
Accounting Department

With the summer holidays still in full swing Gringotts Bank, it is teeming with clients rushing in and out of the bank. A young goblin wheels a cart filled with the latest ledgers towards the accounting department past the teller's and through a dark door, the young goblin emerged in a brightly lit office area filled with dozens and dozens of desks piled high with fiscal ledgers and the sort.

Most of the accountants sitting at the desks are goblins with every few exceptions, one of them is a rather petite witch. The Mousy flaxen haired witch has light colored eyes that are intent on the work before her, Claret, the widow of the goblin, Urlort. Frowning she subconsciously bites on the end of her quill revealing her slightly crooked teeth.

Spitting out the end of her feathered quill with distaste, Claret glanced up to spot the latest ledger boy, a young goblin starting from the lowest totem pole, before moving up the ranks. Nodding at the young goblin she takes the offered ledgers from his hand and places on the corner of her desk to start the instant she is down with the current fiscal report for one of the vaults in her care.

Claret stretches her neck from side to side and peeks at her fellow accountants. It had been so awfully hard after husband's death especially her children, who had particularly been heartbroken not understanding why their father was so suddenly gone. Though at least the funeral had gone well as her Urlort had been buried in the mountains of his forefathers as was tradition.

It had taken her largely a year before Claret was back to herself. At which point, she wanted to do something more. With her children under the watchful eye of her mother-in-law, Claret applied back at Gringotts's for her old position in the accounting department. To her and her uncle-in-law's delight, Bogrod, there was an opening in the accounting department.

Since Claret had previous experience working in the department and being the widow of Urlort, she was instantly given the position. Though there were several complaints brought against her largely by those wanting to advance and the Brotherhood of Goblins. They had not taken it well that a witch had stolen a position which rightly belonged to another goblin.

Claret frowns recalling the unpleasant conversation that took place little over a year ago. Claret had been sitting with her children and her mother-in-law in her home when the doorbell rang. Rising to her feet in surprise, Claret went to the door and to her surprise found two unknown goblins standing there.

Calling out to her mother-in-law, Claret asked, "Did you invite them?"

Her mother-in-law, Urlaa shook her head with a frown. "I do not recognize the burly one, but I recognize the sleek one as Bodrig, the spokesmen for the Brotherhood of Goblins."

"Why would they be here?" Claret mused out loud.

Urlaa shook her silver head and said, "I will take the children into the kitchen and fix them a snack. You have a private word with them and see what they want."

Nodding her head in agreement, Claret waits at the door ignoring the loud ringing until she sees her children and mother-in-law make their way down the hallway and disappear around the corridor.

Claret opened the door and said, "Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?"

The burlier goblin glowers at her, while the suave goblin, Bodrig gallantly says, "Might we come in? We only wish to have a few words with the widow of our dearly departed brother, Urlort?"

"Very well then, come in," Claret said with a bit of a frown.

The two goblins made their way inside, before Claret shut the door behind them and lead them to the tea parlor. Luckily, she and her mother-in-law were just about to have tea when the door rang. There were two teacups, a steaming pot of tea, and a platter full of biscuits.

Gesturing for the goblins to have a seat, Claret asked, "Would you like some tea?"

"Regretfully I must decline your kind offer," the suave goblin, Bodrig politely remarked. "Radnok, the pigeon-toed and I have both just have had lunch."

"Very well then," Claret muttered as she poured herself a cup of tea and waited for them to speak.

"We shan't take much of your time, Madam," Bodrig explained. "We've merely come here to make a simple request of you."

"Of me?" Claret blinked in astonishment. "What could possibly be requested of me that I might possess?"

"Very simple, madam," Bodrig replied. "We the Brotherhood of Goblins would like for you to resign from your new position at Gringotts. We believe that it would be in everyone's interest that the position goes to someone more qualified."

Claret narrowed her eyes in anger and said, "Bodrig and Radnok, the pigeon-toed, I am a trained Gringotts's accountant and former employee. I am more than amply qualified for the position."

Not liking the witch's tone in the least bit, Radnok growled, "What we mean to say is that you're a witch! And we don't want your kind stealing our fellow goblins work!"

Claret lips pressed into a thin line in anger. "I will not give up the position, gentlemen nor will I allow myself to be insulted in my own home! The door is right their gentlemen, please see yourselves out immediately!"

Radnok sneered as he climbed to his feet, while Bodrig coldly eyed her with all pleasantries gone. "You will regret this, Madam," Bodrig threatened.

Claret stood up to her full height and said, "I would think not, Bodrig. The goblin king will not allow it and I am now an employee of Gringotts."

Bodrig did not reply and stormed out of her home with the brute of Radnok in tow. The two goblins did not darken her doorstep again, but her uncle-in-law and mother-in-law fortified the wards to her home. They did not trust the two goblins in the least bit.

Shaking her head out of her recollection, Claret returned to her work and finished the ledger for the vault, before moving onto the new ledgers on her desk. At her side, works the newest accountant at Gringotts, a handsome, golden-haired squib by the name of Peregrine Mulciber.

Peregrine was a soft-spoken squib, but with a steady gaze. His clients and including the other goblins found that the squib was no pushover. Not only that but his impeccable skills had more than earned him the respect and awe of his co-workers. It was quite rare for a non-goblin to be admired and much less a squib.

Claret had not been working long when the bitter, spindly fingered figure of Griphook could be seen approaching her. Glancing at the bitter goblin in surprise, Claret says, "Is there a problem. Griphook?"

"No, Madam Claret," Griphook grumbled. "I've just been tasked to take the vault ledger to Ragnok. Apparently, the owner is visiting the bank and wishes to review their investment portfolio."

"Of course," Claret replied as she grabbed the recently finished vault ledger and held it out to him. "It's just been checked by Peregrine."

Griphook grunted in reply knowing full well that the ledger would be perfect. The golden-haired squib lifts his gaze up for a moment, and nods at them briefly, before bending back down to finish his job. Griphook wrinkles his nose as if in reply, before making his way speedily out of the chamber. Claret warily shakes her head and mumbled, "Grumpy old goblin," before returning to her work. She still had a long way to go before it was time to go home.

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