
"Future" sightseeing! part 2

After that I decided to leave Kagome alone for some time so she could properly gather her thoughts and make a decision.

Meanwhile I took Yura and Inuyasha with me to take a stroll around town.

I had never been able to visit Japan back during my otaku lifetime. Although the other side of me has plenty of memories of it and almost every single thing it has to offer after living in it for 400+ years I can't help but feel like it's a new never felt before experience. I'm experiencing how both a local and a foreigner feels like when going somewhere new. If you live somewhere and go somewhere new within that area it doesn't really matter how it looks it doesn't fully impact you because you've seen some variations of it at another spot. Foreigners don't really see it that way and are able to take on the views as they come no matter how annoying it might be.

"Hey, where are you trying to take us." I hear Inuyasha say behind Yura and I interrupting my thoughts.

"I already told you that were going to go for a little bit of sightseeing. Is it really that hard to understand. You can't tell me that you're not even a little bit interested in how the future looks like." I say to the kid currently trying to start a temper tantrum.

"I have already said it a thousand times, I only care about the shikon jewel. Everything else doesn't matter. We should just hurry up and start looking for the rest of the fragment." Inuyasha said with clear annoyance in his voice.

"Well, nobody cares about what you want. If you don't want to be here that much then just use the bone gobbling well and go back to the past. Nobody's forcing you to stay here. You could've left any second you wanted too." Yura cuts into the conversation and berates Inuyasha.

"You! You were also clearly and honestly interested in the shikon jewel just a couple of hours ago just like me. What the hell did this guy offer you that has you singing such a different tune all of a sudden. We're you brainwashed in the short walk that it took you to walk towards the well you stupid bitch!" Inuyasha shouts to Yura trying to get a response from her.

"Try saying that one more time and I'll cut your dick off you mutt!" Yura shouted back at him.

"If both of you don't shut the fuck up right now so help me R.O.B. we're going to go back to Kagome's house and I'm going to drop you off on the other side of the well!" I quickly say staring straight at both of them with a stern look on my face.

Both of them immediately stopped the argument and are quietly staring back at me.

'Man, these brats are going to make the hair fall out of my head. Maybe that's why the old man ended up looking like he had. I really should apologize to my parents in both of my lives.' I thought while looking at our surroundings.

"Mommy, look are those people cosplaying?" Said a small child no older than six.

"I don't know sweetie but two of them look like models so they're probably filming a movie somewhere nearby. We should probably get away from the just in case though." Said the mother coaxing the child as they quickly walked away.

'How normal people are able to bend reality in their minds in order to deal with stressful and/or unusual situations will never stop amazing me. though we should probably start getting away as we're starting to gain unwanted attention.' I thought and then looked at Inuyasha and Yura.

"Let's start moving we don't want to cause panic around all of these people." I said to both of them.

We continued or walk through the secluded alleyways of Tokyo until I stopped next to a restaurant.

"All of this walking around has really left me with an empty stomach. I suggest we stop at this restaurant for a quick meal. You guy's wouldn't say no to that right?" I said to them seeing that they're trying to avoid looking at one another.

"It's fine" Both of them said simultaneously and begin to glare at one another.

"Good, then let's go get some food." I say and we begin to walk into the restaurant.

"Welcome!" We heard the staff waiting by the entrance followed by a polite bow.

As soon as we step into the restaurant we are greeted by the staff. Japanese restaurant's really know how to make some feel welcome into their establishments. In America you might not get similar treatment even if you're in a five star restaurant. Here they even do it in supermarkets.

After going through the normal procedure that one goes at a restaurant we find ourselves seated at our table.

We place our orders and sit in our table for a few seconds of comfortable silence.

"Hey, Rihan, can I ask you a question?" Yura suddenly says.

"You just did... fine what is it that you want to talk with me about." I was about to tease her a little but then I saw the serious look on her face.

"Not that I think that you'll go back on your word or anything but what exactly is it that you're going to offer to me when you talked about power beyond what the shikon jewel could offer to me?"

That question brought me into deep thought as I hadn't really put a plan into how exactly I was going to power her up but I guess now is better than never.

Originally Yura was said to be an Oni that transferred her soul into a comb so as to be able to survive forever as long as no damage was made to her true body. When I met her in real life I realized that she might have been lying when she said that to Inuyasha before getting killed. Although I do detect the aura of an Oni from her it feels like it's there to mask the fact that she's a tsukumogami. I'm able to easily recognize it because the Nura clan had under it the control of a clan of tsukumogami and after closely dealing with them for so many years I've become able to easily distinguish the and many other yokai species easily. It wouldn't even surprise me if she's trying to hide the fact that she's a tsukumogami as in most worlds they are considered fodder and it seems that she's had a bad experience with powerful ayakashi in her past.

