
1st Week of School Ⅳ

The next day, their class is combined with the Hufflepuff's. The Slytherins attend Herbology together in the greenhouse. Professor Sprout is a squat little witch with wry hair and dirt-covered clothes. After taking the roll of the class, Professor Sprout clears her throat, "Herbology is a field that is both useful in cultivation, and potions. You shan't just be reading from books, but ye will all learn how to tend and care for these plants."

"I shall begin by showing you how to care and properly trim the leaves on a Moly," Professor Sprout said, before gently grabbing a clay pot filled with white petaled flowers and black stems.

"Moly is a powerful plant that can even be physically eaten to counter enchantments and is oftentimes used in potions or to protect against Dark Enchantments," Professor Sprout explained before taking a pair of leafcutters.

"All of you will be using the Moly eventually in your potions class this year specifically, the Wiggenweld Potion. The Wiggenweld Potion is a powerful potion used to heal injuries or reverse the effects of a sleeping draught," Professor Sprout said before showing them how to gently snip at a few crooked leaves.

Rowan intently pays attention to Professor Sprout's instructions to Severus's bewilderment. During the entire class period, Severus is rather distracted by the fact not only did Rowan sincerely pays attention to the lecture but actively participated in the class by pruning the leaves of a few pots of Moly.

After class, Severus studies his twin with a careful eye. "You actually like this class, don't you?"

"Does it show?" Rowan muttered as they made their way across the lawn.

Severus rolls his eyes in reply as the Whomping Willow in the background sways to a nonexistent breeze as its thick leafy branches sway on their own. The thick tree trunk is quite large and provides an effective cover for its intended secretive purpose. None of the students had gotten hurt yet, but it was a matter of time until someone dared to get closer to the Whomping Willow.

Heading back into the dungeons, they easily make their next class, Potions with Professor Slughorn. Their Potions class is combined with Gryffindor. It was the class that Severus had been the utmost looking forward to after he and Lily compared their lesson schedules.

Severus excitedly waves to Lily and drags Rowan over to Lily, who had selected a desk at the front of the classroom. Lily happily obliges as Rowan warily eyes the pickled animals floating in glowing like glasses against the dungeon walls. Rowan doesn't have time to dwell on the creepiness of the Potions classroom when heavy footsteps are heard.

The large girth of Professor Slughorn appears in the doorway. Professor Slughorn is a well-dressed wizard with a very wispy crown of more silver than strawberry-colored hair and gooseberry-colored eyes. His great velvet-covered belly filled the space before him, but as large as it would get in the future. His presently still strawberry colored mustache was nicely brushed out brightly as he twiddled with the golden buttons on his waistcoat

Professor Slughorn begins to call out names and paused at the name of Sirius Black. "Mm, Mr. Black, you wouldn't be related to Hogwarts Former Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black, now, would you?"

Sirius's face tightens, before sullenly replying, "Yes, Professor. He was my great-great-grandfather."

"How interesting," Professor Slughorn said with glee, no doubt adding Sirius to his list of potential candidates to invite to his Slug Club. Professor Slughorn continued to go down the list pausing deliberately upon several names including that of James Potter, due to his wealthy father and potion creations.

Surprisingly, Professor Slughorn does not comment on the Prince's surname which caused Rowan to raise an eyebrow. After doing a bit of math, Rowan concludes that Professor Slughorn must have been in Slytherin and had a run-in with her grandfather. And from what she knew of her grandfather, Reginald Prince had a duelist temper so to speak. It would not at all be surprising to learn that their relationship did not end on good terms.

Rowan neatly tucks away that detail away in her mind as Professor Slughorn neatly finishes rollcall. The knowledge is not worthy of blackmail material, nor is it cause for extortion. But the threat of her grandfather could certainly be used to persuade Professor Slughorn in the future.

Standing in front of the combined 1st-year classroom Professor Slughorn rests his thumbs in the striped waistcoat pocket with a self-important air. "The art of potion-making is an incredibly subtle science and art itself in the making. Some of the greatest wizards of all time have been excellent potion masters."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, potions are not a measly art to be trifled with nor dabbled in for mere entertainment," Professor Slughorn deliberately eyed the Gryffindors. "Not only can one cause serious harm to oneself, but others as well! I will not abide by any troublemakers in my classroom! Do you all understand?" Even the most mischievous bunch such as James and the rest of the Marauders solemnly nod their heads in understanding.

