclaw first years about reading it in a History of Hogwarts.

Slytherin first years were often assumed to be cold and arrogant, but that was not the case at all. Just like any other first-year they too were nervous and excited to be at Hogwarts. But they had been trained or had learned on their own on how to maintain a poker-like face. A person cannot hurt you if they don't know where your weakness lies. And as for the transfer students, well, they learned not to trust others by rather their actions. It was rather ironic really.

With awe much like any of the first years seeing the sight each time, hundreds of owls make their way into the Great Hall with packages. More than a few Slytherin first years received care packages from their parents. For those that did not, Rowan firmly handed out two chocolate Honeydukes bars to them with the firm instructions not to eat them right away. The first years' faces instantly cheered up as they put away their chocolate bars to eat later in their school bags.

Once all the first years were done, Rowan made sure to ask if they needed to go to the lavatory. None of them did, but nevertheless, she and Severus showed them where the nearest restrooms were. While Severus went off to Ancient Studies, Rowan made sure to lead her first years to Transfiguration.

They arrived with plenty of time as Rowan assured them in and said, "It's fine to chatter until Professor McGonagall arrives, but don't be overly loud." The first years happily pick their seats as Rowan leaves and heads off to Ancient Studies. She was already tired, and she had not even gotten to her first class. She just knew it was going to be a long day.

Well, the turkey holiday is nearing and so I shall bestow great words of wisdom to you all.

Stop, drop, and...

... pass the rolls!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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