'I have to think carefully about what to do with her. I'm not just gonna chuck power up from some random ability at her it's better if I cater it specifically for her and her species. Luckily for her tsukumogami are one of those species that that although rarely portrayed when they are shown the usually belong to the absolute opposite of the power spectrum. They are always either really weak or really powerful and for her I know just what to get. The answer to her power conundrum will be answered by the story Tsugumomo.' I thought proudly to myself.

Tsugumomo is one of those ayakashi oriented battle anime and manga(and a really good one at that btw) where the tsukumogami reign supreme. An easy way to power her up that also grants me many ways to creatively experiment in different ways comes from there and it also helps with the fact that I'm planning to visit that verse in the future.

"I'm going to say this now but what I'm planning for you might be somewhat experimental and untested." I say breaking the momentary silence looking straight into her eyes.

"What do you mean by somewhat experimental and untested?" She asks me not breaking eye contact.

"Well, I'm planning on turning you into an Tsugumomo."

"What exactly is an Tsugumomo? I've never heard of this term before."

"The Tsugumomo are one of two subspecies of the tsukumogami. As I'm going to subject you to the process I'm going to quickly explain the minor setbacks with my plan."

"The first of those setbacks being the other subspecies of tsukumogami knows as the Amasogi. The amasogi are certain objects that have a strong wish attached to them from a Host and, through various means, have been imbued with large quantities of curse. When they have been sufficiently filled with curse they become supernatural entities that seek only to fulfill the wish of their user, as it is the purpose of their existence. They lack sapience and do not have thoughts or opinions of their own and will stop at nothing to fulfill the wishes of their owner. They also lack human-like bodies and, while there're certain cases of sentient Amasogi, they lack any notable level of intelligence and will only act based on their instincts. There is a bond between the user and the Amasogi so if the Amasogi is destroyed by anyone other than him, it could create a situation called called curse backlash to the original host." I calmly explain to her as we eat our food that came here while we were having our conversation.

"I'm not trying to kill you, eliminate your consciousness or anything like that so I'm aiming to turn you into a Tsugumomo. The Tugumomo are a type of tsukumogami very different to the troublesome Amasogi. Like with all tsukumogami, tsugumomo were originally an object or tool that gained life thanks to the influence of the humans and the curse, but unlike amasogi, who are created spontaneously from impulsive desires, tsugumomo are born after many generations of usage. After an object has been used for many years by multiple people a part of those users souls flow into the item, eventually allowing it to have a soul of its own. They differ from Amasogi in that they achieve supernatural powers through accumulation of pieces of users souls while Amasogi achieve supernatural powers through accumulation of curse."

"There is no limit over the object, as any tool can potentially become a tsugumomo some day and only time is needed for the manifestation to take place. However, since it is an event that requires so many years to take place, it usually only happens to objects that carry a strong sentimental value, like family relics or mementos, though it might also occur with useful tools that have remained useful for a large number of years without being discarded."

"Both of these subspecies of the tsukumogami are powerful beyond your wildest dreams and hold a potential to match their power. Now comes into place the other most mayor setback. That being the fact that under normal circumstances you wouldn't qualify to be turned into neither of them. Both of them are extremely far away from what you would consider tsukumogami that they might as well be an entirely different species. So I'm going to have to go through some trial and error using you as a test subject." I say making sure to clearly point out the huge risk she's putting herself into.

'Though to make that possible I'm going to have to obtain an ability called curse manipulation that belongs to Tsugumomo's mc Kazuya. Not that I would tell her that.' I thought to myself thinking of what to say next.

"Why have I never heard of these Amasogi before. If you know that I'm a tsukumogami you should also know that although we are weak there are many of us. The sheer number of us makes us a force to be reckoned with in the matter of obtaining and sharing information. If a type of tsukumogami like that existed then there would at least be some rumors. I have also never heard of this "curse" that you've mentioned multiple times." Yura said trying to squeeze out more information out of me.

"I would love going into details but I don't really think that this is really the appropriate place to keep this conversation going." I say pointing out to the other people in the restaurant paying attention to our table with my chopsticks.

"See they are wearing traditional clothes while talking about things that I can't understand. I'm pretty sure they're filming a movie in this restaurant. One of them is even wearing dog ears out in public. No one would do that out in public unless they are a degenerate, degenerate cosplayer or an actor/actress." Says one aunty to another sitting on a table next to us.

