
Chapter 1

The young man wakes up, his alarm clock ringing throughout his room. The room's walls were covered in a bright yellow, with all of the cupboards a creamish brown. It took a couple of minutes for the young man to open his eyes. He sighed in sadness, another day of school. Once the young man sat up he rubbed his eyes, he got up slowly to get to the bathroom.

Once he did his business and brushed his teeth, he unlocked the bathroom door, and walked out, now fully awake, he walked over to his closet, to get dressed.

After getting dressed he turned around to look over to the mirror and when he did, he saw an A4 piece of paper on the end of his bed. Surprised to see it in the place it was, he walked over to it, and slowly and quietly whispered it out loud…

Hello, Matthew.

It's mum here, I have just gone to the shops. I will be back in about 2 hours since I am going to your dad's house to come and get the last of the things from the divorce.

See you soon! :)

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, okay! It was just from mum! At least it wasn't something bad." Matthew said out loud to himself, relieved that he didn't wake up with bad news, like what happened a year ago, when his parents divorced. He then started to walk out of his bedroom, while yawning, he closed his sapphire blue eyes and ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair.

He had successfully got out of his room, when he stepped on a small piece of lego, it must have been his little sister. So, he went to check her room, but she wasn't there, he instantly ran over to his bedroom to take something to calm him down, if he didn't he would start to have a panic attack.

After, sitting down for a couple of minutes he finally composed himself, and he started to walk out of his room, and back into his sister's room, but still, no one was there.

After looking at every space there was in the room, he finally gave up and guessed that she was in the lounge room watching TV. As Matthew continued to walk to the kitchen, he accidentally fell down the stairs that lead to the rest of the house.

Hitting his head on the floor, he groaned in pain, waiting for his sister to come and help, but no help came. He slowly sat up, still in a lot of pain and expecting someone to hel5p, he rubbed his forehead and opened his eyes, and he slowly stood up, he looked up at the roof, questioning his life, and why he was still at home, he was in uni, and still living at home, it wasn't right.

As he zoned out, he was still staring up at the roof. His train of thought wandered off, thinking about the most random things, like dogs he has had in the past, or why did his mum and dad move from China to America.

After a long time of being zoned out, he smelt smoke. This took him out of his zone, which made him alert, and he started to panic. He jumped up from the spot and ran all over the house to try and find a phone to call 911. He was going to call the fire-fighters, to save him. By the time he found a phone, the house was already covered in smoke, and he could barely see the numbers on his phone.

The person that was on the phone, told him to calm down, but he just couldn't. He was too scared and his tablets weren't strong enough to get him through this time. So, he ran upstairs, back to his bedroom to take some more tablets.

He put the wafers under his tongue hoping that it would calm him down, and he swallowed so loud that even the 911 operator could hear him swallow. The 911 operator spoke loudly to Matthew, in hopes that he would hear it. Luckily she did, but she could only barely hear him.

He screamed out for help, in the hope that someone would hear him other than the 911 operator that was trying to calm him down, but he couldn't hear her due to his incredibly loud screaming, in a desperate attempt to save himself; his fight or flight response came into play.

He dropped the phone and quickly grabbed all of his stuff that he needed to survive, that was in his bedroom, and ran over to his bedroom window and opened it. He looked down to the ground that was about 10-20 meters down from his current position but he didn't have any time to second-guess himself, and he jumped without a second thought.

He landed on the ground screaming out in pain, he probably hurt both of his ankles a decent amount, but not enough to stop walking or go to the hospital. He then heard sirens, the tablets he had earlier started to have an opposite react on him. He went into the forest that he lives right next to, and once he was about 50 m away, he looked back, to see a massive pile of flames and smoke. He was lucky he made the decision he did, if he didn't he would probably be dead by now, not probably, he would positively dead by now.

He's tablets then took an even stronger turn to the opposite side, all of a sudden he was really active, he didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't worried at all, and what his brain told him under the influence of medication, was to run further into the forest before you get killed. So, he did.

