
I Can’t Believe It’s You

Melvin stood inside of Courtney's apartment and wondered how he'd gotten himself into such a mess. Here he was, finally getting lucky with women, and it had already come back to bite him firmly on the ass. Last week, he wouldn't have been able to get half a dozen women to talk to him (let alone anything more), but in the small time frame of the last two days, he could barely walk down the street without being accosted and having his clothes torn off by amorous females. He had a self-proclaimed witch and her so-called magic love juice to both thank and blame for his current troubles.

"I can't believe it's you. What are you doing here?" the girl standing before him asked, her brown pigtails bobbing as she bounced anxiously on the balls of her feet. She gave him an expectant look, and Melvin realized that the girl thought that he was there for her.

She apparently figured that Melvin had followed her home or asked for her address at the cafe and then came looking for her. After all, he had given her quite the show earlier in the day with his ex wife's cute niece, Tina, while the girl watched, pleasuring herself on the men's room counter. Needless to say, it had been a long and interesting day. The pigtailed woman had been Melvin's waitress at lunch, and here she was again, this time as Courtney's roommate.

"Actually, I'm Courtney's date tonight," Melvin said, his collar feeling tight. He pulled at it with one hand, but it didn't help much. His face burned.

"You? YOU'RE the sweet guy that looks at her with big puppy dog eyes every day at lunch? This is so wild," the girl said, placing the palm of one hand against her cheek in unbelief. After a moment, she stuck out her in hand in his direction.

"By the way, in case you didn't notice the name tag while I was fingering myself, I'm Shelly. Shelly Stone. Pleased to meet you," she said, and Melvin took her hand in a friendly shake. In a way, it seemed funny to be shaking her hand and introducing themselves like civilized adults after their earlier experience at lunch.

"Melvin MacMuffin," he said and laughed loudly. He couldn't help himself. Shelly joined him. She was right: the situation was definitely wild. Melvin knew that life was ripe with coincidence and circumstance, but this was ridiculous. Then again, why shouldn't Courtney be friends and roommates with one of her coworkers? Melvin shouldn't have been as surprised to see Shelly as he was, but still... he had to laugh at it all.

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