
I'm So Glad You're Still Here

The muffins were just coming out of the oven when Aaron came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. "What on earth are you doing baking at six in the morning?" he asked with a yawn.

"Couldn't sleep," Keeley said casually. "Why are you up?"

"Considering how early I fell asleep, I've already gotten about ten hours of rest. I feel much better now. Can I have one of those?"

"I made them for my dad but yeah. Wait a few minutes though, they're still hot."

He walked behind her and started the coffeemaker before sitting down and waiting for it. "I thought you were seeing him tomorrow."

She spread butter over the tops of the muffins while they were still hot so it would melt in. Nothing was better than a warm buttery muffin. Unfortunately, her dad would have to accept cold buttery muffins because they would have cooled considerably by the time she got to Brooklyn. Oh well.

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