
Christmas Eve Ⅱ

Inside Prince Manor five Aurors and an Unspeakable warm themselves near the fireplace. They sip spiced cider (alcoholic version) and munch on a tart. The six of them had been forced to tramp through the snow-covered grounds rather than floo in via the Floo Network. It is near impossible to apparate directly onto the grounds with the existing wards in place. They can only apparate on the edge of the woodlands and make their way in.

Although Alphard Black on their way to Prince Manor had pensively remarked that there was one final line of wards that extended to the woods itself. This ward carried distinct traces of power to further hide Prince Manor from prying eyes. Yet the power contained within the ward not only hinted at defensive capabilities but also attacking mechanisms. The poor sickly wizard at present rested wearily in a comfortable armchair near the fireplace.

"I must say, Moody, I would have never thought the old Prince would lower himself to be our informant," Auror Percius Clements pensively muttered scrunching up his round face in thought.

"Bah, Prince was rather notorious in the old days," Auror Sara Vinovich narrowed her owl-like eyes before taking a sip of her spiced cider. "Most of the younger generations are unaware, but Prince was a deadly duelist in his youth. It is said that he never lost a duel whether legal or illegal."

The rugged Scottish Auror, Alastor Moody cannot refute Vinovich's remark. Instead, Moody sternly barks, "Prepare yourselves, we shall be undertaking either an Unbreakable Vow or be put under the Fidelius Charm before the night is done."

The room falls silent except for the crackle of the fire. "Are such drastic measures truly necessary?" The long-nosed, Auror Fabian Prewett cautiously inquired.

"It is considering the vicious nature of who we are dealing with," Unspeakable Alphard Black rasped suppressing his dry cough.

The chamber once more falls silent until faint footsteps are heard. The Aurors immediately straighten up, while Alphard Black's gray eyes flash in his seat. The footsteps are far lighter than the footsteps of a grown wizard especially one of Reginald Prince's stature.

The door of the chamber opened to reveal a slender child roughly eleven years of age. Tall with raven-colored hair and midnight indigo-colored eyes, the child appears to be rather androgynous. The clothing is an elegant silk sweater with dark trousers. The only hint at the child's gender is a high ponytail with a dark ribbon indicating at the girl's gender.

The girl firmly closed the door behind her before turning to face them. "Greetings, I am Rowan Prince," she politely introduced herself, before turning to face the Scottish Auror. "I am surprised, Auror Moody, I did not think you capable of requesting aid from others."

The handsome, Auror Gideon Prewett's mouth flops open at the statement while the other Aurors appear to be equally startled at the news. The two who do not seem shocked are Alphard Black and Alastor Moody. Giving his comrades time to compose themselves, Alastor casts a nonperception spell over the chamber.

Sitting down across from a gaunt, dark-haired man with gray eyes, Rowan flashes a rare smile at the wizard. "You must be Sirius's uncle, Alphard Black. Am I correct?"

Alphard's gray eyes blink in surprise, before smoothly answering "Yes, I am." He arched his brow at the girl. "And tell me, how do you know my nephew?"

"Sirius and my younger twin brother, Severus met on the Hogwarts Express. The two of them have become rather good friends," Rowan admitted. "Sirius is rather loud and brash, but he's not all that bad."

"That does sound like my nephew," Alphard's expression softened with a genuine smile.

Interrupting Alastor Moody cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention. "I do not believe any further formalities are merited," he briskly announced.

"I was afraid of that," Percius Clements said with a wry sigh.

"You're not pulling a fast one on us are you, Alastor Moody?" Fabian Prewett asked with lingering disbelief.

"When have you known, Moody to joke?" Sara Vinovich reluctantly said carefully observing the two figures in question.

"We are short on time," Moody brusquely barked not giving them more time to come to terms with the idea. "As promised an attack did occur on Hallows Eve. The Death Eaters and Augustus Rockwood a member of the Ministry of Magic attempted to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic.

Thankfully, we prepared in advance and were able to successfully thwart the attack."

"Well that not a single peep was made by the Daily Prophet," Rowan drily remarked. "However, before we continue, Moody, won't you introduce your companions?"

"Alphard Black," Alastor Moody pointed at the gaunt wizard. Then he gestured at a jolly, round-faced wizard. "Auror Percius Clements, don't let his face fool you. He is the Auror Corps current Charm Master specializing in interrogation."

Rowan blinked in surprise at learning that such a pleasant-looking wizard specializes in such deadly force. Then again appearances are deceiving. And no doubt, Percius Clément's appearance served to cause his enemies to severely underestimate him.

"Auror Sara Vinovich," Moody pointed to the only female Auror in the group. "Sara is our all-around veteran, who has captured more dark wizards than anyone in the department including myself."

Pointing at the two red-haired wizards, Moody continues, "Aurors Fabian and Gideon Prewett, brothers to be precise. The handsome one is Gideon and the long-nosed one is Fabian." Gideon Prewett preens under Moody's praise, while Fabian makes a face at Moody for his remark on Fabian's long nose.

"Don't let their friendly nature fool you," Moody warned. "The Prewett brothers are two of the best trackers we have in the Auror Corps. If there is a track to be found, they will find it."

Moody turned to face Rowan. "You've all met the child, so I will let her further explain now."

The gaze of the occupants in the chamber turned expectantly towards Rowan waiting for a response. "I have a bit of the sight," Rowan confided telling no lies.

"A Farseer," Fabian knowingly muttered as the rest agreed with the deduction.

