
Chapter Fifty-Two

Scott lay on his bed in his small room letting out a breath of air. As hard as it was to believe, he actually found himself having a great time on Asteroid-M. Until recently he had no clue there was such a location in Magneto's arsenal, his time here had really opened his eyes at the prospect of what mutants were able to achieve.

For the first time in years, he met another family member, possibly his last family member... his brother. And much to his shock, the guy was a total dick. Regardless, Scott felt the deep familial connection he hadn't felt in such a long time. Yeah, their personalities seemed to be polar opposites of each other which seemed to make it harder to have anything to talk about. And Alex seemed to also be a little full of himself, yet he was so willing to go with the flow on any given situation that he didn't question anything Magneto told him to do.

On the bright side, due to this personality flaw, Magneto would never be trusted with any major responsibilities. So, at the very least, Scott wouldn't be in constant fear of Alex becoming a suicide bomber or anything.

Scott wished he could connect with his brother a little more, but came to the conclusion 'You can't pick your family' and refocused on the positive. At least he could say he still had family in this world, which was something he didn't think he might ever say again. Even if the Professor was here, he felt that they would agree on this as well. Even if they parted on bad terms he still thought of the man as his surrogate father and wished he could speak with him again.

Scott was also getting to know Emma Frost pretty well... Alright really well... Okay, they had sex. Hot, knock your socks off and make you come back for more type of sex.

But the longer he stayed at this secret base high in the earth's atmosphere, the more he felt that something seemed off about it all. It had been about two weeks since he started staying here at the base for mutants and although he couldn't say anything was wrong per se... He couldn't help wondering what he was actually missing.

Scott had been thinking about how he had found himself here, the jealousy that had driven him away from his friends and teammates and it all felt so childish now. Ben was dead. Or at least presumably so, but instead of Scott reflecting on his actions and attempting to get over his jealousy, he let himself get pushed out?! There was definitely something wrong with how he acted.

Scott liked Emma a lot... but he had also noticed something he wasn't sure he could handle... On the surface, Emma was smart beautiful and charming, but below the surface, she had a more ruthless personality she would do anything to get what she wanted.

In some ways, Scott was starting to regret the decision of leaving that day.


When they returned to the mansion, they ran into Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man, they considered what to do next when they learned the entire mansion was rigged to blow moments after they left on their original mission. Rage built inside Jean as she realized the blue bitch wanted to kill the remaining mutants in their home.

Jean was done holding back. If Mystique wanted to kill her family, she was just going to take the information directly from the woman's mind by force. Of course, Mystique attempted to fight back, but with Jean's powers fully active she wasn't going to let an insect fight her on this.

With a wave of her hand, a vice-like grip held Mystique's arms down and Jean reached out her hand placing two fingers to the woman's forehead. Within moments Jean had all the information she needed about where Logan and Professor X were being held.

Something in the back of her mind told her she wasn't handling the power very well as if she was getting lost in her newfound abilities. But she knew it didn't matter. She had the ability to solve problems if she stopped and discussed the best way to do things… nothing would get done.

As she got the information the blue lady slumped to the ground and lost consciousness. Horrified looks greeted her as she turned around, but she didn't really have time to consider how her friends and the people that she considered family was now looking at her like she was a monster.

Glancing at Peter in his 'Spider-Man' uniform she stated, "I am going to get Wolverine and the Professor. Get Forge on the line and have him take a look at the system. Until he gives the all-clear, no one is allowed to enter the mansion besides Kurt."

Switching her focus to the Blue boy she gives him orders as well, "If the Mansion is in danger of blowing get Forge out of there asap."

Lastly, she turned her gaze on Rouge and the Southern Bell seemed like she wanted to step back at her gaze. Jean was a little saddened by the obvious fear she felt from her friend, but she didn't have time to do this any other way, "Rouge you are in charge while I'm gone. If anyone comes looking for us… The police, or news reporters… get them all out of here by the Jet. Leave no one behind."

"Alright Suge, but where…"

Before Rouge could say much else Jean had already flown up into the sky and was swallowed by the clouds.


Jean sent a group of soldiers sprawling to the sides of the massive tunnel in the underground base. They were unharmed but she believed they would wake up with a massive headache in an hour or two. Without pausing, the redhead marched forward anytime something attempted to obstruct her path it was either pushed aside or incinerated completely.

Suddenly a machine gun popped out of a wall panel and a continuous spray of bullets rushed at the young girl making a thunderous noise fill the small space. With a wave of her and the gun was crushed into a heap of twisted metal and with a few sparks, the tunnel was silent once more. The bullets had paused in mid-air like they were awaiting permission to continue their path of destruction, denying their request Jean allowed them to drop to the concrete floor simultaneously. For a short time, the underground bunker was alive with constant noises and the lone girl walked through the heavily armed military base as if it was her own back yard.

Abruptly stopping she finally arrived at her destination, turning to look at a sealed room with four massive metal doors that separated the cell from the rest of the base. She could already tell that the beast they were keeping inside had gained his freedom and was making some effort in his own escape.

Sending out another mental wave towards the control panels on the doors, managing to send the electricity directly into the circuits overloading the entire mainframe. Without warning, the lights all blew and the doors opened on their own. It wasn't but a few moments when emergency lights lit the dim corridor displaying a pissed off heavily breathing Logan at one end and a floating cold faced angel at the other.

Claws still protruding from his large hands his gaze was light blade when he quickly peered up at her when he realized the doors had opened. Immediately the animal-like made that had been preparing for battle moments before completely let down his guard.

"Jean? What are you doing here?" He asked in complete surprise.

"Follow closely, we still need to pick up the Professor." She informed him.

Not one too keen on for emotions or conversation, Logan nodded his head stating, "I'll follow your lead, then."

Although he didn't say much, he could still feel the power rolling off the young girl beside him. Logan had always known there was something special about Jean Grey. It wasn't something like a sent or some physical attribute but more like how most animals know when a natural disaster is about to happen. He could always feel that pressure coming from her. Today it was raw and unconcealed like in the past, and her no bullshit attitude was a clear contrast to her sensible behavior of the past.

Soon the trailed behind the redhead as she flew through the corridors again. The familiarity of the facility seemed a little uncanny but he still didn't question her. It was all he could do just to keep up with her, but soon they slowed down due to another group of guards running towards them. Logan released his claws and started to run towards them planning on taking a little vengeance but he soon understood how a young girl could get this far within the base with ease.

"Little girl, where are you leading us, and why are you alone?" Logan said in his gruff voice. It was highly irregular for the level headed girl to do anything on her own by choice.

"We are going to get answers," She replied coldly as they continued to travel further into the compound that held such powerful mutants.

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