
Last Kiss

When the glass door of the cafe has suddenly opened, a tiny laugh of teenagers emerged from the outside. Hearing the familiar voice, Leo's head swung to look at the door.

Seeing the girl he has been admiring for years, his face went bright. His lips that were sulking the whole day curved in a smile. He almost gave up on seeing her knowing that they will close the cafe soon, but now, seeing Cassie with her friends has made his day complete.

Before going to them, Leo blew a breath on his hand to check if the garlic bread he ate as a snack stayed in his mouth, he doesn't want to smell like garlic once he talks to her.

His nose wrinkled when he realized that the garlic smell was still in there, he went to the counter and took his mouth spray from his bag.

He sprinkled it in his mouth. When he tasted the sour and disgusting liquid in his tongue, his eye swelled and looked at Alexa standing next to him. There was a smile on her face, making him believe that she exchanged his mouth spray to a perfume.

"What did you do?" he asked furiously, wide eyes were glaring at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Alexa innocently denied.

Leo narrowed his eyes, Ethan has never been in the counter and Louisa was squeezing herself on the corner since they opened after the lunchtime,

To make her confess, Leo wickedly smiled on her, his eyes were blazing as he deviously thought of Alexa's secret.

"Dear Diary," he started imitating Alexa' voice.

Before they left the Villa, he accidentally saw her diary. He was worse than a cat when it comes to curiosity, he will jump out of the plane, climb the mountain or even dive into the ocean just to satisfy his mind. So when Alexa's diary accidentally dropped on the hallway of their villa, Leo immediately opened to read it. And everything he read was Alexa's most hidden secrets.

When he saw his sister's face wrinkled in confusion, he decided to continue.

"That Aragonist boy is seriously getting on my nerves," as he stated those words, Leo made a sour expression, still, mimicking Alexa's tone.

In just a second, he could see her sister's face slowly paling in realization. He rose an eyebrow in victory, his finger pushed the cover of the mouth spray to spray it on his wrist.

Slowly, he moved his wrist to his nose and smelled the perfume. It was a sweet vanilla scent just like his mother.

He waited for his sister to react, it was as if she had turned frozen, her blanched face was staring at him.

Alexa felt as if her world has crumbled down, she can't be mistaken, the word 'Aragonist' was only existing in her diary and no one knows it, not even her mother.

Her breathing started to shake as she stared at her brother. She bit her lower lips and glared at him. Anger rushed over her body causing her iris to turn into black.

"You read my diary?" every word she spoke was deep and solemn, a vein popped out in her neck as she tried to think how much does he knows.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Leo responding, mimicking the innocent tone she had earlier.

"Fine! Yes! I'd switched it. You were acting like a dumb boy crushing over someone" Alexa admitted without a second thought.

Leo let out a sarcastic laugh and took a step forward, his head leaned closer to his sister's head and whispered, "you owe me one Alex. Now you have to do what I ask."

Alexa gasped in disbelief, never once her brother has threatened her. Ethan and Leo love her dearly that they are willing to jump off the cliff if she asked them too.

Her eyes swelled in shock. She took a step back and stared at him with painful expression across her face.

"Did you just – oh my god! Leo!" she was speechless.

And seems like Leo could not bear the pain he's seeing on his sister's face. Her eyes have turned black in pain.

He clicked his tongue once and sighed. He hates to see his sister stressing out over something.

"Fine forget it! Just don't do it again, ok?" he patted her head, soothing her.

In their previous school, he and Ethan often got into a fight for defending their sister, let it be about Alexa's eyes or Louisa's weird personality, once they heard someone mocking them, they will approach that person, verbally or physically, and let them apologize to their sisters.

And now, he felt as if he's one of the bullies in their school.

He felt pity to his sister, she had never gotten a chance to make friends in school. She's either with Louisa or them.

"So you won't blackmail me anymore?" Alexa softly asked. She has the same expression as a kid asking for candy.

Leo's eyes went soft, he nodded and patted her shoulder.