'Oi, apologize to every cosplayer out there right now dammit! They have it hard enough with everyone looking down on them for their hobby and thinking that they get off from wearing revealing clothes in public.' I thought to myself feeling the type of rage that only a weeb can feel.

"Sir, if you are finished with your meal would you like to view our desserts menu or would you like your bill." Said the ninja waitress that seemingly came out of nowhere.

Hearing that I put down my chopsticks and look at Yura and at Inuyasha who had previously been so focused on scarfing down the food on the table that he didn't utter a word. Both of them are clearly looking at me expecting me to handle this situation and cough up some dough.

"Ye want to see a trick that I learned from me old man when I was but a wee boy." I say wearing my best attempt at a cheshire smile.

I slowly pick up the check in my hands and place in in front of them.

"This is your problem now... good luck dealing with it." I activate my fear and calmly walk out of the booth. As I near the exit of the restaurant I don't forget to look back and shout:

"Be sure not to get caught on your way to Kagome's house!"

After that I don't look back and quickly run away from the restaurant ignoring the insults and curses coming my way.

"As if an honorable and proud member of the Nura clan is going to pay for food" I say to myself a cheeky grin adorning my face.

(scene break)

[Warning: Just a little bit of slight gore ahead. It's nothing that bad but you can skip it if you want. :)]

[Also if you wanna set the mood for the scene look for "Most Epic Music Ever: Everything Ends Here" on YouTube. You're welcome!]

I'm once again walking around the secluded back streets of Tokyo this time by myself.

The sun was beginning to set and I was about to head back home until I suddenly heard along scream coming from an alleyway. I suddenly move towards the direction where I heard the scream and I find two men pinning down a girl.

"Shut that bitch up and quickly load her into the van. Even if this is one of the least crowded areas in the city we might still get some random person calling the cops. We gotta move quickly." Says one of the men putting his hands on his pocket pulling out what seems to be a knife.

"I know, I know... it's just that it is a huge pity that we can't have some fun with this one. At least we can make some good money by selling her off along with the other ones." Says the other man putting his hands on the girl's mouth.

Hearing that the begins to struggle even more frantically and the man holding her hits her to stop her struggle.

Seeing this situation immediately brings down my mood making experience murderous calmness.

I instantly moved behind the first man that had begun to move to get their van ready.

I hold onto his neck and instantly rip out his windpipe with my bare hands causing a mess of blood, gore and vile to paint the pavement splashing down mostly on his partner and the woman he was holding. I let go of the body and what was previously a man falls down on the ground like a puppet that had it's strings cut.

The second man and the woman just stared at me in shock not moving an inch from where they were.

"Ah, I really can't properly tell how much blood is going to come out of a person when I remove anything above the shoulders. You'd think that 400+ years of killing would make you an expert on how to mutilate a living being but here I am covered in blood and gore even though I ripped out his neck cartilage from the back." I say while showing off my blood covered hands and kimono while smiling brilliantly.

Hearing that the girl's eye's rolled to the back of her head and she passed out.

The man quickly crawled in the ground and grabbed the knife the previous man dropped upon his departure towards the afterlife and points it at me.

"Where are they?" I ask the man

"Where are who... I don't know who you're talking about. I don't even know you! What woul you ever want from me!?!" He screamed at me in a panic.

"I heard you say something about other women being held captive so I asked you a question. Where are they?" I calmly answered him the scelera in my eye's slowly turning black as fear unconsciously started leaking from my body.

He frantically started spilling out the beans in a terrified and pleading tone and proceeded to soil himself.

"I told you everything you wanted can you please let me go. I have a wife and kid waiting for me at home!" He says while dragging his body as far away from me as he can.

"No, but don't worry as you seem to have made an unpleasant mess in your lower half I'll only focus on the upper half." I say and begin to make my way towards him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" He screamed as he crazily waved the knife in his hands from the ground.

I take the knife and cut off his tongue, then his fingers, his ears, lips and nose and only stop when he's a gurgling mess beneath me.

I get really close to his ear holes and whisper.

"There's a special place in hell for monsters like you and me. Luckily you get the chance to see it first between us as your filthy soul is covered in sin. In your next life please be sure to not commit such heinous acts, goodbye!" I say and pierce his skull with the knife.

"Now, on to save the day." I sarcastically muttered to myself.


[A/N: I'm just gonna leave that there for now for two reasons. I believe that after scenes like that a reader need some time to decompress to better take it in... plus it was my first particularly bloody scene so I'm a little exhausted. I'm gonna have to leave it at 3k+ words because I completely forgot to write the rest of the chapter and I wasn't willing to sit on this chapter without posting it for much longer. Anyhow, feel free to tell me what you thought about the chapter. BYE!!!]

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