

           Selepas shooting Amelia balik ke rumah Puan Valerie, sejak Amelia tahu punca penceraian Encik Kelvin dan Puan Valerie, Amelia tidak balik ke rumah, Amelia hanya balik ke Condo miliknya. Puan Valerie memeluk Amelia dengan erat. " Stay for dinner sweetie..." Amelia mengangguk menurut permintaan Puan Valerie. " Is Kay home? " tanya Amelia. Puan Valerie mengangguk. " She is in her room.... Did you hear anything from Kyle?" tanya Puan Valerie lagi. Puan Valerie tahu Amelia rapat dengan Kyle, dan Puan Valerie tahu Kyle mungkin akan beritahu Amelia dimana Kyle berada. Sudah beberapa hari Makayla senyap. Makan sedikit dan masuk bilik. Encik Eric beri Makayla cuti seminggu untuk menenangkan fikiran. Amelia dan Puan Valerie duduk di sofa sambil bertukar cerita.

        " Mom... I am really sorry how I treated you.... I should'nt be nasty... What ever happened.... You loved me no matter what... I ruined our relationship... I ruined my relationship with Kay... I ruined her life... I actually told Kyle... She was cheating on him... He got pissed off and thats why he left her.... " Puan Valerie kecewa dengan tindakan Amelia. " Mia... Why did you that far... Kay... She is your sister... No matter how much you hate me and Kay... You should not make up something like that just to rip your sister appart...." Amelia sudah menangis. Menyesal dengan perbuatannya selama ini. " You told Kyle I cheated on him?" Amelia dan Puan Valerie terkejut mendengar suara Makayla. " Kay... I am really sorry...." Amelia berdiri dan mahu memeluk Makayla.

          " Keep away from me you Bitch. Don't expect me to be that angel twin sister that will forgive although you hurt me! How could you Mia! Me and Kyle were planning a wedding! Do you know how it feels like when a guy breaks your heart Mia! Do you know what it's like to be dumped and not knowing what was the reason! You crossed the line Mia! I would never do something like that to my family Mia. You are selfish. You were always selfish. Eberything I want to do, I always had to think twice just because I had to take care of your feeling. Every birthday, every event, it was all about you! And the only thing that was suppose to be about me you shattered into pieces!" Amelia terkejut. Amelia tidak pernah nampak Makayla mengamuk hantu seperti ini. " Kay... Calm down Kay... We will try and discuss this through...." Pujuk Puan Valerie.

         " Kay... I am sorry... I wish i could fix this... Mom... I will come back and visit another day...." Amelia berkata sambil memandang Puan Valerie. " Mia, stay. I invited you to stay for dinner. So for once we will put all the problems aside, and we should sit like a family... We lost too much and I can't afford to loose anymore." Makayla ketawa. " Mom, I am sorry. But I am going out for dinner if she stays. I am disgusted of her. Why don't you just walk out Mia. Like you always do. Go and have fun with you disgusting friends of yours Kyle and Laikha... I don't want to see your face again..." luah Makayla tanpa berfikir panjang. Makayla terus berlari ke tingkat atas dan menghempas pintu biliknya kuat. " Mia..." Puan Valerie menarik Amelia kedalam pelukan erat. " Mom... " Amelia tidak dapat berkata apa-apa lagi. " Mia... Give Kay some time... She will forgive you... I know your sister well...." bisik Puan Valerie.


           Gabriel buntu, malam ini Gabriel lepak di Navy Bar sambil minum beer. Gabriel mahu cari Amelia. Gadis yang balik ke kondo Gabriel semalam. Gabriel tidak keruan sepanjang hari, rasa bersalah menebal dalam hati Gabriel kerana meniduri gadis itu. " Amelia...." Gabriel lupa nama penuh gadis itu. Semalam gadis itu sebut nama penuhnya, tetapi Gabriel tidak ingat. Hanya Amelia, itu sahaja Gabriel ingat. Gabriel nampak kelibat seorang wanita bersama seorang lelaki. ' Bingo!' Gadis itu adalah kawan Amelia. Gabriel berjalan ke arah wanita itu. " Hi... Err... Amelia... She is your friend... Right?" tanya Gabriel kepada Nathalia. " Who is this?" tanya Scott kepada Nathalia. " The guy Amelia left with yesterday... " Nathalia menjawap Scott. " I need your help... I want to see her again... I don't even know where she works, her full name... Where she lives... I really need to see her..." Gabriel merayu kepada Nathalia. Nathalia sudah tahu apa yang terjadi semalam, kerana semasa membuat photoshoot bersama Amelia petang tadi, Amelia menceritakan semuanya.

        " Gabriel righ?" tanya Nathalia. Gabriel mengangguk dan Gabriel mengaggak yang Amelia sudah menceritakan pekara semalam. " Look... I know Amelia very well. If she wants to see you again, she will give you her number and all the details about herself. She told me she only wanted a one night stand with you. Thats it. Don't get so emotional about yesterday. It was her choice. You both had fun, and you were the lucky one because you are the first guy to sleep with her. She does'nt believe in love... She only wants to hook up and forget about everything the next morning...she is not into the whole relationship thing... She wants no commitment and No strings attached..." Nathalia membalas sambil senyum mengejek dan menjongket bahu. Gabriel tidak sangka yang dirinya dimainkan oleh seorang perempuan. Gabriel malas untuk mencari Amelia lagi, dan terus meninggalkan Nathalia.

        " What was that about?" tanya Scott. Nathalia mengeluh. " Amelia... Hooked up with him last night and he is all guilty because Amelia was still a virgin.... And Amelia told me earlier she only wanted to have fun... But at the same time she does not want to commit to relationship..." Nathalia memberi penerangan kepada Scott. " Woah... And he is such a gentleman, most guys want to hook up and leave girls later... But he is something... I think Amelia played him and broke his heart..." Scott menjawap Nathalia. " How about us Lia? Am I just one of your hook ups?" tanya Scott. Nathalia ketawa. " Do you want the truth?" cabar Nathalia. Scott memandang Nathalia tajam. " Yes. Scott. " Scott panas hati dengan jawapan Nathalia. Scott terus berdiri dan meninggalkan Nathalia tanpa sebarang kata. Nathalia mengeluh. Biasanya, dia akan meninggal kekasihnya, tetapi kali ini, Kekasihnya pula meninggalkannya.


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