"I cannot reveal much suffice to say Tom Marvolo Riddle will triumph and raze the world to the ground," Rowan solemnly declared.

"Of course, the bastard would," Gideon spat under his breath.

"Tell us, child, what can be shared then?" Sara pointedly asked.

"I can reveal only that which is in the present," Rowan regretfully answered. "Much of what I have seen will not come to pass for twenty years, so to speak. What I know may not necessarily come to be. The more we change the present, the less certain the future will become."

"A paradoxical conundrum," Percius sensibly concluded.

"If that is the price that must be paid, so be it," Alphard hoarsely interjected as the Aurors nodded their heads in agreement. "Tell us, farseer, what can be done in the present?"

"If we are to have any measure of success, we must chip away at Riddle's strength," Rowan firmly responded. "This will not be a war of strength, but rather of endurance, cunning, and wit."

Moody hides a grim smile as an idea occurs to him. The Auror Corps are notorious gossipers. All it had taken was a single passing remark and slowly the word on Tom Marvolo Riddle would spread like a ripple into society.

"I will leave the actual planning to your experienced selves," Rowan freely admitted to her own lack of inexperience. "Act with prudence and caution, there is no lack of enemies."

"And why is that?" Moody frowned.

"From 1957 to 1967, Tom Marvolo Riddle simply vanished with no records or trace to be found," Rowan gravely stated. "I am certain that Riddle immersed himself in the Dark Arts. However, he would undoubtedly require access to dark artifacts and knowledge. And these far from easily being obtained."

"They are highly prized in certain circles," Percius mused. "Mm, I would wager to say Riddle would have been required to ally himself or make enemies with those in possession of the dark arts."

"The Underworld or any unscrupulous Dark Wizard with a murderous grudge," Moody grimly concluded.

"There is also the possibility Riddle may feel threatened enough as a direct consequence of our interference to forge an unlikely alliance that would have been previously unthinkable," Alphard pensively mused.

"A distinct possibility that cannot simply be ignored," Sara huffed folding her arms over her chest.

Rowan speaks nothing about her hypothesis as that is all they are right now. She had no proof to even create a sound theory. There is no sense in worrying them even further. They would only be distracted in the end.

The Aurors briefly discuss amongst themselves until Moody briskly says, "Enough has been said and we are short on time. An Unbreakable vow will not be as much use as a Fidelius Charm to protect the identity of the child. Who shall be the Secret Keeper of the Farseer?"

The Aurors glance at each other until the gaunt figure of Alphard Black rises to his feet. "Who better than I to keep a secret?" The Unspeakable said with a hint of dark humor.

The Aurors agree and step back as Alphard lifts his wand. In a raspy voice, he begins to chant a long, complex incantation. Glowing strings erupt into the air circling all those in the room and binding them with an unknown power. The power grows with a golden light, before vanishing.

Shaking from the exerted effort, Alphard collapsed into his chair with a sheen on his face. Leaning over, Rowan presses a brief kiss to the gaunt cheek of Alphard Black. The gray eyes of Alphard blink in surprise as Rowan sincerely thanks the somber wizard. "I am grateful to you, Alphard Black. I am honored by your sacrifice."

A tired smile flashes across the sickly wizard's face. "It has been a long time since I have had so much as a peck from a pretty witch," Alphard jested earning spurts of laughter from those in the chamber.

A slow grin appears on Rowan's face. "I can see where Sirius gets it from." She bows again towards the sickly wizard, before turning to them. "I have tarried long enough, I must go."

"Off with you then, child, we shall speak only when needed," Moody gruffly remarked.

"I know," Rowan said pausing at the door. "May we meet again," she said bowing to them before unlocking the door and hurrying out of the chamber.

"A terrible burden for anyone to bear especially one so young," Sara sadly observed. "Nothing good can ever come of the sight be it great or small."

"What do you mean?" Gideon asked glancing at the open door.

"The child is far too pragmatic and cynical for her age," Sara murmured with genuine pity. "It would not be strange to find such a character among the Auror Corps, but for a child-," she merely shook her head in regret.

The chamber falls silent until Alphard staggers to his feet in exhaustion. "Then let us not have the child's sacrifice end in vain."

"We shan't fail then," Percius said with great determination moving over to aid Alphard.

"Keep your heads low and your eyes sharp," Moody briskly instructed, before Sara Vinovich pulls out a small pouch of sparkling floo powder. She grabs a pinch and tosses and causing the flames to rise in roaring green.

Sara hands the small pouch to Gideon Prewett, before calling out her destination and stepping into the emerald flames. The Prince defenses were constructed in such a manner to keep people out but not necessarily in. The Prince family is a paranoid bunch always keeping a nearby escape route handy.

One by one, the Auror's pass-through left only Alastor and Alphard behind. "Take care, Black," Alastor somberly said clasping Alphard on the shoulder.

"To you as well, Moody," Alphard returned, before vanishing into the emerald flames.

Alastor is the last to depart from the chamber. Not long after, Dawn pops in clean up any traces of the unexpected visit, before extinguishing the fire. One never knows with guests; they tend to wander into places where they are not welcomed to.

Our Main Character will work in unison with the Aurors, why? Because of her age. She is only 11 years old. She is not an omnipotent MC. And secondly, if she's stuck at Hogwarts, when exactly will she have time to save the world?

P.s. I know there are some fanfictions that say Lily created the Fidelius Charm, but the spell is an already pre-existing charm since Dumbledore suggested its use to protect James and Lily. I am guessing, the spell is likely old magic that wasn't as commonly practiced in their time.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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