

" so what happen yesterday ? " Professor Dumbledore ask.

Allan let out a sigh, Professor Dumbledore sigh too.

" just so you know, trace that can be connected to you is left there, and with how the situation is.. " he doesn't have to continue that line because he know that Allan will realize what his meaning is.

" well it's like this.." he tell only a part of the story how he want to hunt the Basilisk, and what he want to do with it, he doesn't involve any other people in his story, there is only him.

Professor Dumbledore nod " it's a good plan, but Allan I have no choise but to forbid you to actively search for it " meaning he forbid Allan to roam in the night.

Allan think about it a little and nid, Professor Dumbledore also nod then he let tell him to go.

Allan get out and go toward the hall he don't mind much of what Professor Dumbledore say to him after all, students is forbidden to roam the castle at night and he as a Professor just reminding him that fact.

Different from usual he only take a apple and eat it on the way to the next class potion.

The class is theorical, he do it with excellent mark.

With the potion as the last class he go toward his room immediately but on the way Professor McGonagall is calling him.

" Allan can you please come with me ? " her expression is filled with question, he feel there will be a problem but of course he nod.

Professor McGonagall beckon to Allan to follow her, he follow her to the headmaster office.

The headmaster Professor Dumbledore was there with someone that he know and that someone is famous throughout the wizarding world.

"ah Allan the minister is waiting for your audience, thank you Professor McGonagall you can go back now " Allan nod at Professor Dumbledore then Professor McGonagall exit the room.

" ah Allan I want to talk a few thing with you, I just want to confirm something do you mind ? " Allan shook his head indicating he don't mind.

" well then, the first question, I believe you know what happen in the library yesterday yes ? " Cornelius ask his first question, and Allan nod.

Cornelius nod " the second question, do you responsible for what happen that night ? " Allan nod it's true, he was the one that injured the Basilisk and make it turn the library into a mess and he doesn't see the benefit at lying.

" the third and last question, do you hold responsibilities for recent incident that happen here ? " Allan shook his head, then Cornelius nod with a smile.

" seems like you are not lying okay then I have confirm it myself, thank you Allan " Allan nod.

" no problem " Allan say, then Cornelius excuse himself.

" thank you Professor Dumbledore now excuse me " he then exit the room.

" that was close for you " Professor Dumbledore say, Allan turn his gaze to Professor Dumbledore.

" me close to what ? " Allan ask, Professor Dumbledore then sigh.

" you to Azkaban " with that word Allan can connect everything.

" so what, I'm not the one who's doing it " he smile, Professor Dumbledore too nod.

" and I believe Professors will object if you was taken to Azkaban " he laugh.

Allan too laugh, seeing there are no more matter he excuse himself and go toward his room.

' what a simple questioning that only require me to answer it truthfully ' he laugh.

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