
The Ministry of Magic

Unlike previous summer holidays, Rowan and Severus frantically studied. The two of them are required to memorize their textbooks up until their 7th year. (An impossible feat). However, grief is a strange thing, and what once seemed impossible was a blessing in disguise for the more they studied the less time they have to mourn their loss.

In some respects, they are rather rusty, and memorization is simply not enough. In order to pass the C.S.A.E. they would also have to be sufficiently proficient at the practical portion of the exams. Since Rowan and Severus had the trace upon their wands, their grandfather and Aunt Georgine lent them their wands to practice with.

Frankly, it felt rather unnatural at times, but Rowan and Severus coped with the awkward situation. Their magic wasn't always cooperative using the wands of their Aunt Georgine and grandfather, but they persevered. After much effort and sleepless nights, Rowan and Severus managed to perform what is required of them. Not perfect, mind you, but proficient enough to theoretically pass the exam.

Although to Reginald's vast chagrin, he discovered that his granddaughter, Rowan did have some talent in potions after all. Rowan was nowhere near the level of Severus's talent or proficiency, but still, it was an improvement. Ironically, Rowan's potions were nearly flawless if they did not contain a single living ingredient. And as for her poisons and antidotes, they were always flawless.

It was a fact that Reginald did not like to dwell on. But then again, Severus could improve a potion simply by intuition which allowed him to brew any potion to perfection (or nearly thereof). Not to mention that Severus could change and improve the formula for a potion with an ease that left Reginald flabbergasted, but beaming with pride knowing full well that the next Great Potion Master of the Century would be his grandson.

As it would turn out as a result of their excessive studying, Rowan and Severus had completed their summer's homework by the third week of June in between their spare time. In the evenings if they had any free time, they would privately read and study if not reply to the letters written by their concerned friends. It was a hassle at times as neither Rowan nor Severus were inclined to share their emotions much less penning down their grief in words.

As the days passed there was one bit of good news, an elated letter from Pandora arrived for Rowan. Mostly due to Tiffany's (unbelievable) advice, Pandora had managed to capture the fancy of her elusive romantic interest, Xenophilius Lovegood. It was nothing short of a miracle as Xeno didn't seem to understand or have any romantic inclination. Yet Pandora continued to persist until even the thick-headed Xeno realized that he liked having Pandora at his side. Against all odds, the Ravenclaw duo are now officially dating each other.

Rowan and Severus's responses to their friends tended to be brief. There wasn't much to write about beyond the upcoming Quidditch World Cup or the discovery of the cure for Lycanthropy by Potion Master Damocles Belby. Both were topics of interest but especially the latter topic. The sheer number of werewolves pouring out of the woodstock to receive the cure is utterly shocking to the known magical world. The only good bit of news is that the Ministry of Magic would cover the cost of the cure for those that could not afford it. The only requirement of course was the requirement of registration with the W.I.D. just as the rest had done.

Even the staunchest of political opponents could not find a suitable reason to deny the benevolence extended by the Minister of Magic toward the werewolves. Moreover, with the cure of Lycanthropy, the former cursed could now rejoin wizarding society and become excellent taxpayers, since werewolves had great trouble holding down a job considering the nature of the curse. Furthermore, with the addition of new voters, if their favor is won, it could change the entire power structure within the Ministry of Magic.

It was especially a source of interest to their grandfather and Severus, who were absolutely thrilled by the discovery. Rowan did not show much surprise or interest in the topic nor did Aunt Georgine. Rowan had already been aware of the pending cure, while Aunt Georgine simply did not care all that much for potions…

With shadows under their eyes for lack of sleep and excessive studying (and possibly nerves), Rowan and Severus found themselves in the middle of July carrying small-packed overnight bags in the middle of London standing in front of an old red telephone booth. Severus suppressed a yawn, while Rowan muttered under her breath, "At least it's Doctor Whoish." Not that Severus got the reference as he didn't even blink at the comment.

Standing at their side, their grandfather, Reginald sternly gazes down at them. "The three of us will enter the booth at the same time," he instructed earning a grimace from Rowan and Severus. Although all three of them are tall and slender, they are not that thin! It would be a tight squeeze for an adult and two teenagers to step inside a telephone booth at the same time!

With clear reluctance on the faces of Rowan and Severus, the three of them squeezed inside the old red telephone booth. Reginald somehow managed to close the door behind him forcing Rowan and Severus to be painfully jammed against either side of the telephone box. They let out grunts of pain as Reginald presses forward to reach the telephone receiver.