"Now we shall start with a simple potion, please team up into three teams and we shall work on creating a simple boil potion, I shall demonstrate first, and please take note as I shall test your potions afterward," Professor Slughorn promptly instructed.

Professor Slughorn carefully, but with great flourish showed them the simple steps for the completion of the boil potion. With the potion complete, he instructs the students to do the same. At their table, Lily and Severus eagerly crush the dried needles and expertly weigh the snake fangs, before doing the same.

Rowan on the other hand suspiciously eyes the ingredients set in front of her until Professor Slughorn paused at their table. "Miss Prince, you have yet to commence. I suggest that you immediately do so."

"What if I am allergic?" Rowan solemnly asked. It wasn't that she was afraid of the dried herbs or chopping up dead creatures. It's just she wasn't very good at handling living specimens.

Professor Slughorn blinks and glances at Severus for confirmation. "It's all in Rowan's head, Professor. She can be rather neurotic about the strangest things," Severus drily commented.

Professor Slughorn turns to eye Rowan with careful reservations in his eyes. "Might I suggest you try, Miss Prince. This is a required course after all."

Rowan grudgingly nods and begins to with great distaste do as she is told. At least she was doing better than James and Sirius as those two were somewhat goofing off with Pettigrew in tow. On the other hand, Lupin is steadily working with two other Gryffindors. The shy girl from their boat ride to Hogwarts, and a girl with curly chestnut hair and cappuccino-colored skin.

Professor Slughorn sweeps through the class giving out praises or critiques. Upon return to the front of the classroom, he delights at witnessing the perfectly stewed horned slugs by Lily Evans and Severus Prince. Slughorn barely glances at Rowan Prince who looks rather green.

Rowan desperately tries to keep the rising bile in her throat down. The smell of the Slug's sizzling burning flesh made her want to throw up. Ug, the poor things.

The class nears its end and Professor Slughorn stands before the class. "Everyone, if you will please take a look at Miss Evans and Mr. Prince's potions. Not only are their potions the right color and thickness, but the ingredients have been expertly prepared!" Professor Slughorn confidently said.

"The two of them are well on their way to becoming excellent potion makers." Professor Slughorn's sincere flattery caused Lily and Severus to beam with great confidence.

"Slytherin and Gryffindor, each 10 points!" Professor Slughorn loudly announced causing Lily and Severus to beam with pride and joy. The surrounding classmates call out in congratulations, before hastily turning back to their potions lest their potions burn or worse, explode!

Professor Slughorn tragically halts next to Rowan's cauldron to only see a dim, dull-colored, lukewarm potion, barely acceptable by any standard. Professor Slughorn purses his lips, before tactfully saying, 'Though terrible and barely passable, it's still a good first attempt, Miss Prince."

Rowan snorts and doesn't reply as Professor Slughorn continues his inspection. In fact, Rowan's potion was far from the worst as another first-year managed to cause their cauldron to release a burning smoke smell.

Professor Slughorn smoothly moves his wand as the smoke disappears and Professor Slughorn warningly says, "Next time, Mr. Pettigrew, please keep both of your eyes on your cauldron at all times." Peter Pettigrew sheepishly shrugs as James and Sirius innocently gaze at Professor Slughorn. Professor Slughorn checked their potions and finds that their potions are marginally acceptable, before moving on to the next student.

Finished inspecting all of the student's potions, Professor Slughorn says, "Don't forget to read and study for the next class. We'll be studying the ingredients closely and discussing them, before brewing another potion." Seeing the 1st year's attention starting to wander, Professor Slughorn dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

With sighs of relief, the 1st year students hastily finish packing up their school bags, before hurrying up the stairs. Severus and Lily cheerfully chatter until they reach the stairs, where they separate. The Gryffindors head upstairs, while the Slytherins head down the dungeon corridors to their own common room.

Professor Slughorn probably wasn't a terrible teacher but a rather bias one paying more attention to those students of interest.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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