
Red green and blue

while coming there nobody meets. while seeing it Linai take her phone and she calls to grandpa Lou. after few signals and being on speaker she said "why here is nobody"

"I give them free week you have all for your fourth. All food is there" grandpa Lou said while hanging out

Hearing it Zhihao said "I know he is planning something"

"He wants us to deal all alone it's not the first time he is doing it," Yaling said while taking her things and going inside.

Following her Linai and Jianhou go and at the end Zhihao while saying in low voice "I hope they can cook" while coming inside they go on the first floor. It's been the first time of Lou youngsters to come there. While looking around the first floor is a big room with a king bed where could ten people sleep.

"Where will be my privacy," Linai said while looking around.

Hearing her Jianhou said, "no privacy we will do all together now time to unpack our things and go check what we have here."

Seeing it Zhihao look and ask "where are my things"

"At my bag," Linai said while opening her bag and few pars of boxers and shirts go out. Observing it Zhihao said "ok" and he helps her unpack all.

After they do it Jianhou start changing in front of everyone seeing it Linai said "what you doing"

"Changing here is a pool and I want to swim" hearing her Yaling start doing the same and after few minutes they changer to red and green swimsuit. Seeing at Jianhou bags blue swimsuit he asks "for what it this"

"Linai" Lianhou said while giving it to her older sister. Seeing it she changes too and all go down to the pool.

While going out she looks at Zhihao while saying "let's go to my hubby"

"Ok waifey," Zhihao said and he follows her. while coming outside he could see that Jianhou and Yaling are in pool and them swimming. While coming closer he sits on one of the sits there and starts observing them.

While his look follows Linai he knows that she is planning something there but she only jump there and come closer to her sisters. While being there she tells something to their ears and after a few seconds they come out to Zhihao. While they been close they said "go swim too"

"I can't" he answers them. hearing his words they only nod they head with the agreement and take him while pushing him to pool. While meeting with water he starts drowning while saying "help me I can't swim"

Hearing him Jianhou said, "don't be baby you are taller than us so you should touch the ground there." Zhihao hasn't paid attention to their words and he starts drawing more and more. Seeing it Linai jump and when she swims to him she takes him and goes out.

Seeing the state of them brother-in-law Jianhou and Yaling come closer and while they wanted to help him go out Zhihao takes their hands and push it to water.

"now you know what how it is," he said while looking at them. while Jianhou and Yaling show up from water they bra been off from them. seeing this Zhihao said "your bras are off please put them on"

Hearing his words Jianhou look at Yaling and they only come closer to him while saying "no we not" and they put him closer to their chests. Seeing it Linai said "what you doing"

"We want our boobs to grown too," Jianhou said while grabbing Linai breast. While observing all from outside Zhihao said to them "stop playing with my wife"

"oh Zhihao you will know what play means soon now it's just child play," Jianhou said while realizing him. Following her Yaling to the same and when he been free Zhihao go out while taking all of his things. While being left in only underwear he looks at triples that start a water fight.

After some time pass, they go out and wanted to go to chairs but then Linai said "oh my god it's so sunny now and you. my baby is out I need to use sun cream on you." and she comes closer to him.

Seeing her he said "ok"

While she been there she starts putting it on him while saying "from where you have that scars on your tors"

"oh between being beaten they play knife"

Hearing his stoic words Linai start crying while saying "oh my good you meet hell there"

"yes" he answers her while hugging Linai. While he was doing it Jianhou and Yaling come closer and hug him too.

While their group hug goes Linai start kissing him. While being inexperienced with it he tries to follow her lead but he couldn't focus on this. While she takes a break for breath Jianhou start giving him a kiss. Seeing her sister Linai push her while saying "he is mine"

While being free from Zhihao lips Jianhou said "oh don't be greedy you agree with us that we can share him"

While Linai and Jianhou been talking Yaling take a lead and start kissing Zhihao. Seeing it Linai said "and you against me"

"oh, sis we all needed to lose our firsts kisses now. I hope you will responsibility from it" Yaling said to Zhihao.

"what have I done," he said in low voice observing they fight. While he been doing it Linai said "ok hubby you will use sun cream on me"

"no on me first," Yaling said

"no me" Jianhou said

Hearing them he said "ok we will go with who is oldest" hearing his words Linai said "yes good being first hahaha"

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