"What about my diary? Did you read everything?"

Leo bit his lips as he nodded, he suddenly felt guilty for breaking her privacy.

"I see, are you gonna tell that Aragonistic neanderthal what I'd written about him?" she sadly ask.

Leo frost for a moment, he had read everything including the words she used to describe the boy. And until now, it still puzzled him what did the boy do for Alexa to describe him in those words.


"Can you remove it in your mind?"

He was astonished by his sister request. He can shut his lips to prevent himself from sharing her secrets but, he's not a computer with a control alt delete button to erase his memory.

He uneasily scratches his head. If he knew that knowing her secrets will put him in this tight situation, he would have jabbed his eyes out to stop himself from reading her diary.

"I don't think I can delete those memory" he apologetically said.

Alexa's head lowered to the ground, her lips pouted like a duck as she sulked in distressed.

"I promise I won't say anything. Not even to mommy," he made a promise-sign with his finger and genuinely looked at her.

"Well there's one option," his sister said as she lifted her sight to look at his face.

Leo's head tilted in confusion, seeing how his sister eyes slowly turning into green, he realized that she's up to something.

In a doubtful shaky voice, he asked, "what is it?"

His sister held his hand, gripping it lightly as if she was giving him support.

His heart started to beat abnormally, he's afraid that her words will give him a heart attack.

"Maybe, we can ask mommy to replace your brain."

And hearing those words, his face went blank. He pulled his hands from her gripped and took a step back.

"I promise," he started and took her right hand.

His finger stretched her little finger and locked it using his.

"Not to tell anyone about your diary, Just don't think about changing my brain alright?"

He walked past her and decided to check on Cassie. A bitter smile plastered on his lips when he saw her chatting with a man in the same uniform as her. Based on his look, he figured that they are at the same age.

With his shoulder slumped in defeat, Leo walked towards them with a menu in his hands. Most of the girls in his previous school likes him because of his looks and his name but now, he turned into a serving-man crushing on to Cassie.

Before his body could reach Cassie's table, his sister Louisa blocks his way.

"What is it?"

His sister started writing on the paper.

'I will help you remove that boy in the picture.'

Her proposal has made him look at the boy, Cassie was talking to him but in a casual way and based on Cassie's expression, he realized that she was not enjoying his company.

"Ok, what do you want in return" he bent to level his head with his sister.

Then his sister wrote down, 'nothing, I have a plan, just go with it.'

Leo excitedly nodded, he doesn't care what Louisa will do to the boy as long as he will disappear in the picture.

After getting her brother's approval, Louisa grabbed the ketchup from one of the tables and walked towards Cassie's table.

She stood next to the boy, when he looked at her, Louisa splashed the ketchup onto his white shirt uniform.

"What are you doing," the man shouted. Cassie and her friends screeched in surprise.

Louisa casually put the ketchup down on the table and wrote down.

'I slipped. Let me help you clean it,' then she took his hand and pulled his body up.

The boy just followed her but, his face contorts into confusion when Louisa suddenly pushed him out of the cafe.

He was about to protest when Louisa flipped the open sign to close and waved a hand in the air.

"Hey open the door," the man slightly bang on the glass door but, immediately stopped when he saw Louisa holding a what seems to be a human heart. Her hand brutally squeezed it causing for it to explode, followed by a red fluid streamed down her hands as the heart smashed like a boiled potato while her lips were stretching in a frightful smile that made his skin shiver.

He felt as if he wanted to puke, the boy anxiously walked backward after seeing the girl's eyes turning from blue to black.

Watching the boy running away like a scared goat, Louisa giggled in victory.

She swiveled around to go back to her corner when her face bumped into someone's leg. Her head raised to see her mother's standing in front of her, both hands on her hips looking so fierce.

"Louisa, do not scare our customer and that mess, you are going to clean it alone," her mother furiously said.

Louisa nodded obediently. She ran to the kitchen and came back with a rug without a word.

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