Unfortunately, Reginald hesitated for a moment causing cold sweat to be felt across Rowan and Severus's necks. Rowan and Severus shared panicked expressions desperately praying their grandfather quickly recalled the instructions. If not, who knows how long they would be stuck inside the telephone box! It was hot, painful, and it was frankly embarrassing!

Finally, Reginald blinks as if recalling the instructions, before leaning forward and peering at the dial. With a suspicious expression, he began to cautiously turn the dial to 6-2-4-4-2, and so forth. Soon enough, the dial whirred smoothly back into place. A soothing female voice sounded from inside the telephone box rather than the receiver. It was as though there was an invisible woman standing right next to them.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Reginald Prince escorting my two grandchildren, Rowan and Severus Prince to the scheduled Comprehension Student Apprenticeship Exam (C.S.A.E.) to be held today," Reginald calmly responded.

"Thank you," said the cool female voice. "Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

There was a clink and a rattle as three badges came out of the metal chute, where coins usually came out from. The three silver badges were all square. The badges read as, "Rowan Prince, C.S.A.E Examinee; Severus Prince, C.S.A.E Examinee; Reginald Prince, Escort for C.S.A.E. Examinee's."

"All visitors to the Ministry of Magic are required to submit to a protocol search and are required to present their wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

The floor of the telephone box shuddered. All three of them were very slowly sinking into the grounds as Rowan grumbled under her breath, "The Doctor's booth was way cooler."

After a minute, a chink of golden light illuminated them as the woman said, "The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day," said the woman's voice.

The door of the telephone box sprang open as the three of them got out in relief. Reginald briskly says, "Come along children," while Rowan drags Severus behind her, who is gawking in awe at the Ministry of Magic.

With wide eyes, Severus stares at the peacock blue ceiling that has golden moving symbols, before whirling away to stare at the glistening Fountain of Magical Brethren lies halfway down the Atrium as a group of golden statues, depicting a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf, spout water into the surrounding pool of water. The pool is filled with coins all of which will be donated to St. Mungo's.

On the other side of the Ministry of Magic are two rows of fireplaces filled with emerald flames. The main lobby gilded fireplaces are connected to the Floo Network as members of the Ministry of Magic arrive to work. Most of them carry the Daily Prophet, while others are still chewing on a pastie for breakfast, and some are reading reports as they hurry to their offices. The right side of the gilded fireplaces rarely lights up as a few night birds on the night shift are finally heading home to rest.

While the stream of Ministry employees headed past the golden gates, the three of them made their way to a desk to the left of the golden gates. A large sign hung behind the desk that read 'SECURITY.' Already seated there is a younger, tired poorly shaven wizard in peacock-blue robes, Erich Munch, who widely yawns as they approach.

"We're here for the C.S.A.E., the Comprehension Student Apprenticeship Exam," Reginald said as he narrowed his eyes at the yawning, unshaven guard.

Munch flinched at the cold, stern gaze, before remembering to say, "Step over here." He hurriedly rose to his feet and nearly stumbled in his haste to stand.

All three of them stepped forward and approached the desk as instructed. Sitting back down, Munch carefully holds a long golden rod as thin and flexible as a car aerial. "One wand at a time," Munch clearly instructed as he placed the golden instrument down at the edge of the desk.

Rowan produced her wand and handed it over. Munch then took out a strange brass instrument, which looked something like a set of scales with only one dish. It began to vibrate. A narrow strip of parchment came speeding out of a slit at the base. Munch tore the slip off and read it out loud.

"Elder with a Thestral core. 13 inches. It has been in use roughly for over three years is that correct?"

"Yes," Rowan sincerely responded as Munch slipped the slip of parchment on a small brass spike, before thrusting her wand back at her.

"Thank you," Rowan politely said, before Severus went next, and then her grandfather.

"You'll be heading to the first floor and then you'll want to go right and left. It'll be the fifth door on your right," Munch instructed them, before waving them on through.

Reginald nodded his head at him in thanks, before leading the children through and past the golden gates. Making sure they weren't jostled by the crowd, he led them through the small hall where twenty lifts stood behind wrought golden grilles. With great jangling and clattering a lift descends in front of them as they moved inside with the rest of the crowd.

So, which doctor is your favorite Doctor Who?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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