As he ran further and further into the forest, his medication started to ease off, but by the time his tablets had a completely worn off, he was too deep into the forest to even remember what happened, let alone get out.

Matthew then started to panic, he didn't know what on earth to do and how he would survive to live in this forest. All he knew about survival was you had to have water, and food to survive in any situation in the world.

He walked forwards, knowing that he wouldn't have any hope of getting out of the forest, not knowing how many turns he had made from his home and, throughout the forest.

He looked up after a while of walking, not even seeing the sky, due to it being covered by the treetops. He looked back down and rubbed his eyes because he was starting to get tired from all of the walking he had just done, and the running he did when the medication controlled his actions.

He couldn't tell if it was day or night other than the few areas that had sunlight going through the tiny bits of the areas that the tree-tops didn't cover. From this information, she could judge that it was nearly sunset, even though he was exhausted, he had to stay up to keep his sleep cycle correct.

He continues to walk slowly, to try to keep any last bit of energy he had left. He knew that today or tomorrow, he would have to get some food and water.

He continues to walk around for another hour or so until it was about 7 p.m. This is an appropriate time to go to sleep, but It wasn't his normal bedtime, his normal bedtime was about 10:30 p.m. He looked around the forest, trying to find anything that he could use to make a bed. It took him awhile to find anything, but eventually, he found a large pile of leaves that he could lay down on. He looked down at the pile of leaves, and he organised them so that would be in the correct position to support his body.

Once he had finished organising the leaves, he dug a small hole next to it so he would remember where it was, he also marked a tree right next to his makeshift bed, he looked around once again for anything that could make it he's makeshift bed has a roof on top of it.

He walked around with no hope of finding the thing that she was hoping to find, a shelter for his makeshift bed.

Matthew walked for hours trying to find anything that could indicate that there was something there to make his makeshift bed safer to be in, and all he has found is a whole bunch of sticks and a couple of bits of metal.

As he continued to walk he was already half asleep, but he couldn't stop walking, and if he stopped, he would pass out, and he had to get back to his bed, otherwise, he would have no clue where he was in the morning.

When Matthew was just about to give up, she saw something shining, that looks like a diamond but it wasn't, maybe it was just his eyes playing up, but he ran over to it, excited, but cautious at the same time.

Once Matthew got over to that shining object, he discovered that it was a golden watch, on top of a massive stick that could protect him from the rain. He dropped all the stuff that he was holding, and start jumping up and down excited about what he had just discovered. He went down to pick it up when he heard a massive growl coming from a small cluster of trees bound together by a rope.

Matthew got in a state of defence, and his fight-or-flight instincts started to come into play again. His blood started pumping through his veins faster, His heart started to beat faster, and his body tensed up.

The big monster than emerged, Matthew was petrified but he had to stay strong in order to get out of the forest, in order to survive the night. The monster that came out is about 7 ft tall and was about 10 feet wide. He looked up and down, trying to get a view where he could see the whole monster, but it was just so big that it was impossible to get the whole monster in his vision all at once. A sword then magically appears in his right hand, and all of his energy came back to him. He looked shocked but he went along with it anyway.

He got himself in position, just at the correct time. The monster was just about to attack, when Matthew brought his sword up, somehow knowing that the monster would attack him. The monster drew back. Hatred burned in his eyes, the monster ran over, a red aura surrounding it. Matthew was visibly shocked, he didn't believe in all that kind of stuff. He stood there blinking, but not zoned out. He knew what was going on around him. He knew that the monster was about to attack him, he could hear the birds that were still left chirping, all speaking a different language to Matthew, but he could only keep his attention to the birds for a couple of seconds before he had to dodge the monster's next attack.

He quickly ran over to the monster while it was stunned from his defence, and slashed him in his thigh. Cutting it open, blood spreads out onto the monster's leg. He cries in pain, and looks at Matthew with a mighty glare, Matthew stares right at the monster, but filled with fear inside, he runs right up to the monster again and slashed him in the stomach. The monster cries out again…

Then the monster evaporates into thin air…

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