
Bella's Bloody Book (44)

The King, however, would not yet deliver over the promised reward, and made a third demand, that, before the marriage, the Tailor should capture a wild boar which did much damage, and he should have the huntsmen to help him.

"With pleasure," was the reply; "it is a mere nothing."

The huntsmen, however, he left behind, to their great joy, for this wild boar had already so often hunted them, that they saw no fun in now hunting it.

As soon as the boar perceived the Tailor, it ran at him with gaping mouth and glistening teeth, and tried to throw him down on the ground; but our flying hero sprang into a little chapel which stood near, and out again at a window, on the other side, in a moment. The boar ran after him, but he, skipping around, closed the door behind it, and there the furious beast was caught, for it was much too unwieldy and heavy to jump out of the window.

The Tailor now ordered the huntsmen up, that they might see his prisoner with their own eyes; but our hero presented himself before the King, who was obliged at last, whether he would or no, to keep his word, and surrender his daughter and the half of his kingdom.

If he had known that it was no warrior, but only a Tailor, who stood before him, it would have grieved him still more.

So the wedding was celebrated with great magnificence, though with little rejoicing, and out of a Tailor there was made a King.

A short time afterwards the young Queen heard her husband talking in his sleep, saying, "Boy, make me a coat, and then stitch up these trowsers, or I will lay the yard-measure over your shoulders!"

Then she understood of what condition her husband was, and complained in the morning to her father, and begged he would free her from her husband, who was nothing more than a tailor.

The King comforted her by saying, "This night leave your chamber-door open: my servants shall stand outside, and when he is asleep they shall come in, bind him, and carry him away to a ship, which shall take him out into the wide world."

The wife was pleased with the proposal; but the King's armor-bearer, who had overheard all, went to the young King and revealed the whole plot.

"I will soon put an end to this affair," said the valiant little Tailor.


Zane woke up in a private room. He hurt all over. One of his men came in.

"Where is Bella?" Zane asked.

"Who?" The man asked.

"The girl I was with where is she?" Zane demanded.

"You mean your fiancée. She is out side. I'm sorry I did not know her name." The man apologize.

"Please send her in, I need to make sure she is all right."

"Yes Sir, right away"

Zane breathed a sigh of relief until Heather Thornton walked in.

His blood started to boil, "Where is Bella?"

"The little crazy thing. Last I seen she was reading her childish book. Don't worry darling I'll take good care of you now." Heather said with a smirk.


The gaurds scramble. Heather went wide eye, 'What did he see in that crazy bitch, why did he not let the bike hit and kill her.'

When the gaurds made it back to the park Bella was still sitting there. The incident happened 6 hour ago and she was still covered in blood.

There were a few people trying to talk to her.

"We call the police, she won't say a word but we don't think the blood his hers?" Said a woman.

"No Mrs. the blood is her fiancé, he was in an accident and she was accidentally left behind. We'll take it from here." The gaurd said.

"Bella, Master Zane is asking for you, Can you come with me?" He said as if talking to a child.

Bella looked up, she smiled and stood taking his hand and he lead her to the car.

When they got back to the hospital Zane coaxed her into the shower and put some qfresh hospital cloths on.

She curled up carefully next to him and read.


In the evening at their usual time they went to bed, and when his wife thought he slept she got up, opened the door, and laid herself down again.

The Tailor, however, only pretended to be asleep, and began to call out in a loud voice, "Boy, make me a coat, and then stitch up these trowsers, or I will lay the yard-measure about your shoulders.

Seven have I slain with one blow, two Giants have I killed, a unicorn have I led captive, and a wild boar have I caught, and shall I be afraid of those who stand outside my room?"

When the men heard these words spoken by the Tailor, a great fear came over them, and they ran away as if wild huntsmen were following them; neither afterwards dared any man venture to oppose him.

Thus the Tailor became a King, and so he lived for the rest of his life.


It did not take long for the day to pull Bella into sleep next to her Beast.

He would have to make sure everyone he deals with know who this little lady is. He was in some pain but would endure anything for his beauty.

He picked up her book. Bloody hand and finger prints were seen.

He got his phone and looked up the book on line and ordered a new one. There he also found a pretty blue rose book mark so he ordered it also.

He put it as over night shipping so she would not have to be reminded of this horrible night.

He would do anything to keep her safe and make her happy. For she was the only one to bring emotions other then rage and anger. She was his love and laughter.


IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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