
Chapter 10 The Third Wish!

Yuudai's true training finally began. First he would meditate while clearing his mind for 1 hour everyday after that Yuudai would gaze at the sky for another hour and then try to mimic it for another hour.

After that Yuudai would slide down the power pole into the dark clouds and try to dodge the lightning strikes which targeted his body. Once he was done he would absorb ki and continue his ki control training.

Once a year passed Yuudai had completed his training apart from the training with the bell. Now Yuudai's power was approximately equal to Raditz's. Mr Popo was surprised by his progress but Yuudai wasn't really.

Over the years although his main routine had stayed the same he had still done various other exercises which helped him reach a tranquil state while clearing his mind.

"You've done well in this one year Yuudai. You're probably stronger than I already." Mr Popo said as he gazed at Yuudai. "Indeed but I still haven't completed my bell training." Yuudai said as he attached the bell and began his training.

Each time he moved the bell jingled but over the course of a year it jingled less and less each day.

It was now Age 752 and Yuudai had completed his training. "Mr Popo, Kami, thank you for your guidance these past few years." Yuudai said as he cupped his fist and bowed. "It was no problem you were quite pleasant." Mr Popo said as Kami asked "Yes very pleasant. So what shall you do now?"

"I will be using the dragonballs to send me somewhere." Yuudai said as he showed the dragonballs. "Really well good luck Yuudai." Kami said as he turned around and went inside. "Kami just to warn you. King Piccolo will be released in Age 753 and he will begin attacking humanity just after the world martial arts tournament ends." Yuudai said as he jumped on his black nimbus.

Although Yuudai could now fly he had never really used his black nimbus and decided he wanted to try it out. While waving to Mr Popo he flew down and went to Master Roshi.

"Oh Yuudai what a rare sight you are these days." Roshi said as he looked at Yuudai meekly. "I see you've grown much stronger now though." Roshi continued. "Yes I have. I came here to spend sometime with you before I leave Earth." Yuudai said.

"Leave Earth!? Are you insane!" Roshi said while falling off his chair. "No by using the dragonballs anything is possible within a certain limit. For example it can't kill enemies more powerful than the creator of the dragonballs yet it can bring people back to life." Yuudai said as he looked at Roshi.

'Although Gramps will die while fighting King Piccolo I have to begin my true journey and I know Goku will take care of it.' Yuudai thought resolutely as he continued to chat with Roshi.

After a day Yuudai said good bye and found a secluded area where he summoned Shenron. "RISE SHENRON!" Yuudai said as he made sure the dragonballs were in position.

"You again!? Man what are you going to wish for this time immortality?" Shenron asked jokingly while looking at Yuudai "NO! What do you think I am a masochist? I summonded you to wish that you can transport me to Planet Namek the home planet of the Namekians. Also I would like to be summonded within one of the villages please." Yuudai said while looking at Shenron.

"This..... I can grant. YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED" Shenron said as in a flash of light the dragonballs scattered and Yuudai wasn't there anymore.

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