
Brunch (90)

Sunday morning Babs got up and was waiting for David.

At nine sharp the door bell rang. Babs said good bye to Betty and Bert and left.

"I'm glad you agreed." David said.

They ordered brunch Smoked salmon and egg salad on a toasted baguette. David had a mimosa and he ordered her just plain Orange Juice.

As they were leaving David ran into his half brother.

Babs froze.

"Babs this is my little brother Neil. Neil this is..."

"What are you pulling Babs. Leave my family alone." Neil said.

"How are you brothers?" Babs said looking at David.

"Neil and I have the same mother but different fathers. What is going on?" David asked.

"Take me home now."

"Don't believe anything she says. She sleeps with anyone then will try to pin a baby on you." Neil said.

"He is the Neil?" David asked.

"Forget it. I'll call a cab." She then ran out.

David stood there stunned for a moment then heard Neil say, "She is nothing but a slut. You dodged a bullet today."

"I can't believe you. She is having your child and you can joke like that." David said.

He then tried to follow Babs out but just as he got to the entrance he watched her get into a cab and drive off.

He then tried to call but she would not pick up. So he sent a text.

[Sorry about that. Please talk to me.] David

[I think it is best not to. Tell your brother I won't bother him about the baby. As for us lets just part] Babs

[😿 That would make me sad. Please talk to me] David

[Good bye] Babs

[I'm coming over] [The message can not be sent the user has blocked this number]

'I'm going to kill my brother'


Bella and Zane spent the morning in the pool. In the afternoon he read to her in the rose room.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ RUMPELSTILTSKIN cont.

When the maiden was left alone, the Dwarf again appeared and asked, for the third time, "What will you give me to do this for you?"

"I have nothing left that I can give you," replied the maiden.

"Then promise me your first-born child if you become Queen," said he.

The Miller's daughter thought, "Who can tell if that will ever happen?" and, ignorant how else to help herself out of her trouble, she promised the Dwarf what he desired; and he immediately set about and finished the spinning.

When morning came, and the King found all he had wished for done, he celebrated his wedding, and the Miller's fair daughter became Queen. The gay times she had at the King's Court caused her to forget that she had made a very foolish promise.

About a year after the marriage, when she had ceased to think about the little Dwarf, she brought a fine child into the world; and, suddenly, soon after its birth, the very man appeared and demanded what she had promised.

The frightened Queen offered him all the riches of the kingdom if he would leave her her child; but the Dwarf answered, "No; something human is dearer to me than all the wealth of the world."

The Queen began to weep and groan so much that the Dwarf pitied her, and said, "I will leave you three days to consider; if you in that time discover my name you shall keep your child."

All night long the Queen racked her brains for all the names she could think of, and sent a messenger through the country to collect far and wide any new names.

The following morning came the Dwarf, and she began with "Caspar," "Melchior," "Balthassar," and all the odd names she knew; but at each the little Man exclaimed, "That is not my name."

The second day the Queen inquired of all her people for uncommon and curious names, and called the Dwarf "Ribs-of-Beef," "Sheep-shank," "Whalebone," but at each he said, "This is not my name."

The third day the messenger came back and said, "I have not found a single name; but as I came to a high mountain near the edge of a forest, where foxes and hares say good night to each other, I saw there a little house, and before the door a fire was burning, and round this fire a very curious little Man was dancing on one leg, and shouting: "'To-day I stew, and then I'll bake, To-morrow I shall the Queen's child take; Ah! how famous it is that nobody knows That my name is Rumpelstiltskin.'"

When the Queen heard this she was very glad, for now she knew the name; and soon after came the Dwarf, and asked, "Now, my lady Queen, what is my name?"

First she said, "Are you called Conrade?"


"Are you called Hal?"


"Are you called Rumpelstiltskin?"

"A witch has told you! a witch has told you!" shrieked the little Man, and stamped his right foot so hard in the ground with rage that he could not draw it out again.

Then he took hold of his left leg with both his hands, and pulled away so hard that his right came off in the struggle, and he hopped away howling terribly. And from that day to this the Queen has heard no more of her troublesome visitor.


Babs came home crying. She knew that she had done many bad things in her young life but for once was looking forward to dating a decent guy. She never thought anything would really come out of dating David but she wanted to be the fairy princess instead of the evil step sister for once in her life.

She made her way to her room to take a nap. But as she lay there the tears would not stop.

'Why do people believe the worst about her.' She knew the rumor about her and she had never tried to correct it. She may of been a partyer but she did not sleep around. When she got drunk that night with Neil she really believed he liked her.


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