
Time traveling escapades! Part 1

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping.

'It's really good that I managed to wake up early today. It is really hard for heavy sleepers like me to wake up early in general and not having an alarm makes it extra hard.' I thought as I make myself presentable and head to the door.

"Now, i need to find out where the three of them are. If I'm not mistaken they should be conducting a purification ritual for Kagome that would then lead her towards her return back to the future."


After I move my thoughts away from the seemingly appropriate movie reference I begin to focuse my senses to properly detect where they are.

'It seems they are over there.'

I quickly make my way towards the riverside up north from the wooden house. It doesn't really take me a long time to reach my destination and when I do I notice something peculiar.

There I see Inuyasha squatting at the edge of a hillside. Intensely staring down at a clearly naked Kagome bathing herself in the river.

I can't stop myself from smirking.

While I clad myself in fear making my presence undetectable to those around me as my daily routine dictates I grabbed a thick log of wood and I make my way next to him.


I make sure to destroy the log of wood in my hands in the loudest way possible.

Inuyasha becomes startled and instantly moves even closer to the edge. Before he could do anything else the sound of a girl screaming is heard.


Inuyasha screamed as the beads of subjugation forced him to fall down the cliff. Trying to add insult to injury jump off and land square on his back.

"GYAAH!!!" Inuyasha let's out face planted on the ground.

Hearing that my little sadistic heart could hold it in anymore.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! How does it feel little brat. You really should have some class and learn proper technique if you're going to be peeping on women in the bath. I know of a man with white hair similar to yours that would snort at the at the poor attempt you've just displayed." I say as I grind my heel into the back of his head with a mocking grin on my face.

I see he's about to throw a temper tantrum but suddenly stopped at the sound of Kaedes voice.

"Oh, so the both of you arrived, Inuyasha and... you."

Hearing that I'm reminded that in the two days that I've been here I haven't told anyone my name.

I place my hand on my chin in a thinking position.

'I wonder what I should tell them that my name is. I can't really go with a english sounding name. I would stand out not only in this era of Japan which probably has no contact with europeans yet but also in the future as my features are now predominantly eastern. I guess that I can go by that name.' I thought as I came to a conclusion.

"It's Rihan... Nura Rihan."

"What?" Kaede asks

"That's my name, I can't really have you all calling me you or hey the entire time. It's not like I was trying to avoid telling you my name. It just slipped my mind with everything that's been going on." I say and I shrug my shoulders.

"That reminds me are you aware about what happened late at night yesterday." Kaede says with a questioning gaze.

"No, I was really tired from everything that's been going on and I happen to be a very heavy sleeper. Why do you ask like that though? You make it seem like something happened." I say acting as oblivious as I possibly can.

"Nevermi-" She tried to say and stopped as Kagome's head pooped out from a nearby bush she was using to cover up her body.

"How indecent, peeping on me like that!!" She screamed while looking at Inuyasha.

"Huh" Said Inuyasha who at that point didn't have me standing on his back.

"Keh, you idiot, I was just-"

"Trying to steal the shikon and jewel fragment, weren't you?" Kaede interjects finishing what he was trying to say.

"I see you understand Kaede-babaa(babaa-old woman.)" Inuyasha answered back to her.

"I have a bad feeling about the future. Inuyasha, if you want to make sure that the shikon jewel's power lands in your hands one day you must make sure to join your power with Kagome's ability to sense the shikon jewel shards and aid her on her journey to recover and protect them." Kaede says to Inuyasha

"That's why I've agreed to work together with that disgusting girl, for the sake of the jewel."

"So... you hate me that much." Said Kagome after she finished changing into some new miko outfit.

Inuyasha makes a dumb face while looking at her.

"What's with that face, Inuyasha?" Kaede says while looking at Inuyasha.

"Kaede-sama" Called a middle aged woman from the village as she walked along side two of her kids.

"My daughter..." She went on to the Kaede what was ailing her.

"You're daughter suddenly collapsed?" Kaede says with a serious face.

"I must return to the village. Try not to fight... all of you."

An awkward moment ensued once Kaede was completely out of sight.

"Sooooo, did anything happen yesterday that would make her ask me that?" I ask while looking at Kagome trying to soften the mood.

"Well, I was kidnapped by what seemed to be mountain bandits at first glance yesterday. Then we realized that the head bandit that had ordered my kidnapping turned out to be a three eyed crow yokai that had possessed him. The crow yokai had come here after getting the sent of the shikon jewel and wanted to steal it. After he exposed himself for what he was he grabbed the shikon jewel and tried to run away with it. We followed him and to get it back I kinda... by mistake... shattered it." Kagome said in what seemed like to be a single breath.

"Never mind that! Oi, take them off." Inuyasha said while pointing at her clothes.

She answered back by picking up a nearby rock and hitting him on the head with it.


"BITCH! What the hell!?!" He screamed as he grabbed his head.

"INDECENT!" She said while still holding up the stone.

"I didn't say get naked! Just get back in your wierd clothes!"

"Why, because these make me look like Kikyo?"

"None of your business." He answered curtly.

"Anyway, with an attitude like that there's absolutely no way we can work together."

"If that's the case, then fine by me. I can do it on my own. You'd probably only slow me down."

"Oh, I see... so you'll be okay even without me then?" As she said that she begins to walk away.

"Hn...? And where are you off to?" Inuyasha asks Kagome.

"I've made my decision. I'm going home. Goodbye, Inuyasha." Kagome states pointedly.

"Going home...? OI!!" Inuyasha exclaims quickly standing up from the ground.

"Huh? It's no use trying to stop me."

"No! You've got the jewel fragment... leave it here." He said holding out his hand.

"Oh... you mean this." She said while holding out a small pouch containing within it the fragment of the shikon jewel with a smile.

"You gave her the wrong answer, kid." I thought while shaking my head.


Inuyasha hits the ground and starts grumbling.

"I'll be keeping this." She finally walks away while twirling the bag in her hands.


'Kids, they never learn do they.'

I turned towards Inuyasha laying on the ground and picked him up after making sure that I could no longer see Kagome.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time that a man had his previous girlfriend's reincarnation go to her parents home after a lover's quarrel. Here, accompany me as I teach you about the vicissitudes of life. I've got plenty of experience in that department young padawan." I say with a sagely look on my face.

"Pada-what? What the hell are you talking about you crazy old man!" He screams as I ignore him and drag him away towards the village.

'Immediately after this incident comes the attack of sakasa-gami no yura which leads to travelling through time using the bone gobbling well. I'm really looking forward to that. As beautiful es the views are in this pollution and skyscraper free era not having a toilet or hot water is one hell of an inconvenience. Also no INTERNET I didn't know how important that was to me until I no longer could feel it's sweet embrace. I really hope that internet connection isn't nearly as bad as I remember in 1997.' I thought while walking along side Inuyasha who is looking at me with a wary look on his face.

"Hey, where are you dragging me with that crazy look in your face. Let go of me... you're clearly not right inside the head." He says struggling to get away.

'Ahhhh, internet you sweet mistress I will one again be able to bask in your motherly warmth.'

"Help! He's muttering things that I can't understand." He screams but I zone out his existence.

"My bright future here I come!!!"

[A/N: I was able to remember and write most of what was previously erased. I'm still missing a little bit of it but as I'm writing this is pretty late so I'm going to split it into a two part chapter or maybe three. Anyway, as always I hope you enjoyed this. Bye!]

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