
Last founder of ZH entertainment

While hearing a voice from behind they turn and could see chairman tian with an angry face. "yes sir we will do this soon" guy from the front said and go to pay. While they pas Zhihao they look at him.

While seeing they face he said, "you come here fast, grandpa". While hearing him they are frozen and look at him.

"yes and I can see you grown-up"

"yes, a little" Zhihao said while coming closer to shake hand. Then his grandfather add "how he is"

"critical condition and I don't know if he will survive," Zhihao said

"oh Zhi calm down and let's go to eat at my hotel and eat there"

"ok," Zhihao said and follow his grandfather. While they come to the hotel and go to his room. While they come grandfather tian said "ok you can cry now I can feel it"

While hearing his words from Zhihao all adrenaline goes away and he starts crying. After some time he falls asleep from exhausting.

Next day when he wakes up at a normal time for him to go to work. While seeing where he is Zhihao could see that his grandfather hasn't sleep but he been working with some papers. While seeing him he said "grandpa pease go to sleep I can check it"

"ok," grandfather tian said and they change. While looking at papers Zhihao could see that he been checking papers about works here.

While he been doing it Zhihao could find that some money been taken away from it. while looking at papers time pass fast and at nine calls come to their room. Hearing it Zhihao answer "hallo"

"he wakes up," someone said from another side.

Hearing his words Zhihao get up and go to wake up his grandfather. While he opens his eyes Zhihao said "Zhehan wake up I will be going to the hospital"

"change to suit it's in the wardrobe"

"ok," Zhihao said and while coming to it he changes to the black suit. While putting it he found out black glasses inside so he takes them and goes out. While he does this driver been waiting for him and they go to the hospital.

While coming inside Zhihao could see that people around are looking at him. He doesn't care about their look and when he comes to the reception he asks "what room is the guy from yesterday construction accident"

"third-floor seconds doors from the right." He hears the answer. While he has all detailed Zhihao to go to the room where Zhehan been staying for now. While coming inside he could hear "how we will pay expenses for your stay here and rehabilitation. You have been in so good room" woman voice come

Hearing her words Zhihao come inside while saying "all been paid"

While looking at him Zhehan said "Zhi its that you"

"yep it's me all expensive been paid and I'm on your debt for saving my life"

"oh don't be like that" Zhehan said while looking at Zhihao. While they were looking around the guy from bed close start singing while disturbing they rest. While Zhihao wanted to say something nurse come while saying "sorry about him he is the son of someone rich that's why he stays here. We don't have a lot of VIP rooms here"

"no problem," Zhihao and Zhehan said at the same time

"I'm not related to this dick I'm just bastard who been saved by them for a kidney but first I need to heal this broken leg"

While hearing his words Zhihao could see that this guy could be interesting and after nurse go out he ask "from what family you are"

"Ren and what you want," he said

"oh they aren't in top families I could help you but I need something from you," Zhihao said while creating a plan of his company.

"oh what you can do" stranger ask

"I could easily destroy them they are a pain in the ass for my family but we really don't care"

"oh this could be nice and what you want me to do"

"oh you have so nice voice what about the singer in my new company but remember one loyalty is first"

"bro I will be loyal to you for the rest of my life after you will make me free from them. oh, by the way, I'm Zemin Ren"

"Nice to meet you I'm Zhihao Tian. I hope we will have good work together" Zhihao said while meeting the last founder of ZH entertainment. While they talk go easy and ren family goes down on the same day of Zhihao words.

After ten days when Zemin heal his leg and Zhehan could travel they go back to Xie city for the training of Zemin to play better on guitar and Zhehan rehabilitation and being not only PA of Zhihao but an assistant of Zemin with his going up.

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the end of flashback is now next chapter we will be back to present time

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