
Extended Summery: CHAPTER 0

Minor Spoilers ahead.

Ivan Balor was once a normal dude from Earth, then he woke up a Glowing One Ghoul in a world that rings a distant bell with a set of memories that aren't his own.

In the ashes of a burnt world so similar, yet dissimilar to his own, Ivan coasts along to survive for several decades. His ventures have led him to a point in his life in which a series of events sends him on a new adventure.

This fiction will eventually cross over to RWBY/Remnant. Although, this crossover is a distant ways away and is more ACT 2 of ACT 1 than any crossover. IE, this is an Isekai.

This fiction, or more specifically the character used and inspiration for this fiction was created through the usage of this Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure: https://kondor9543.neocities.org/fallout/index.html

Ivan Balor has various Drawbacks, Perks, Traits, and other meta modifiers that change how certain mechanics in the world of Fallout function and work, and how certain events function. Ivan's CYOA choices will never be displayed, as I may or may not have cut a few drawbacks out to help myself out as a writer, as some of them were quite annoying to write in, so if I did give the choices then the numbers wouldn't be positive; so here, I admit it, I'm a dirty cheater.

Some notable 'changes': The Pip-Boy is kinda magical, but isn't 'sufficiently advanced technology identical to magic'. Ivan has a unique supernatural ability that allows him to control a pocket dimension limited by how much he can physically carry. The Pip-Boy interfaces with this ability and allows Ivan an easy way to manage the pocket dimension. If he lost the Pip or it was broken, he'd still have the ability for both VATS and Inventory.

The world of Fallout is far more sparce and dilapidated 'despite' it only being one hundred years since the bombs dropped. The people in 200 years aren't going to be finding Salisbury Steak or cigarettes anymore.

Machines break down, the wasteland isn't choke full of loot, and getting high-tech goodies takes far more luck and effort than having a random encounter: although sometimes that does just happen as the definition of luck. Ivan has been at this 'game' for one hundred years and is effectively just as 'powerful' and strong as any player character in the games, and arguably even more powerful in certain aspects than a few not only due to his unique race, but also due to his experience, and other supernatural abilities like Nerd Rage, VATS, and his unique effect when using Energy Weapons and his bullshit marksmanship, not to mention SCIENCE! However, that doesn't mean he has all the gear, equipment, and resources the player character's have in your games.

Factions have more gear than any solo, as they have more reach, ears, and eyes finding rare and valuable gear, as the Brother Hood isn't the only faction with quality Power Armor and good weapons. This means that despite being objectively more powerful than any singular character, he is usually outgunned and outmanned in a fight. However, numbers don't exactly match up against VATS and any powers Ivan might have.

VATS: VATS isn't explained in this story, and is chalked up as another supernatural power that Ivan has, as is Nerd Rage. However, VATS is different than in the games as it outright pauses time, has a short ten second cooldown after being used five times in a row, and an 'instant snap' effect to aim at enemies while time is paused. - This is due to an upgrade effect in the aforementioned CYOA.

Ivan is a radiation wizard, and can manipulate radiation; because fuck it; SCIENCE!

No Artwork belongs to me and has been ripped off of Google Images. Message my Web Novel account to get no response for several business weeks to months, but I will eventually check and remove the artwork from either the cover or any message boxes.

I only own Ivan and my OC's, any faction I've used is inspired from various other wasteland themed fictions that I subconsciously steal from. All rights go to those that actually own the franchise.

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